Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 425 Sacred Artifact

Ascetics are the most devout believers in religious sects.

Like the ascetics, the ascetics all live the most arduous and simple life. They whip themselves, wear "penance belts" (metal ties with barbs, which cause severe pain when pierced into the skin) on their thighs, and have holes in their skin. , they believe that the pain caused by the penance belt reminds them of the pain of Jesus' crucifixion, and that this pain can wear away their human desires and get closer to God.

Almost all the great ascetics in the church were once archbishops. After accepting the rite of penance, the monks can leave all the chores and focus on practicing. The ascetic bishop no longer governed the diocese, and the ascetic monks were exempted from all obligations except to attend religious ceremonies. Whether they are ascetics or ascetics, without exception, they are the most elite forces in the sect.

Penance is originally a way of cultivating a strong spirit through physical training. The moment Cauvus appeared in the door, the leading ascetic monk looked in the direction of Cauvus if he felt something. .

"Such a strong sense of induction. Can I detect it even if I'm hiding in a twisted space?"

Kausi was a little surprised. This was different from dimensional battles. The latter was "knowing that the opponent has entered higher dimensions" and consciously carried out dimensional jump bombing. And now, with the help of space gems, I am hiding in the twisted and folded three-dimensional cracks. I am in a very strange "fold" state. How much spiritual power is needed to sense my existence!

He didn't intend to cause trouble, so Kaous quickly performed a second space folding, hiding himself in a deeper space crack, and then walked deeper around these ascetic monks.

Sure enough, this time the ascetic monk's eyes did not follow, but stared thoughtfully in the direction he had just come in, and then hesitantly turned his head again and ignored it.

Avoiding this group of ascetic monks, Kaus continued to explore deeper into the hall, walked into a small sealed door, and then saw a secret room full of treasures and a simple altar in the secret room.

When he saw what was on the altar clearly, Kaus suddenly understood.

No wonder the Dark Council has mobilized in large numbers, no wonder the Holy See is facing a formidable enemy, and no wonder the Son of God has come personally from the City in the Sky.

He smiled, walked to the altar, grabbed the thing in his hand, and then looked around, sweeping away everything around him, and then swaggeringly stepped into the space crack again and disappeared without a trace. .

The battlefield outside is still filled with loud killings. It seems that the Light Sect has gained the upper hand. Except for a few mysterious men in black robes who are still suppressing the situation, the battle lines of the dark group have begun to loosen on most battlefields. , a large number of monsters were slaughtered like melons and vegetables, and some high-level dark priests gradually showed signs of fatigue.

Cauvus thought for a while, then slipped into the battlefield quietly, and casually grabbed a vampire who had just been beaten away by the Holy Light. The vampire was dizzy and was about to resist, but was dizzy and stunned by Cauvus' two giant slaps. , a big tooth was also shoveled away.

The vampire was furious, and when he struggled again, he suddenly found something in his hand. The big hand holding him also disappeared.

He was stunned. He didn't know who he was being captured by, and he didn't know why that person let him go so easily. When he was dizzy and saw what he had in his hand, he was suddenly filled with surprise and shouted: "I got it..."

In the chaotic battlefield, his voice was quickly muffled, but Kausu shamelessly opened the restriction on that thing before running away. I saw an extremely powerful holy light energy rising into the sky, shining so brightly that half of the sky was as bright as day.

The battlefield fell silent in an instant, and almost everyone looked in the direction of the vampire.

Under the illumination of the extremely powerful holy light energy, the vampire has disappeared, and the surrounding monsters have also turned into ashes. Only the most powerful monsters and the dark councilors struggled hard, with thick black smoke coming out of their bodies. , fighting against the sudden holy light. Even so, their strength was suppressed by the Holy Light to less than 20 to 30 percent. It was not easy to protect themselves, let alone continue to fight.

In the sky-high white light, Belial could barely hide the weird smile on his lips. Li Chunfeng also narrowed his eyes and nodded thoughtfully: "This kid actually stole the Holy Grail?"

The Creator Jehovah sent his godhead to preach in the lower world and became Christ Jesus. It is said that when Jesus had the last supper with the twelve disciples, there was nothing on the table. Jesus turned his body into bread and his blood into bread. Wine was served to everyone, and the Christian ritual of Holy Communion was established. The bread represents the body of Jesus, and the wine represents his blood. The cup shared by Jesus and his disciples is the Holy Grail.

There is also a legend that the Holy Grail is the chalice used to contain the blood of Jesus during his crucifixion. Many legends believe that if you can find this Holy Grail and drink the water it contains, you will be rejuvenated and gain eternal life.

But no matter which legend it is, there is no doubt that the Holy Grail is one of the most powerful holy weapons of the Illuminati Sect.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the battlefield immediately realized that the Holy Grail was stolen!

While the two sides were fighting to the death, someone from the dark group sneaked into the heavily guarded vault and stole the Holy Grail - but there may have been a mistake, causing the restrictions on the Holy Grail to be opened, and the thief and the thieves were stolen by the power of light. Burned to ashes.

It only paused for a moment, and both sides immediately re-engaged in an even more fierce battle. The Son of God could not sit still anymore. He personally landed on the spire of the cathedral, and released large-scale magic one after another, exploding in the dark forces. Each magic took away dozens or even hundreds of lives.

Under the cover of Adam, countless priests rushed towards the Holy Grail like crazy - the problem was that Cauus chose the side closer to the dark forces. The endless monsters pushed forward step by step against the holy light and magic. He was about to incorporate the Holy Grail into his formation protection.

If the battle at the beginning was just an appetizer, then both sides have stopped holding back. Almost all attacks are aimed at the position of the Holy Grail. Even Koka Bell can't hold back, with four wings as white as jade. Exuding billions of brilliance, the long sword in his hand was flowing with flames. When he saw the direction of the Holy Grail, he was about to rush into the group of monsters without sacrificing his life.

A ray of black light came forward extremely quickly, knocking Cocabell upside down, and stood up in the air, facing off against a black-armored knight.

"You are destined to lose!" Koka Bell gritted his teeth and said, "Logician Simonli, your failure is inevitable! If you continue to resist, tonight is the day you die!"

"We still don't know who will win and who will lose!" Simonli's cold voice came from under his mask, and the war gun in his hand was filled with black energy. "Don't think that you have Adam's trump card, we do too!"

"What other trump cards do you have?" Kabeer said coldly, "Don't think that Belial will help you. Our Yasbel has already targeted her. As long as Belial is held for an hour, You will never have a chance to make a comeback!"

"Beliar is here too?" Simonli couldn't help but be overjoyed and laughed loudly, "Then you're done!"

I don't know when, dark snowflakes suddenly appeared in the sky, dancing and falling down, the wind howled, and countless silver snakes swam in the dark clouds, which was really impressive.

“Adam, it’s been such a long time!”

As the sound of rumbling and rumbling sounded, a metallic clang sounded.

But Ka BeiEr was still confused, and the expression of Adam, the Son of God, suddenly changed.

"The Lich King—Agares?"

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