Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 426 A massive confrontation

Azeroth once had three Lich Kings.

The first Lich King was the former orc shaman Ner'zhul, created by Kil'jaeden; the second Lich King was the fallen Prince Arthas of Lordaeron, who shattered the chains that bound Ner'zhul. Ice, put on the Helm of Dominance and became the second Lich King; after Arthas was defeated in the Frozen Throne, Bolvar Fordragon voluntarily wore the Helm of Dominance and became the third Lich King. The Demon King is also the last Lich King.

But the Lich King does not only exist in the Scourge. In terms of position and power, anyone who is born as a Lich and has the ability to command hundreds of millions of undead can be called a Lich King.

In the plane of hell, Agares, who ranks second among the seventy-two demon gods, is such a powerful Lich King.

Endless power enveloped the sky above the Holy Grail. Billions of thunder and lightning gathered in one place, forming a huge purple-black ball of light, which turned into black lightning several feet thick and suddenly struck straight down. With just one blow, Adam's large-scale holy light magic was turned into nothingness.

The next moment, a figure four to five feet tall slowly appeared from the clouds.

"Is this Agares?" At some point, Cauvus, who had returned to Belial, looked up and said with a smile, "Baal, the boss of the seventy-two magic pillars, once singled out three gods. Team, now the second-ranked Agares is here too... your background, Old Mo, is really unfathomable!"

Agares is covered in black armor, and even his face is hidden under the thick black metal mask. Only a pair of shining eyes are exposed. The long snow-white hair on the back of his head is flying in the wind. A skeleton breastplate, a snow-white cloak that is several meters long is flying in the wind, and his hands are pressed on a strange-shaped two-handed heavy sword. It is really majestic and powerful to the extreme.

Cauvus was attracted by this two-handed heavy sword that was more than two feet long at first sight. The whole body of this long sword was glowing with a light blue light, and the light was cold. The sheep's head guarding the sword's hilt was staring angrily. The two horns were turned back in a beautiful arc, and were fastened to the skull on the other side of the sword's guard. The sword was covered with barbs, making it look like an extraordinary magic weapon.

Agares had just joined the battle, and the balance of the battlefield was immediately brought back on track. As soon as he stood there, Adam, the son of God, had to focus all his attention on him. Not only that, Adam even took out a crumpled rag and wrapped it around himself, looking indescribably ridiculous.

"That's the shroud..." Belial smiled coldly and suddenly said, "Agares, give him to me!"

The sound was not loud, but Agares, Adam and others heard it. Li Chunfeng shook his head and suddenly disappeared without a trace. Kausu whistled nonchalantly and just stood there with his hands on his hips.

The majestic holy light energy filled the entire place in an instant. Beliyar, who was at full power, unscrupulously stretched out ten huge wings as white as jade, and stepped into the sky step by step on the holy light. Cauvus was unhurried. He slowly followed behind - Beliyar and Adam had a blood feud, and he had to help Beliyar both emotionally and rationally.

Agares glanced at Belial, saw clearly the ten wings behind her, nodded slightly and said: "Are you already ten wings? Of course there is no problem in leaving this battle to you!"

"Ten-winged Holy Angel?" Adam was startled, and quickly looked carefully, and saw Belial's appearance clearly. His heart sank, and he sighed, "Beriyar, what happened back then... oh, no said!"

The people in the dark group felt their hearts rise and fall. When the Holy Grail appeared at the beginning, everyone was immediately ecstatic. But Adam, the son of God, took action and defeated the dark sect in an instant. Just when he was about to desperately seize the Holy Grail, Agares suddenly arrived, which directly offset Adam's power.

Just when everyone thought that the battlefield would become more balanced, a ten-winged holy angel entered the battle, which demoralized everyone in the dark group. Who knew that this holy angel... was actually Adam's enemy?

Belial nodded towards Agares, pointed his long sword at Adam, and said solemnly: "No matter who is right or wrong, the matter started because of you, and someone will settle the account of Jehovah. And your opponent is me! Years of grievances will be ended today!"

Biting murderous intent filled the air. Just when Belial was about to launch an attack, a slender white arm suddenly stretched out from beside him and grabbed Belial. Yasbel's voice also came over: "Sister , don’t take action today, even if you and Adam have a big grudge, can we come back next time?”

When Jasbel just arrived, Kausi had already noticed her traces, but he didn't take action. From the previous conversation, it could be seen that the two sisters had a deep friendship, and he did not think that the Seraph would pose a threat to the current Belial, so he hesitated and did not stop Yasbel.

"No need!" Belial smiled lightly and reached out to touch Jasbel's cheek, "I know there must be ambushes around me. Even if Michael is here, I still want to end my relationship with the Son of God! "

Her tall and exquisite body suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Adam extremely fast. Jasbel was caught off guard and watched Beliyar rushing down. He couldn't help but become very anxious. He turned around and urged Kausu: "Go and save Beliyar——"

But her warning was already too late. A bright sword light flew up, and a tall figure suddenly appeared from the void. With just one blow, Beliyar was caught off guard and sent flying.

The person who came was an unusually majestic archangel, his whole body shrouded in bright holy light, holding a blazing flaming sword, which bloomed with millions of rays of light. All the clergymen who were illuminated by the holy light were refreshed, as if Has infinite power.

Kaous then arrived, reached out to catch Belial, and judged that she was not injured. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and complained: "Why are you so anxious? If you want to kill Adam, at least expose all their trump cards." …”

Belial stood upright leaning on Kausi's arm and sneered: "The light of God is here too? Very good, then let's settle the old and new grudges together!"

"Light of God" Uriel has the appearance of a terrifying angry angel. At the command of God, he resurrects the righteous and breathes souls into their bodies. He is also the only angel in charge of the fire of hell, and is also known as the "Angel of Terror." He once competed head-on with Mephisto, and even fought with Old Mo for the Ghost Rider, which shows that he is extremely powerful.

"Beliar!" Uriel stretched out the ten wings on his back, emitting dots of brilliance, making it even more radiant. "We once thought about killing a few demon gods of sufficient weight here, but we didn't expect it. It will be you!"

"It's just you?" Belial said coldly, "I'm afraid you're not qualified enough!"

Another long sigh sounded, and a gentle voice said: "Actually, we don't want to be your enemy, Beliyar!"

This time Belial's expression finally changed, and he frowned and said, "Raphael, the Angel of Glory, are you here too?"

A golden meteor fell from the sky and turned into billions of rays of light, turning the surrounding dark army into ice and disintegrating. Another ten-winged angel emerged from it, with a handsome appearance and a leisurely expression. He looked at Belial with a smile, turned around and said , "Uril, I'll deal with Agares, you deal with Belial!"

"Why should I deal with Belial?" Uriel said angrily, "Leave Agares to me!"

"I had a very good relationship with Lucifer back then, so how could I bear to attack his deputy commander Belial?"

"The problem is... I don't have a bad relationship with Lucifer either!"

These two ten-winged angels actually got into an argument like this, and suddenly someone said: "You two adults, don't worry, just leave this traitor to us!"

There was a violent distortion in the air, and angels appeared one after another. Thousands of angels flapped their wings and slowly emerged in the air.

The leaders were clearly four seraphs.

Jasbel sighed, flapped her wings and flew among the angels, and sighed: "Sister Belial, you still have time to leave now..."

"Who said this traitor can leave?" A seraph with a sword-browed starry eye pointed his sword, "No one can leave tonight!"

"Who is this idiot?" Kausu asked curiously as he didn't know these angels.

"Judgment Angel Remiel, Light Angel Ben'more, Divine Assistant Angel Gadel, Power Angel User..." Belial's wonderful eyes wandered and he chuckled, "There are really quite a few people here. For this plane, Sky City has really invested a lot of money.”

Cauvus rubbed his nose, "These Seraphs are left to you!"

"What are you going to do?" Belial wanted to hold Kausi, but Kausi avoided him.

"You are a holy angel, can you shoot a few birdies?"

Kaus took out a thick and long weapon from his pocket, "Give these two ten-winged angels to me!"

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