Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 437 The exact news

In modern history, Kang Youwei is a very controversial figure.

This person had a very important position in the late Qing Dynasty and even in the entire modern history. Whether he founded the Qianghui Society, which gathered most of the advanced intellectuals of the Qing Dynasty at that time, or he led the reform reforms that were enough to change the course of Chinese history, it was enough for Kang Youwei's name to be written into the history books.

——It is precisely because of this that he will gain the favor of the previous holder of the Divine Spear, and finally pass the Divine Spear to him.

However, after the "1898 Reform", Kang Youwei was shamed by many people because of his despicable character, deceptive behavior, and double-standard behavior. He was even considered a charlatan and a scum of scholars.

After the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898, Emperor Guangxu was imprisoned, and Tan Si and others sacrificed their lives for their ideals. As the leader of the reform, Mr. Kang Youwei successfully escaped and went into exile overseas.

Of course, Kang Youwei was not the only one who ran away from the reformists, and no one demanded that Kang Youwei must imitate Tan Sitong's "I draw a sword across my sword and smile to the sky". After all, life is precious. Moreover, those who strive for their ideals, are not afraid of power, and live in exile abroad deserve sympathy.

However, Kang Youwei's magic trick came. He claimed that he was "going out to seek help under the imperial edict." If it were not for the purpose of saving Emperor Guangxu, he would have died along with Tan Sitong and others. What's even more interesting is that he also claimed that he had the imperial edict written by Emperor Guangxu personally, in order to call on the vast number of overseas Chinese to contribute money and efforts to rescue Guangxu and overthrow Cixi.

Later, in order to make money more conveniently, Kang Youwei also founded the "Company to Protect the Qing Emperor", which was also the so-called "Emperor Protection Association". This company is very prosperous. In a few years, it has opened all over the world, even with branches as far away as South Africa. It has millions of members and makes a lot of money. Membership fees alone have collected millions of dollars.

But Kang Youwei used the money to travel around the world and live a rich life. He even spent 28,000 Swedish kronor to buy himself half an island in Sweden for exclusive use. This island is now called Kang Youwei Island.

Later, after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Kang Youwei "returned to his hometown in fine clothes" and enjoyed the Aixinjueluo family's charity fund with peace of mind, buying luxury houses and properties everywhere. Such as Hangzhou Yitian Garden, Shanghai Yingyuan, Qingdao Tianyou Garden, these were all Kang Youwei's original properties. He employs forty or fifty servants and cooks all year round. Someone settled Kang Youwei's debt, which cost about 20,000 silver yuan every year, which is about several million today.

Such a person is actually a "son of luck" of a generation? Compared with the inheritors of the Divine Spear in the past dynasties, Kang Youwei's character was despicable and lowly.

Not to mention that now, he has actually defected to Isaac Newton, and is likely to sell them at a price, using the previous holders of the Divine Spear as his bargaining chip in exchange for greater benefits.

No matter from any aspect, emotionally or rationally, he deserves to die.

After watching Archimedes and the future Lord of the World, Guden Charlemagne, leave, Belial slowly walked down the stairwell.

"Are you ready to take action?" Holy Angel asked.

"I will definitely do it!" Kausi replied, "But I have no interest in entangled with Newton. This is not my business, but the stupid boy who left just now - if I guessed correctly, Isaac ·Newton is the final boss prepared by this universe for Gooden Charlemagne."

"so what?"

"So..." Cauius smiled, "I will give Isaac Newton a pleasant memory!"

Belial blinked his beautiful big eyes, "Go!"

"Why don't you give me a kiss of victory first?"

"Go away -" Beliyar's face turned a little red, but quickly returned to normal, "Go do your thing, and we will talk about it after you come back..."

Kausu laughed and walked out.

It was already very dark.

But this was nothing in Kausi's eyes. He rode the dark phoenix and flew toward the cathedral in a swaggering manner.

This place used to be the site of the conflict between light and darkness. Although super warriors such as Agares and Raphael were limited in strength by this plane, just the aftermath of the battle turned a large number of buildings into ashes. The clergy and The dark group suffered heavy casualties.

Although it is late at night, there are still many workers busy. Most of them are believers, working hard for their beliefs in the most pious way.

There are eleven divine spears hidden in Kaous' space gem, but he is not the inheritor of the divine spear, and he doesn't know how to make the divine spear resonate with the holy shield. So he adopted a very clumsy but very effective method.

"Where is Newton?" He randomly found a clergyman, and then used the energy of the soul gem.

"I don't know..." The clergyman, whose soul was controlled by Kaus, replied stupidly, "I saw Mr. Sir leaving the cathedral this afternoon, but I don't know where he went."

"It's useless to ask you..." Kausu curled his lips, and was about to find a higher-end priest or senior monk to ask, maybe he could get some more accurate information.

After asking several people, a clergyman who seemed to have a higher status knew some inside information. He replied, "In the evening, the archbishop accompanied Mr. Newton to the palace."

"Is there a guy named Kang Youwei who is with Newton?"

The priest recalled it seriously for a while, then shook his head blankly, "There were several people there... I'm sorry, I don't know Kang, and I don't know if he is with Mr. Newton."

"Then have you seen an Oriental with long braids?"

This time Kaus got an affirmative answer: "Yes, there was such a guy, and he had a good chat with Mr. Newton. Of course, if it weren't for his ridiculous braid, I wouldn't remember it so clearly."

Kausi nodded. Since he knew that Kang Youwei and Newton were indeed together, it was correct.

"Did this guy go to the palace too?"

"Yes, sir!"

One of the first clergymen to be controlled finally got rid of the soul control. He looked around in horror, suddenly remembered something, put the whistle into his mouth, and blew a warning whistle hard.

The whole cathedral was in a commotion, and many figures were shaking and rushing out from the church, wanting to see what kind of enemy they were that dared to come to the cathedral to cause trouble at this time.

Cauvus had no interest in entangled with these mortals. He just curled his lips, then left the confused priest on the spot, opened the portal himself, and disappeared without a trace before the protective power of the Holy See arrived.

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