Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 246 Specialization in the art industry

"That's the situation. Mr. Malik handed me a complete Hydra profile, so now we're stretched thin."

Nick Fury showed off his cards. He told the American team, "Relying on one SHIELD manpower to fight several Hydra forces at the same time? Although I was full of anger, my reason told me that this was completely impossible, so I pushed the World Security Council Accelerating the advancement of the insight plan.”

"It wasn't until Natasha got a USB flash drive from Lemuria that I couldn't read that I realized something was wrong..."

"Lemuria rescue mission?" Steve was stunned for a moment, "I also participated in this mission, which means that Natasha and I only know part of the mission? Mr. Director, this is not a good thing. The idea is that I simply cannot command the overall situation.”

"Trust me, Steve, it's about safety!"

Captain America did not intend to dwell on this issue. He stared at Nick Fury, "So, what exactly is the 'Insight Project'?"

"A defense system with three aerospace aircraft carriers as the core!" Hei Lu Dan explained, "To put it simply, it can kill crimes before they are committed. Through satellite detection and big data collection and analysis, This system can accurately predict everyone’s future and kill all targeted targets in just a few minutes.”

"That's pure bullshit!" Cauvus, who was idle nearby, made an accurate assessment.

Black Braised Egg turned his head and stared at Kavus.

"Don't look at me with such tragic eyes. Why don't you use your not-so-smart mind to think about it, who first proposed the concept of this thing? And then who is presiding over the development? Its Who is the provider of the core algorithm? Isn’t the Lemuria the base ship for the Insight Plan to launch satellites? Why can’t its program control system even be read by you, who has level ten authority?”

Steve Rogers also noticed the problem, and now it's the two men's turn to stare at Nick Fury together.

"It's Alexander..." Although he had already guessed in his mind, an unnatural look flashed across Hei Lu Dan's face, "Okay, maybe this thing is defective, but I don't think the weapon itself is wrong, it's just that it's wrong I ignored that someone would ruin this plan!”

"So this is the reason why you are being hunted now. Look at how embarrassed you are. You should be responsible for this!" Kausi smiled and mocked the black braised eggs. "If you have this time, why not make a good plan on how to deal with those people?" Hydra.”

"Kausi is right! We can't pin our hopes on a few special weapons. The most important thing is to see who is doing these things!" Although the American team did not explicitly accuse Black Braised Egg, his tone sounded like Very seriously, "It's not too late now, Nick, you have to make the right decision!"

While Belliyar and Carrie were still eating barbecue, the hotel lobby suddenly became quiet. The three men drinking at the counter all turned their heads and looked in the direction of the TV.

"Due to being accused of treason, the wanted criminal Nick Fury has absconded. Anyone who knows his whereabouts..."

Kaus whistled happily.

"It seems you messed everything up!" Captain Rogers shrugged, "If I arrest you and go to jail now, will I get a reward?"

"It seems..." Nick Fury smiled helplessly and took out the unreadable USB flash drive from his pocket, "We have to find someone to help."

"Just ask me, I guarantee you'll be satisfied!" Kausi poked his butt and rummaged through the counter and took out a tablet. "This is something I snatched from London. It's very useful!"

After turning on the computer, plugging in the USB flash drive, and looking at the familiar Stark Industries LOGO screen, Kaus asked with some surprise: "Jarvis, when did you modify the program screen?"

"Ah, because I have to emphasize copyright..." A metallic voice came from the tablet, "Do you need to crack this USB flash drive? I think it only takes a few seconds - okay, you now The contents can be accessed."

All three heads were in front of the tablet, and Nick Fury said mockingly, "Tony Stark can crack the program faster than I can draw a gun."

The three people stared at each other for a while, and then they were all silent.

——Because they can’t understand.

"Can this data be presented in a way that we can understand?" Kausi discussed with Jarvis, "I can understand every letter and Arabic numeral, but when they are connected together, it makes me a little confused. "

"Ah, sorry, it was my mistake!"

The data filling the screen began to flow, and then a clear map was displayed.

"New Jersey!" Nick Fury finally recognized it. "What does this mean?"

"This is a control program, and the source of the control signal comes from this place... As for what this program can control, Mr. Nick Fury, I believe you know better than me!"

"The control terminal should be at..."

"It should be in your hands, right? But the opposite is true. The real controller is here!"

"Okay, okay, let's not argue about this issue!" Kausu knocked on the tablet, "Ask Tony Stark if he is interested in the Zola algorithm? If not, destroy it! "

"In fact, when I cracked this USB flash drive, I already informed Tony!" Jarvis's voice seemed a little weird, and then suddenly turned into Tony Stark's voice the next moment.

"Hey, Cous, it's the great Tony Stark here!"

"I have just hacked into the core program of the guy named Zola, and then read it roughly, and came to my own conclusion: This is a small thing that was useful fifty years ago, but it is now outdated. But some of its intelligent control programs are quite interesting. I think you can't always steal my Jarvis. If you need it, I can make some simple modifications to it and give it to you as a gift..."

Kausi shrugged and looked at the confused Black Braised Egg.

"What am I talking about? There are specialties in the art industry, and you have to listen to the opinions of experts in everything you do!"

Black Braised Egg's face was calm, "Can you give it to me? I think this thing is very useful to me, and I can give a suitable price."

"Sell it to him!" Kausi nodded. "Nick Fury has been dealing with Hydra all his life. I am very interested in seeing him using a Hydra from the last century to work for him!"

"Oh, this is really a good idea!" Stark said in a mocking tone, "But why don't we go and see what else can be used in that base? I think the database there will be very big. interesting……"

Nick Fury was stunned for a moment, and then his one eye suddenly lit up.

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