Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 391 The End of Iron Man

The Battle of New York was the day when the Avengers gathered for the first time, and it was also the first time that Cauvus showed his power to the world - thirty-two multifunctional mechas armed to the teeth, making the former Han Mo Industrial Mulgore Industry has once again become the darling of the capital market.

In addition to the first-generation Avengers, there were three more people attending the party: Cous, Strange and Belial. At Stark's request, Erica and Elsa were also inexplicably invited. Come over.

The atmosphere at the dinner was very pleasant. The superheroes excitedly recalled their first battle as a fledgling team, talked about the shock of seeing the Chitauri warship for the first time, and the despair of facing the overwhelming landing force. Even Hawkeye Barton, who has a calm personality, also joined in, making fun of each other, making people involuntarily fall into pleasant memories.

"Do you remember me at that time?" Steve Rogers was also very interested. He reminded Kausi, "Later, in order to obtain the scepter and the Cosmic Cube, we had to go back through time. As a result, I met my past self..."

Speaking of this topic, Kausi suddenly remembered something and asked: "At that time, the Cosmic Cube was knocked over and fell at Loki's feet. Loki opened the portal at that time. Who interrupted him halfway?"

"It's me!" Doctor Strange raised his hand and replied with a smile, "Later, in order to mend time, I returned to various timelines with the Infinity Stones. When I returned to the scene of the Battle of New York, I found that Loki wanted He ran away and interrupted his portal!"

I see!

The last mystery was solved.

Thinking of the lot of trouble Loki would cause after entering the portal, and the powerful opponents that would be attracted by extending another timeline, Kausi breathed a sigh of relief and patted Strange on the shoulder, "Thank you. Got it!"

"No!" Strange shook his head, "I didn't think much about it at the time. I was just worried that this incident would cause multiple branches of the timeline, so I intervened to interrupt it - but after I re-deduce the timeline , only to find that the end of that timeline is a terrifying chaos."

"In short, you have avoided a big crisis." Kausi smiled, raised his cup and touched it with Strange, "It seems that the God of Luck has not abandoned us."

After chatting for a while, Captain America put down his cup and said seriously: "Okay, Tony, you brought us together at this time. There must be something you want to tell us, right?"

"Uh..." Stark scratched his head, "Well, what I want to say is, guys, I plan to retire!"


Iron Man retires?

Fortunately, this Turkish barbecue restaurant has been cleared by Iron Man. The boss and waiters are hiding in the backyard. There is only this table of customers in the hall. Otherwise, as soon as this news gets out, it will immediately trigger a controversy in the scientific and industrial circles. Big earthquake.

"I am over fifty years old this year..." Stark blocked the superheroes' words with the next sentence, "I have a very lovely daughter, a happy family, and a group of great people. friends, and besides, I’m the richest man in the fucking world!”

No one spoke, everyone was quietly listening to Tony Stark's rare heartfelt words.

"When Thanos snapped his fingers, I thought the whole world was over. At that time, I was very depressed and decadent. Pepper was always with me, comforting me, everything will be fine..."

"She was right. With everyone's joint efforts, Thor snapped his fingers for the second time and everything returned to normal. Everything was fine."

"During that time, I have been thinking, what do superheroes represent? Being in the limelight? Saving mankind? Or constantly moving forward towards a certain goal? No, I think I have become accustomed to those stimulations and the feeling of soaring my adrenal glands - but I Suddenly I feel that life is impermanent. In the remaining time, I want to spend more energy with Pepper and Morgan..."

His words were somewhat incoherent, but everyone understood him very well.

Only at this time did several people remember that Tony Stark, who was born in 1970, was already over fifty years old...

Stark took a deep breath to calm down as much as possible.

"I will continue my scientific research, and occasionally wear a mecha to walk around the streets of New York, or I will design a new mecha for Morgan and take her to see the most beautiful scenery. But I I won’t take any more risks, at least on the premise of ensuring safety..."

"I am still the majority shareholder of Stark Industries, an advisor to the Mulgore Council and the Avengers, but I am no longer Iron Man!"

"—I'm Anthony Edward Stark!"

"Oh, no..." Steve Rogers stared at Stark, "We will miss you! Tony, in my heart, you have the same weight as Howard - even better than him!"

Stark patted Captain Rogers' arm, the smile spreading across his face again.

"Stephen, thank you!"

He looked around at everyone and saw the heavy, regretful, reluctant, and various complex expressions on their faces. He shrugged, "What are you worried about? I'm just retired, not dead!"

"Also, the second thing I want to say."

And the second thing? Kausi, who had remained silent, raised his head in confusion, "Is there anything more important than Iron Man's retirement?"

"Uh-huh!" Stark smiled happily, "You all know that Stark Industries has issued a total of 40 trillion US dollars worth of stocks, 39% of which are in my name. Pepper owns the other 5% , and due to certain previous agreements, Kaus and I exchanged 8% of the stock."

"Wow--" Everyone was amazed again and looked at Kavus. Kausi shrugged, "Don't look at me. I am exchanging shares of Mulgore Industries with Tony. This is just a gesture to express all-round strategic cooperation between the two parties. It does not mean that I want to take advantage of Stark Industries." Any ideas?"

"Who said you were going to attack Stark Industries?" Stark glared at Cauius fiercely and brought the topic back again, "What I want to say is that I plan to use the 39 % of the stock, and give 5% to my heir... Hey, kid, what are you doing standing still? Come here quickly!"

Huddled in the corner of the passage leading to the kitchen, a young waiter took off his hat, walked over timidly, and greeted everyone shyly.

"Hello everyone! I'm Peter Parker."

Except for a few insiders such as Kausu, several superheroes including Thor and Black Widow looked confused.

Who is this guy? Why does Iron Man value him so much? Not to mention the designated heir, but also directly give away stocks worth trillions of dollars? Could it be Stark's illegitimate son?

Stark smiled mysteriously and ordered: "Take off your coat and let everyone see you!"

When Parker revealed his nano-spider suit, everyone immediately understood. It turns out to be this little guy...

"So if you need anything, if it's not a big deal like the earth is about to explode, you can contact this guy directly!"

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