Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 392 Candidate for Chief Scientist

Iron Man retired.

Except for a very few people who knew about it, the outside world knew nothing about it, and it did not cause any waves.

"He's serious!" Afterwards, when Bruce Banner and Strange came to the Mulgore Hotel to visit Kaous, Kaous told them, "In a certain timeline, Tony Stark just He was the one who finally snapped his fingers!”

"So this is the reason why you didn't try to convince him?" Dr. Banner asked curiously.

Kausi was silent for a while, then nodded and admitted: "Yes, I will not stop him from retiring, even if it is reasonable or reasonable. In fact, he has done enough, and he should enjoy it with the aura of the world's richest man." In the remaining days - as an earthling, he performed deeds that were worthy of a god, but he was an ordinary person after all."

Banner thought for a while and nodded to express his approval of this point of view.

"But then we have a power vacuum..." Strange said worriedly, "When we deal with every major event, it seems that we have nothing to do with Stark. But when we lose his Only then did I realize that many things were difficult to achieve!”

"I will notify Claire to give Susan Stone permission to fill some of the funding gaps as much as possible." Kaus thought for a moment, "Peter Parker is Tony's designated heir, and nothing will happen in a short time. Wrong. Maybe the little spider will have his own ideas when he truly matures, but that is not now."

"Funding is actually not a big problem!" Bruce Banner explained. "Our moon base has received a lot of venture capital, and the development of the Mavis system is about to reach self-sufficiency standards. Our troubles are more serious. Most of them come from the R\u0026D team..."

"—and politics!" Strange added.

"Political factors?" Kausu frowned.

In fact, due to Tony Stark's special identity and relationship with federal politics, the political crisis faced by the Mulgore Council was cut off before it even happened.

It shouldn't be a problem for a few years - but Tony Stark will one day completely retire, and that's when a lot of things will get tricky.

When this issue was raised, Kaus discovered that the situation faced by the Mulgore Council was already very bad: it was foreseeable that Tony Stark could be sheltered from the wind and rain for a few years at most; the old Malik had already He has retired from politics, and he is now fully focused on paving the way for Stephanie, and his mind is not on North America at all; Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross is over 60 years old, and he should officially retire after at most one more term...

"What are you worried about?" Belliyar, Erica, and Elsa walked in carrying large and small bags.

"We were just discussing..." Kausu didn't intend to hide it from the people around him. "In ten years at most, there won't be anyone in the entire federal government who has enough weight to speak for us unconditionally!"

"The federal government?" Beliyar asked curiously, "Aren't they all our people?"

"Beliyar, don't be ridiculous, we are talking about serious business," Dr. Banner forced a smile, and he tried to explain, "We can still hold on for a few more years, now we are just preparing for a rainy day..."

"No!" Kausu finally thought about it. He laughed and pulled Belial over. "That's right, not only the federal government, but almost all politicians are in our hands!"

The matter goes back many years ago, when Erica accepted an Indian-born boy named "Red Wolf" William Tarling as her apprentice. Carrie, Stephanie, Erica and Elsa were four idle women. Tallin founded the "Bloodhoof Sect" as the core, which was the foundation for Stephanie to later establish the New Vexor Kingdom.

Belial, who had just arrived on Earth at that time, was still friends and foes with Carrie, so she proposed a bet with Carrie, and used the energy of the fallen angels to pollute the dark and depraved people in the hearts of the entire United States, and made a ten-year agreement. After years of competition in a religious way.

"Although the fallen sect has not been reestablished on the earth, they have all become my followers." Belial shrugged nonchalantly, "In short... I am not interested in controlling a group of slaves, but if I want to influence their decision-making , shouldn’t be a problem!”

Dr. Banner and Strange looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes. A matter that originally seemed like a huge headache was solved so casually.

"Then there is a second question..." Dr. Banner continued, "Tony is the best scientific researcher among us. If he cannot devote himself to scientific research, then our scientific research strength will be reduced by more than half - don't Look at me, I know I’m not as versatile as Tony! Peter is a good guy, but he still needs at least twenty years of experience, and he’s not as talented as Tony!”

Kausu reflexively wanted to open his mouth to say Victor Doom's name, but he held back, that was an extremely dangerous guy. Doom's mind even slightly exceeds that of Stark, but he is an out-and-out madman!

"What we are looking for is a chief scientist who is proficient in physics, engineering, biology, chemistry, computers, etc." Seeing everyone's silence, Strange said slowly, "He needs a keen and rational person. He has a bright mind, but he cannot have extraordinary ambitions... Moreover, he needs to gain our trust, otherwise how can we trust him to hand over the development plan of the Mavis Galaxy to him?"

"Do we know anyone like this besides Tony Stark?"

A group of people stared at each other for a while. Dr. Banner tentatively said, "I know a female scientist named Shuri...well, she will only serve Wakanda!"

Su Rui?

Cauvus frowned, feeling that this woman was unreliable and that she was too selfish. It was very likely that the Mulgore Council had entrusted trillions of scientific research projects to her and turned into Vakkan in the blink of an eye. Da's personal armed forces.

Doom is not suitable, is it possible that Reed should be invited?

Kaus felt a splitting headache when he thought of this candidate.

"Let me think of someone who can replace Tony as our chief scientist..."

In Marvel's various rankings, it is natural to take stock of "geniuses". Reed, Doom, Shuri, Stark, and Banner are all names that cannot be avoided. In addition, there are more scientific research geniuses such as "The Beast", Bolivar, and Pym. Of course, some people also include Thanos and Eitri among them, but these are not suitable to replace Stark. s position.

"Well, if there is no suitable candidate for the time being, we can only let Tony take the lead for a while as much as possible!" Strange observed the words and knew that no one had any good suggestions. He spread his hands helplessly, "Tony hopes to focus on the family. , so we must be mentally prepared for the slowdown in the progress of scientific research projects..."

"I still have a choice!"

Kaus finally thought of an engineering leader who seemed unreliable, but was actually capable of replacing Stark in many aspects. He said slowly, "Where is Thor? I need him to accompany me. !”

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