Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 455 Just a drill

"Why are you here?"

"Why can't we be here?" Huang Chao smiled and held up the cup, "Since you are back, let's come over and have a drink together!"

Kausi motioned to Belial to take Jasbel away, and then sat down with veteran Li Chunfeng.

"I thought you were still racking your brains at this time to figure out how to fight!"

"That's a matter for the aborigines..." Huang Chao said with a smile, "What does it have to do with us?"

Newton just snorted but said nothing.

"Let's get down to business!" Cowus stared at Newton. "You could actually continue to stay there, then completely defeat Charlemagne and plunder all the dimensional luck. Why did you leave?"

"Because his luck has not matured yet!"

Newton pointed to his eyes, "I can sense that the aura of the universe on his body is incomplete, so it doesn't make much sense to defeat him at this time. The incomplete will of the universe means that I will never be able to reach the level of the universe and become a dimension lord." "


"Yes, maybe some important opportunity is needed, or it may be because he has not grown up in the flames of war. In short, I cannot guess the definition of this dimension for Gooden Charlemagne, so I plan to wait and see for a while - —At least let him mature enough to be worthy of plundering his luck."

Kausu's smile was a little awkward.

He vaguely guessed what was going on, because the half-elf girl Alice was killed by him in advance, and the Elf Heart that could rule the elves was still in Belial's hands. And the angel of temptation, Jasbel, was intercepted halfway, causing the angel clan that should have fully supported Charlemagne to this day to still be entangled with the demons.

Without the help of elves and angels, Charlemagne's incompleteness can be imagined.

"Perhaps, you should find a way to force other forces to join Charlemagne..."

Newton frowned, "You mean...orcs? Maybe dwarves and elves?"

"It's impossible for the elves..." Kausi said with a smile, "The heart of the elves is in our hands, so the elves will not leave their territory easily. But the orcs and dwarves can fight for it. As for the Eastern Continent... Ahem, are you interested in the Eastern Continent?"

"Don't try to seduce me into provoking those madmen!" Newton said coldly, "I won't be so big that I can fight against the Holy Shield and the Divine Spear at the same time! In my understanding, I only need to provoke two of the four continents. Entering the battle situation, coupled with the significance of Gooden Charlemagne itself, is enough for me to accumulate more than half a dimension of luck."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Newton was silent for a while and replied slowly: "I will find a way to force the orcs and dwarves to Charlemagne's side... but you'd better not play any tricks on the Rhine battlefield."

"As long as we ensure twenty-eight sets of divine shields and divine spears, I don't care about anything else!" Kausu said confidently.

"I don't care. Anyway, after the things in this dimension are over, I'm going to travel to the main universe!" Huang Chao said with a smile, "After half a lifetime of being a rebel, it's time to enjoy life... Maybe when I have enough fun, I will Find a lower civilization and feel like an emperor!"

"How tiring it is to be an emperor!" Kausi glanced at Huang Chao with disdain, "I have a friend who once vowed to be the queen of the earth, but ruling a small island country made her half exhausted, let alone Talk about the Queen of the Earth. Only a crazy guy would become the emperor!"

"That makes sense!" Huang Chao thought seriously, "I was the emperor for a few days before..."

Seeing that the rebellious master was about to start talking, but Newton was listening with great interest, Cauius decisively picked up the cup and left the small table.

"Senior Nie, you have worked hard these days!"

In front of the counter, Nie Yinniang's thin body shrank in the shadows, looking very inconspicuous. Since taking over the Blood Hoof Mutual Aid Association, this famous female warrior in history has further reorganized and integrated the Blood Hoof Mutual Aid Association, and has gradually become a pivotal dark network force in the Western Continent.

Nie Yinniang smiled nonchalantly.

"Thanks to you, I finally have something to do, so I won't be too bored in this world."

"Have you ever thought about where Senior Nie will go after the war is over?"

"Let's live in peace now!" Nie Yinniang was more free and easy than anyone else. "My era no longer exists. Since God wants me to wake up in this world, if there is no impact of the destruction of the universe, I think I might spend my time here. Live the rest of your life…”

"That's it..."

Kausu thought for a while, "If Senior Nie likes this place, how about leaving it to Senior in the future?"

"Let's wait until you decide to leave this plane!" Nie Yinniang did not agree immediately, but thought about it seriously and said something ambiguous.

Kausu was not in a hurry, he just picked up the cup and toasted Nie Yinniang, then drank it all in one gulp.

In the following time, battle reports came from the front line like snowflakes.

As Kaus had predicted, the fighting on both sides of the Rhine began to become tense.

At the beginning, the Crusaders, who had the absolute upper hand, almost overwhelmed their opponents. They built pontoon bridges one after another, and together with the largest magical bridge, several groups launched attacks at the same time, constantly squeezing the opponent's position on the river bank. space.

But no matter how fiercely the Crusaders attack, the Saint Sealand and Mellenhagen coalition forces will suddenly reveal a certain super-level unit in a precarious situation, and then counterattack the opponent's offensive.

These super-level units are not numerous in number and are very inconvenient to use. For example, the high mountain giants who need a lot of supplies and move slowly, or the berserker race that does not distinguish between friends and foes after going berserk, or the druids who wield mountain whips to drive the deadwood guards or stone giants to fight. Strange troops often emerge at critical moments and abruptly turn the battlefield situation around.

Moreover, what drove the Archbishop of Canterbury crazy the most was that he was able to suppress the opponent's regular troops at first. As time went by, the opponent actually slowly reversed this disadvantage, and even fought back and forth in regular offense and defense, and pushed the Crusaders back to the bridge several times.

"Oh, this little guy is growing up so fast!" Huang Chao sighed sincerely after looking at the battle report.

"Indeed!" Kausu also had to admit the growth of Gooden Charlemagne.

He rolled his eyes, pulled Huang Chao aside, and asked quietly: "Do you know how many more super-level legions Newton has hidden?"

"I don't know about anything else. In short, if Dragon Island recognizes Newton, it won't just send a dozen dragons to handle errands. According to my guess, Newton has at least an entire army of dragons hidden - but that one Will appear in the final battle!"

"Any more?"

"Don't you think there are too few magicians in the Crusaders?"

"Oh yes...anything else?"

"As far as I know, there is a very special group of people in the Holy See. Each of them is a fanatic and an ascetic. At the same time, they were also the best knights and magicians... I call them 'fanatics' '. But on the first day of the war, I didn't even see their shadow."

"As for the other special professions, such as Holy Priests, Paladins, Rangers, etc., is there any one participating in the war? Anyway, apart from seeing some regular troops, I didn't see the appearance of these guys - in short , Newton was just kidding. If he was serious, he would never foolishly engage in a frontal offensive and defensive battle with the Crusaders on the Rhine River, even if I personally commanded him."

"All right!"

Kaus had to admit that Charlemagne still had a long way to go before he could defeat Newton.

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