Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 438 Who is the hero who is so domineering?

The Imperial City of Edinburgh is the largest city in the Principality of Wellington, with a population of more than 2 million. It is world-famous for its magnificent palace and huge city walls, dotted streets, dazzling array of goods, and the boldness and enthusiasm of countless beauties in the Imperial City. , creating the brightest pearl in the royal crown of the Principality of Wellington, which is widely recited by the world.

Flying on a phoenix in the dark night, Kaus saw this magnificent city of light clearly from the air for the first time. Along the way, towering statues can be seen everywhere, and even in the middle of the night it still looks bustling and lively. The buildings that appear most clearly from the street are the splendid Royal Palace and the obelisk-shaped top of the Royal Academy next door.

A splendid building entirely covered with marble, it is the most dazzling part of the palace. Countless lights were placed in an orderly manner on the surrounding lawn, and more than a dozen fist-sized magic crystals were blooming with white light, illuminating the entire open space as bright as day.

After hovering in mid-air for a long time, Kaus still couldn't see the person he was looking for. He thought about it, released the riding state in the air, and stepped into the portal. The next moment, he appeared majestically on the lawn outside the building.

"Who is it?" Several Guards soldiers on night patrol immediately discovered the stranger.

Cauvus snapped his fingers, and the guards immediately stopped and stood up straight with respect.

“Who knows where Isaac Newton is?”

Several guards looked at each other and shook their heads in confusion.

"So where is the Archbishop?"

"Are you talking about the Archbishop of Canterbury?" This time they finally responded, "His Majesty invited them to the ceremony hall. There may be very confidential matters to discuss."

"So where is the ceremony hall?"

Following the guard's direction, Cauvus nodded and waved his hand gently. The guards immediately lay down on their backs and snored happily.

Leaving this light-filled hall and walking through the magnificent buildings, the journey is smooth - the soul gem and the reality gem are really useful. The soul gem is responsible for control, and the reality gem is responsible for distorting light, no matter who it is No matter what kind of stealth plan you want to play, as long as you have these two gems, you will definitely be able to stroll around like Kaous and feel at home...

So the heavily guarded palace complex turned into a joke, until a certain magic node sounded a rapid alarm. The magician in charge of managing the magic guards just stood at the top of the magic tower and looked around, seeing the entire The palace was as quiet as ever, and they actually thought it was just a glitch and turned off the alarm.

"...That's what happened, Your Majesty the King!" In the ceremony hall, Isaac Newton reported everything politely, "If you still have questions about this, you can ask the Archbishop of Canterbury..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the unique alarm of the magic node.

Although the alarm was quickly turned off, Newton still frowned. Unlike those stupid guards and rigid-minded magicians, the magic nodes would not go wrong, even if the magic did occur due to some kind of malfunction. If the array fails, it will definitely not be a warning caused by triggering the ban.

"What's wrong?" The king looked stupid. He seemed to have something to say, but the Archbishop of Canterbury waved his hand at him.

"Looks like we're in a little trouble?"

The Archbishop of Canterbury was a great priest who was truly proficient in theology and the power of holy light. He tilted his head and asked, "Isaac, do you feel something?"

"The node warning just now..." Newton pondered for a moment, "It seems a bit strange?"

"I heard it too!" The Archbishop of Canterbury nodded, "What do you think it could be?"

"Maybe the magic circle has been running for too long, and something went wrong..." King James II tried to explain this alarm with his own understanding, but neither Newton nor the Archbishop of Canterbury paid attention to it.

"A strange danger!"

One of Isaac Newton's followers wearing a cloth hat suddenly said, "A terrible enemy has come in!"

"How is that possible?" James II's face turned a little pale, but he still didn't believe that any terrible enemy would come to his heavily guarded palace. He smiled dryly and said, "Even if there are powerful enemies, our Guards soldiers We will definitely be brave..."

"Okay, our King, you must be tired!" Newton interrupted James II unceremoniously, turned his head and ordered, "Loyal guards, please take Your Majesty back to yourselves first. There may be a little bit of danger here in the dormitory - we will solve it all!"

Several guards hesitated and finally carried out Newton's order.

It can be clearly seen from this small detail that Isaac Newton's power has gradually extended to this palace, and even the king's personal attendants will carry out his arrangements.

When the unwilling James II was taken away by the guards, a young man wearing strange clothes slowly walked into the door of the ceremony hall.

"Hello and good evening, gentlemen!"

The man waved his hand with a smile, "Can someone tell me who is Mr. Isaac Newton?"

"I am!" Newton took a step forward and looked at the other person with squinted eyes, "Who are you? I sensed a familiar aura from your body. Is it... the Reality Stone?"

"Sure enough, the inheritors of the Holy Shield have some weird abilities!" The man said with a smile, "I haven't done anything yet, but you can sense the Reality Stone. It seems that your strength is stronger than I thought!"

He has golden curly hair, a high nose, deep eyes, and a handsome appearance. Upon closer inspection, this middle-aged gentleman, who is already in his forties or fifties, actually has quite delicate facial features, and...

"It's completely different from the ugly old man with white hair in the textbook! Could it be that he is worried that future generations of boys and girls will fall in love prematurely, so he collects the precious physics textbooks?"

Entering the ceremony hall, Kaus finally met this legendary figure - Isaac Newton.

There is no need to use too many words to describe his greatness. Just the phrase "the father of modern physics" is enough to highlight his achievements. And all of this is even just his great achievements in the first forty years. Even though he was obsessed with theology in the last forty years of his life, it did not affect his historical status in the slightest.

Just as Kausi was sizing up Newton, Newton was also staring at Kausi.

"You are from... that world?"

"Aren't you the same?" Kaus lazily raised his hand as a greeting, and glanced at the face of the tall and thin Archbishop of Canterbury. "Only this respected archbishop is an aborigine, isn't he?"

The Archbishop of Canterbury did not answer. He felt that this uninvited guy was strange, but he did not feel any hostility from it.

Newton also felt the same way, so he did not take action immediately. Instead, he carefully examined the other party and judged the other party's intention.

"So, your Excellency broke into the palace late at night just to say hello to us?"

"No!" Causs shook his head, and then took out a long, thick, black warhammer from his pocket, "I'm here to kill people this time!"

"Who to kill?" Newton chuckled slightly. He guessed that the other party was a very difficult guy, but he also had his own self-confidence - when the Holy Shield was in hand, nothing in the world could penetrate the Holy Shield's defense!

Kausu did not answer, but his eyes swept over the faces of several followers one by one, and finally landed on the face of one of them, and his voice became solemn and cold.

"My surname is Kang, Mr. Tan has entrusted me to say hello to you!"

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