Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 243 Post-War Inventory

"Ah, the champagne after a victory in the war is always so sweet!"

Back at the hotel, Carrie was sticking her butt out at the counter looking for dessert, while Kausu was lying leisurely on the sofa with a wine glass in his hand, listening to the animated discussion among the superheroes.

"Those little guys still have too little experience!" The first person to speak was the old-fashioned Punisher. He frowned, "The sloppiness at the beginning can be forgiven, but as the battle continues, they should have become more and more... That's right! But when the dark elves retreated, their formation was completely scattered - their casualties in the pursuit battle even exceeded the previous stalemate stage. If Stephanie hadn't pulled a few behind, there would have been at least six of them. Eight people will die in the pursuit!”

"Next, I will take them to Afghanistan!" Erica nodded and acknowledged Frank's statement, "Let them be mercenaries for a period of time. I have the connections in this regard!"

"This is a good idea!" Elsa also learned Frank's bad habit of wiping equipment. She wiped her long-handled shotgun little by little with a towel. "On this point, I also feel that I lack the skills to fight in a large army. If you cooperate with me, I will go with you."

Tony Stark fell into an inexplicable excitement. Although he had already participated in the First Battle of New York and the battle of the Ten Rings Gang, this supernatural battle made his blood boil. "I now understand why the exam... Wusi always thinks that I am too weak. That guy's fighting skills are an eye-opener for me. I have recorded them all. Next time I will reduce the use of cannons and missiles as much as possible, and use lightsabers and nano shields. Or a hammer to fight.”

"Do I have any questions?" Bruce Banner raised his hand weakly.

"You have a lot of problems!" Tony Stark, who has begun to gradually transform, said with a venomous tongue, "From the first time I saw the Hulk fighting, it was just his fists and body, and now he has been fighting for so long, Hulk is still using his fists. This is not how it should be, Bruce, you have to try to convince him to use techniques!"

Once upon a time, Iron Man, who always believed in high-tech weapons, actually learned "skills"?

"But... once Hulk gets angry, he only knows how to smash things!" Banner explained weakly.

"How about putting a hammer or ax in his hand next time?"

"What a great idea!" Banner's eyes suddenly lit up.

"... In short, the combat experience of the little guys needs to be further improved. The next step is to let them learn to fight in small teams. For example, the cooperation of a five-person team, who is in front, who is behind, who is responsible for support, who is responsible for protection. These It all requires a lot of actual combat." Frank spoke more than ever, perhaps because this battle reminded him of his past war career, which made him look more energetic than usual.

Stephanie on the side quickly recorded, then she closed the notebook, nodded and replied: "Okay, I'm going to the warehouse to let the children calm down. Do any of you want to go with me?"

"Elsa and I will go!" Erica raised her hand.

"I'll go too!" Tony Stark never misses an opportunity to show off. After all, he stole the show in this battle. At least 200 dark elves died under his hands, and the leader Malekith was beaten to an extremely embarrassing state by him for a long time.

"Although they do have problems of one kind or another, the winner should get the honor!" Stark said enthusiastically, "In addition to preaching and punishment, I think they should be given some rewards!"

"Don't use money!" Erica reminded, "Don't use money to completely corrode the belief system we have finally established in advance - this is not what a sect should face!"

"I know, I know!" Stark thought for a moment, "How about hosting a victory party for them? Of course, I will never invite a model or celebrity..."

Elsa had an idea, she said: "Let Claire Vaillant participate, she has enough experience!"

Banner didn't want to join in the fun, but Iron Man refused to let him go. Fighting hand-to-hand with the cursed warriors throughout, the Hulk looked inconspicuous on the battlefield. So even though Banner didn't intend to go to the dock, Stark dragged him out.

"Can Frank come along?" Stephanie asked, tilting her head.

"I'm not good at dealing with those children..." Frank was a little moved, but he quickly shook his head, "They are priests, not soldiers. My education method is not suitable for them. Maybe you are better suited to explain these principles to them. .”

"I have to go back to the factory!" Frank poured the last bit of wine from the bottle into his mouth and stood up unsteadily, "Call me next time if something like this happens, I still have a good impression of this kind of war! "

As Frank left, Erica and others also walked out with a crash, leaving only Carrie and Belial in the hotel.

"How does it feel to eat an entire planet?" Kausi looked at Carrie who was having dessert after dinner with a smile, "How long has it been since you ate an entire planet?"

"It's great!" Jiali, whose cheeks were stuffed with cakes, said vaguely and gave a thumbs up, "I haven't eaten such delicious food in at least ten thousand years...the kind that is rich in energy. It feels, like, a filling feeling when you bite into it, like a big, juicy cut of meat—second only to the BBQ Hellhound, I’m serious!”

Poor Walter Alheim, after being eaten by Tunmei, he actually received a rating that was not as good as a dog.

Belial had already collapsed on the sofa with laughter. She nodded seriously, "Jiamu and Dier will be very pleased if they know your evaluation. This is the highest evaluation of the three-headed hell dog in history!"

"Okay, to celebrate, our dinner tonight will be a barbecue three-headed dog!" Kausu said decisively, "Does anyone have any other opinions?"

"No!" Carrie and Belliyar answered almost in unison.

Just when everyone was immersed in the joy of victory, Nick Fury felt that he was in trouble.

Since the Battle of New York, the Insight Project was activated again. As the slow but determined manufacturing progress of the three aerospace aircraft carriers continued, a strange USB flash drive was delivered to Hei Lu Dan.

"My permissions cannot be read?" He thought for a moment and asked the black widow next to him, "Where did you get this document?"

"Lemurian rescue mission." Natasha answered quickly.

This is a SHIELD satellite launch ship. A group of pirates hijacked the ship. Black Widow defeated the pirates, rescued the hostages, and found a mysterious document from the ship.

"Okay then!" Hei Lu Dan nodded, "Maybe this USB flash drive is damaged. You should go out first. I have to find an expert to repair it..."

He didn't think much about it. After Pierce committed suicide, he carried out a purge of the entire SHIELD. At present, he is basically satisfied with the current situation of SHIELD.

So when Hei Lu Dan was driving to a base and was surrounded by several police cars, his first thought was:

"Damn it! Who did I offend?"

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