Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 271 The first intimate contact

It took 8 days and 3 hours for humans to go to the moon for the first time, and 200 days to go to Mars.

The Pluto probe "New Horizons", with a maximum speed of more than 21.2 kilometers/second, set off in 2006. It was not until 2015 that it crossed 6 billion kilometers and flew by Pluto for the first time. By this time, it had been flying in the universe. for 11 and a half years.

It only took Kaus ten days to fly one light-year away. If calculated based on the distance from the earth, the spacecraft has already flown out of the solar system at this time.

The spaceship flew smoothly and quickly. The Valkyries skillfully operated the spacecraft and made real-time monitoring and adjustments, while the two genius academics spent all day and night studying everything. Frank and Kingpin each held their personal terminals to study the civilization information and war notes recorded in the spacecraft computer - the cosmic interpreter did not have an English library, but this was not difficult for Jarvis.

"The strongest technological empire in Andromeda is the Skrulls. In addition to their powerful technological strength, they can also transform into other creatures." Hela sat next to Kausi with a wine glass and introduced, "But this The empire is not very friendly, so we have to avoid them and look for new civilizations to inspect and trade with."

Kaus stared at the porthole of the command center - there was only darkness. Only the star map on the projection kept changing its position, and a flickering light point was moving.

After entering the stage of super-light travel, matter will disappear in all wavelength bands. No matter it is visible light, ultraviolet light or infrared light, it cannot be seen with the naked eye. This is because the red and blue shifts are too severe, causing the light to move out of the detectable frequency. The spacecraft can only be accurately positioned by detecting the degree of distortion in space.

"In addition to the curvature flight of the super-light spacecraft itself, the universe is full of large and small folds, and these folds are naturally occurring jump points."

"Fortunately, this spaceship comes from a well-known group of interstellar pirates, so its star map is richer than I imagined." Hela stood up, twisted her graceful waist and walked to the projection table In front of him, his slender fingers pointed on the three-dimensional star map, "There is a turning point in the four-light hour ahead, and then we will arrive here..."

"What is this place?" Kausu asked curiously, looking at the mark on the star map.

"A trading market!"

When the spacecraft passed through the jump point and exited the warp flight and adopted cruising speed, Cauus suddenly heard strong information interference in the communication equipment, and then under the adjustment of the Valkyrie Orlun, who was responsible for communication, it gradually showed Rhythmic signals.

"Listen to it?" With Hela's encouragement, Kaus put on the headphones, and then a translated voice came to his ears.

"Want to obtain technology beyond your current level? Do you want to fully develop technology? Do you want to obtain more unique items? As long as you are willing to pay the corresponding credits, you will be able to get anything you want from here! Ha! The Tucker Interstellar Market opened by Moss Civilization welcomes you..."

"This is..." After listening to it three times, Kausu finally determined what it was.


"Yes!" Hela also picked up the headphones and listened for a while. "This is a trading market opened by a certain technological civilization in Andromeda. According to the star map coordinates, we have reached the outskirts of the market one light-year away."

Through the porthole, you can already see a not too big star ahead.

It was a stable star in its middle age, with a volume, mass and age not much different from that of the Sun. Surrounding this star are four large planets, two medium planets, one of which is rocky - this is where Tucker Market is located.

When the spacecraft approached the 0.50-hour distance of Tucker Market, Kausi could already see with the naked eye that large and small spacecrafts were shuttled through the universe. These spacecrafts were of different styles and sizes, and seemed to belong to different countries. civilization.

“It feels a bit like a market!”

A small spacecraft flew out of the planet's atmosphere and met Kausu's spacecraft. A communication message was also released.

"Welcome to Tucker Interstellar Market, visiting guests please go to the market entrance to register!"

"What are you doing? Are you welcoming guests?" Kausi asked, turning his head.

"Yes!" Hela replied, "Issue the order, Captain! According to the conventions in the universe, if we do not reply to three messages, the other party will regard us as pirates or plunderers, and at the same time, the planet's defense firepower will attack us. .”

Cauvus nodded and ordered: "Oluen, inform the other party that we are here to trade and request to enter the market trading area!"

"The other party requested to tell the name of the civilization."

Before Cauus could answer, Hela had already rushed to say: "Galactic Asgard!"

Orluen was stunned for a moment, then turned to Kaous. Before Cauus could speak, Hela had already rushed to say: "Midgard is unknown in the universe. In the name of Asgard, at least we will not be severely underpriced by those bloodthirsty interstellar merchants." !”

Regardless of the reason why Hela said these words, this reason convinced Kaus. He nodded and ordered: "Execute the order, Alluen!"

After the message was sent, the other party immediately changed his tone.

"Ah, distinguished guests from Asgard, I didn't expect you to come to our small market. On behalf of the Hamos civilization, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you all!"

After a brief exchange, the small spacecraft in front signaled Cauvus's spacecraft to follow it, then it turned around and began flying towards the inner galaxy at sub-light speed.

After passing through the thick atmosphere, the eyes turned into a vast land. Because there was some unknown substance in the air, the whole world was tinged with a light blue color. The planet is full of large and small buildings, and giant protective shields surround these buildings, which is full of the atmosphere of science fiction movies.

The huge shipyard with a height of tens of thousands of meters slowly opened a metal gate. Under the leadership of the small spaceship, Kausi's spaceship flew into the metal gate and landed slowly on a designated empty apron. The spacecraft made a huge roar - this was the anti-gravity engine starting.

"Who's going?" Kausu stood up from the captain's seat.

Except for Belial, who almost never left his side, Iron Man and Dr. Banner stood up without hesitation. During this period of flight, the two of them desperately absorbed various technological knowledge, and their participation in the subsequent transactions was indispensable.

"I'll go!" Kingpin raised his hand and glanced at Frank, "What about you?"

"I won't go." Frank has recently been obsessed with the records of interstellar wars in the database. He wants to become a battleship commander and has no interest in other things.

"The species detection must reach half!" Hela reminded from the side.

Cauvus immediately understood that since he had claimed to be an Asgardian just now, more than half of the Asgardians in the team would count. Iron Man, Hulk, Kingpin, Belial plus himself, then there must be five more Asgardians.

"Arvette, Zeroluel, Horok, and Mist."

Cauvus quickly lit up the four Valkyries, plus Hela, and a group of ten people walked out of the gangway, preparing for their first intimate contact with an alien.

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