Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 245 The plot that was eliminated

James Barnes, nicknamed Bucky, or Barky for short.

He was Captain America's closest comrade-in-arms and his most solid support during World War II. And his skills are quite good, and he can skillfully use various weapons.

If things continue like this, even if he died in action at the end of World War II, he would become an important figure in the military museum and an outstanding martyr in the history of the US military.

But unfortunately, he fell into a deep ravine during a military operation and was picked up by the Hydra organization stationed in the Soviet Union. Dr. Zola brainwashed and controlled him and installed a new metal arm for his broken arm. Become the important weapon "Winter Soldier" of the Hydra organization.

It seemed to Coius that at that moment, Sergeant Barnes was dead. Even the Winter Soldier, who later recovered his memory, is no longer the soldier who fulfilled his duty.

Hollywood blockbusters and a certain bald sect from ancient Asan have a similar point of view, which Kaus has always scorned, that is, "put down the butcher knife and become... a good person immediately."

Together with me, I killed countless people, and suddenly one day I had a great enlightenment, and then all my previous debts were wiped out?

Baji killed so many people when he was a killer, and then just "brainwashed" him and it was all over? What is the difference between this and a psychotic murderer who is not illegal?

Of course, the people Baji killed were all Western political and business giants, and they had nothing to do with Kaous. But when it comes to the huge conflict between Iron Man and Captain America, Cowus can't ignore it - after all, Iron Man has been cultivated for so long, not to be consumed in the civil war; and Captain America is also in Cowus' mind. A strategic commander second only to Uncle Punishment, he will be useful in fighting Thanos in the future.

So after Steve Rogers checked into the Mulgore Inn last time, he had already decided that Baji must die! You can kill anyone, but you can’t die in the hands of Tony Stark!

The moment he discovered Bar Chi, he immediately confirmed that neither Iron Man nor Captain America was at the scene, and then smashed Bar Chi to death with a clean hammer. In order to avoid possible trouble, he even immediately set off a fire at the moment he smashed Bar Chi to death. The flames of hell burned the corpse completely.

As for those Hydras... there is no need to keep them, anyway, they are either Zemo's side or Strucker's men. Hydra is dead and not dead. Even if old Malik provides all the information, SHIELD will not be able to deal with so many intricate underground forces for a while.

Of course, at this time, the Hydra members didn’t know that Kausi was already murderous. A man with a microphone was still trying to control the situation, "Put down your weapons! We are the New York police. If you don't stop, we will shoot." Shot..."

"New York police?" Kausi ignored the black muzzle of the gun and slowly walked towards the police with a hammer in his hand. He couldn't help but sneer, "A group of guys wearing police skins dare to go to Hell's Kitchen." make trouble?"


This Hydra group is completely confused. What happened to the police? Are police officers fourth-class citizens in Hell's Kitchen? Listening to this guy's tone, why do you feel that the New York police, one of the state's violent machines that represent fairness and justice, are actually the villains?

But what confused them even more was what was happening behind them. The nearby residents who were offended by the riot not only showed no sign of fear, but cursed and opened their windows and threw grenades downwards. Some people yelled: "Get out of Hell's Kitchen." Police are not welcome here!"

When a rocket launcher exploded in front of a police vehicle, these Hydras pretending to be police officers finally panicked. They saw more and more machine guns set up in the windows. In extreme panic, they wanted to drive away from here, but they bumped into each other in a panic, and the scene was chaotic.

"When you come to Hell's Kitchen again in the next life, you will either bring an army of five hundred people, or you will just treat yourself as a tourist!"

"Of course, you will have no chance in this life..."

Cauvus didn't even bother to use the orange hammer. He took back the hammer and snapped his fingers. Countless lightning struck down like running water, and most of the Hydra members were blown to death by the exploding vehicles. Those Hydras who had no cover and fled in all directions were directly electrocuted into a ball of coke by the powerful current.

After doing all this, he took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Gerald? This is Kausu. There is some garbage at the door of the hotel that needs to be recycled and cleaned up..."

Perhaps no one remembers this guy named Gerard Butler. He is a former underground boxer nicknamed "Black Hand" and the leader of the KK Gang. He is a very clever gang leader. Arms, drugs, and style shops are not the industries he is involved in. Instead, he thrives in industries that others do not pay attention to, so he is often despised by those super gangs.

Yes, his most profitable business is a garbage recycling company, which collects garbage at a cost close to that of scrap iron and sells it at second-hand prices - in recent years, he has been selling some kind of garbage to the other side of the Pacific Ocean. The garbage, whose scientific name is "lithography machine", is said to make a lot of money.

"Yes, a few vehicles that were blown into scrap metal, some old weapons, maybe some ammunition, and some old ones... well, you can just collect them anyway! By the way, what is the recent purchase price of scrap metal? Come on? 40 cents per kilogram? OK, deal..."

So when Captain America drove his handsome motorcycle to the door of the hotel, he looked puzzled at the gangster who collected rags picking at the battlefield, and then asked curiously: "Hell's Kitchen?" Has the scrap collection station recently opened door-to-door recycling services?”

"Yeah, that guy Gerald is very smart. He just bought a dozen intact APC-9 submachine guns for only ten dollars. It was a hugely profitable deal..."

"Hey, Kaus, are you sure you want to sell this thing?" Gerard Butler, who came to the scene in person, came over holding a bright silver metal arm, "This thing looks very high-tech. "

"Sell!" Kausi felt a sudden thought, but waved his hand calmly on his face, "Sell everything, don't skimp on me - remember to take away all the corpses!"

"Cleaning up the site is a service provided by our KK Recycling Company. We guarantee your satisfaction!"

Captain America watched curiously as the gangsters quickly began to touch the corpse, taking away everything of value - even the blood-stained police clothes, and then threw the stripped body into the compartment of the truck. He couldn't help but frown and asked: "Isn't this the New York police uniform? Did you do it?"

"What police? It's just a group of Hydras..." Kausi laughed and pointed at Nick Fury who climbed out of the car seat with difficulty, "You can ask this guy about the specific situation!"

"Okay! Let me explain all this!" Black Braised Dan stood up straight, "I think we can sit down and have a drink, and then talk slowly-"

Captain America nodded and followed Nick Fury into the hotel.

Just when he turned around, a battered corpse with one arm missing was carried by gangsters and passed behind Steve Rogers, and then was thrown into the transport with force. Corpse truck.

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