Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 272 Trading Market

Due to the different components of the atmosphere, Stark had already put on the nano-mecha before opening the gangway, but Bruce Banner did not turn into the Hulk, but wore a full-coverage spacesuit with Kingpin. He followed behind and looked around with interest.

After a routine biometric scan and security check, it was determined that the other party was indeed a team from Asgard. Out of respect for the powerful country in the universe, the main person in charge of the market came forward.

This is a strange-looking octopus alien with eight tentacles. It has dark blue skin. He speaks proficient Asgardian when he speaks, "Welcome to all distinguished guests. I am Halle, the person in charge of this market. I will accompany you throughout your trip this time, and I hope you can have a good experience."

This alien originally had a very weird-sounding name that was dozens of syllables long, but Kaous automatically chose the first two syllables as the abbreviation.

"You speak Asgardian well!" Arvette, the omniscient person walking at the front of the team, glanced at Halley thoughtfully and nodded slightly.

"I used to work in the diplomatic service!" Halley said proudly, "so I have learned the official languages ​​​​of many important civilizations. This is my sixth interstellar year working at Tucker Market, so the number of languages ​​​​that I am proficient in has reached There are about one hundred and thirty-four doors..."

This guy seemed to be very talkative. He was trying to find out the identity of the audience in a roundabout way, and wanted to know the purpose of the other person's visit.

"...As one of the most advanced civilizations in the universe, it has always been our dream to be able to contact guests from Asgard. I wonder if our little fourth-level civilization can meet your needs?"

"Don't ask any more questions!" Hela suddenly said from behind, "We are the Valkyries. If you know anything about Asgard, you should have heard of this name. We were lost in a strange galaxy. I hope we can In exchange for some supplies that will allow us to return to the galaxy!"

Listen, this is the ability of a god. She didn't lie in a single word in the entire article, but only omitted a few key information. Then the other party can completely make up for the moving plot of a lost war and want to return to the battle sequence.

As for Hela's claim to be the Valkyrie - this is also an unquestionable fact. In addition to being the goddess of death, Hela herself is also the former leader of the Valkyrie.

Valkyrie! Halley was immediately in awe.

His soft tentacles hurriedly raised, "Sorry, please forgive me for being rude. I didn't know that you are actually powerful warriors in the legend. So, we will try our best to provide you with the most reliable information within the limits allowed by the rules. Trading plan.”

Unseen by everyone, in a control room in the shipyard, seven or eight octopus aliens who looked similar to Harley were staring nervously at the screen. Hallai’s conversations with guests will be reported back to colleagues in the market as soon as possible.

A high-power long-distance communication device is connected to the planet where the main civilization is located, broadcasting everything that happens in the market in real time. The think tanks of the main civilization attach great importance to the visit of advanced civilization.

But now on the planet of Hamos civilization, exclamations are heard one after another.

"Sir, the Valkyrie from Asgard in the galaxy has arrived at our trading market on the frontier planet!"

"Yes, a Valkyrie! No, no, two Valkyries... followed by several unknown species."

"Oh my God, there are four Valkyries in total!"

"…The other three look like lower life forms."

"Wait, who did I see? There is information about her in the database, let me take a look..."

"Hela! Yes, sir, I swear! The database shows Hela Odinson, the eldest princess of the ruler of Asgard! She is also in the spacecraft that just landed! I think this will be an extremely important event. A diplomatic incident! Hallai’s reception authority is insufficient, we request..."

"...There is someone behind Hela, huh?"

An octopus alien who was doing data docking in Tucker Market suddenly lost his voice. He only heard bursts of rapid roars coming from the other side of the long-distance communication equipment.

After a long time, he said quietly into the microphone: "Sir, maybe you think I am crazy, but I can guarantee that I have never been so sober. In fact, among the visiting team from Asgard, there are two An unidentifiable creature."

He stared at the flashing red light on the screen and said word by word:

"Danger level...infinite!"

Not to mention how the Hamos civilization was in a hectic mess, Kaus, who knew nothing about it, led everyone to the bustling trading area under the leadership of Halle. Except for the strange aliens, almost everyone was the same as humans. The market is not much different.

"This is really lively!" Kausi admired sincerely.

"Our Hamos civilization is the most powerful civilization in the nearby galaxy, so we are very willing to provide some platforms for other similar civilizations or lower-level civilizations to communicate and exchange. In fact, this trading market has existed for hundreds of interstellar years, and it welcomes There are more than two thousand civilizations."

"Due to the different requirements of various civilized creatures for the living environment, we provide all guests with necessary life-support equipment." Hallai looked at the Valkyrie in casual clothes with great envy, "For those of you who have strong single combat capabilities, They have occasionally appeared in our market. It is really enviable. It is said that powerful supernatural civilization can survive in a vacuum without any equipment."

Hallai already knew the warning of the biological scanning equipment at this time. According to the guesses of the main civilized advisory team, Beliyar and Cauvus walking at the end of the team are most likely the main god-level warriors of Asgard. Because Hammer There is a cliff-like civilization gap between Asgard and Asgard, so their instruments and equipment cannot evaluate the other party's true combat power.

As for Stark in the nano-mecha, Hulk and Kingpin in spacesuits, Halley ignored them as a matter of course. They have roughly analyzed the technological content of the Mark mecha, including ultra-micro antimatter energy and nanotechnology. These have basically reached the level of the third-level civilization, and have basically become obsolete in the fourth-level civilization Hamos.

"This is the energy materials area." Halley proudly introduced to the guests, "If you want to cross the long river system, a strong energy reserve is essential. We cover various unique features from Level 2 to Level 4 civilizations. energy materials, including..."

Kausu suddenly saw something familiar. He pointed at the front of a store and asked, "What is this?"

"The characteristic material of the third-level civilization Chitauri, the flesh and blood of alien beasts!"

Seeing that several male creatures in the team seemed to have a special interest in this store, Harley led everyone into the store, and the staff immediately greeted them.

"The Chitauri are a wandering civilization, a type of predator civilization. Many years ago they learned the evolutionary method of integrating machines and bodies. Their main battle units and large battleships are half flesh and half machine. The presence……"

"Their flesh and blood has good density and atomic structure, which allows them to survive for some time even in a vacuum. And after mechanical modifications, some of the most powerful individuals can even accommodate thousands of tribesmen to carry out space exploration. Sailing.”

Halley casually picked up a palm-sized model - this is the "Arowana" Leviathan that once caused Tony Stark and Bruce Banner a lot of trouble.

"They have no fixed base, and the star system where the main civilization lives has been annihilated, so they wander around the universe like bugs. One of their fleets once came near our market to plunder, but we finally defeated them. "

"Their technology is not worth mentioning, but it is still of certain significance to lower-level civilizations, so we stored their fleet in the warehouse..."

"Wait!" Banner couldn't help but ask, "You mean, the Chitauri once plundered this market and were defeated by you?"

Hallai nodded, "The fleet they came with was not many. There was only one planet-class battleship and more than twenty continent-class battleships."

"What about something like this?" Stark asked, pointing to Leviathan, recalling his amazing glimpse in the universe.

"This is their land combat troop carrier. It doesn't have much use in space warfare. Based on a cruiser with 500 landing pods, there are probably more than 10,000 of them..."

Ten thousand Leviathans!

Stark and Banner's breathing almost stopped, and even Kausi looked at him with some suspicion.

So what, what does Thanos rely on to be so domineering in the universe?

Marvel got me wrong!

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