Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 456 Outside Hangu Pass

The war on the Rhine lasted for more than a month. After each side paid tens of thousands of corpses, the commanders and soldiers on both sides felt extremely exhausted.

So, after a small-scale conflict involving only a few thousand people, the war suddenly came to an end.

The two sides unanimously withdrew their main forces and looked for their respective main cities to rest and recuperate. Supplies and food supplies were continuously delivered from all directions. It seemed that they were fully prepared for a long-term confrontation.

"We need more reinforcements and military supplies." Gooden Charlemagne is no longer the rookie commander who was at a loss at first. After the baptism of war, he has grown up at an unimaginable degree. It was so fast that all the senior commanders except Shen Kuo were surprised.

He emphasized: "Whether it is St. Sealand or Mellenhagen, our goal is the same - to break the high-pressure rule of Isaac Newton and make the world a fairer place!"

He originally had another sentence, "This world belongs to us, not those outsiders", but when his eyes saw Hu Ke, Shen Kuo and others, he suppressed this sentence. The war not only made him develop a keen sense of war situations, but also greatly improved his emotional quotient and IQ.

Now Gooden Charlemagne exudes an irresistible personal charm and a perseverance tempered by the smoke of war, which makes Mrs. Lin look at him even more obsessed.

Shen Kuo didn't care too much about this and asked: "Then what are you going to do next?"

"I decided to leave the front line temporarily and go to other places to find all the forces that can cooperate. If necessary, I am even willing to sell something in exchange for the support of the orcs."

"Orcs?" Shen Kuo nodded indifferently, "Just do what you want!"

Several other Holy Shield inheritors hesitated, but did not refuse. At this point in the war, the opponent's strength left a deep impression on them. If they hadn't encountered a rookie commander who was just talking on paper, the outcome of this battle would have been decided long ago.

In fact, the Archbishop of Canterbury is not a fool, and he is also growing. It's just that his long career as an archbishop in a high position has made him a bit self-willed and arrogant. This small amount of growth is far from enough in front of a son who makes great leaps in almost every day. If the battle reaches such a stalemate, Mr. Archbishop must take at least half of the responsibility.

He had another view on this.

"Our Crusade has been less than a year since its formation, and most of them are new recruits. Moreover, the previous battles were child's play. We have never fought such a large-scale battle. This time we have fully sharpened our swords and accumulated a lot of experience. War experience. We are pleased to see that the middle and lower-level officers have grown up rapidly. They have already gained the ability to take charge of their own affairs, and have led our heroic soldiers to achieve sufficient results..."

So Samikina, who was busy searching for souls, turned his head speechlessly and looked at Raphael who was collecting souls on the other side of the battlefield, "Is this the level of your spokesperson?"

"He's actually right, isn't he?" Raphael was helpless and could only bite the bullet and answer.

"This sounds like nothing wrong, but..." Samikina glanced at the archangels with sympathetic eyes, "I hope your priests in other planes will have this kind of virtue!"

The angels all felt extremely embarrassed, but the Crusaders felt that the Archbishop was right. The enemy's endless methods also made them feel frightened. Being able to get tempered in the war would not be a bad thing - and the other party's The losses were indeed greater than theirs, this is an indisputable fact.

As a result, this month-long large-scale battle ended in a hurry. Both sides returned to the city closest to the Rhine River to rest and recuperate. Except for a few high-level commanders left behind, everyone else hurried back to their own villages. The rear area is preparing for a new round of war.

——Yes, war in the West is such a child's play and... upright, just like the loyal and honest Song Xianggong and Liu Yu who "just killed a Bo Gui". They have also caught up with the good times. If they meet those war madmen in the Eastern Continent, not to mention the peerless famous generals such as Bai Qi and Wei Qing, even the second-rate Wang Ben and Jiang Wei, they will already be smugly planning to unify the world and bring the entire world to the world. Under his own iron hooves.

At this time, Kausu took Beliyar to travel around the continent.

"The original intention of us coming to this plane was to have an unforgettable trip, not to participate in this inexplicable war!" These were Kausu's original words, and Beliyar agreed.

They traveled all over the continents, saw giant kelp and Crusu-like giant squid on the bottom of the Antarctic, chatted happily with the Nagas on the Arctic glaciers, drank herbal wine with the elves in the Whispering Forest, and Encountered magma monsters and fire elves deep in the earth's core.

The most unforgettable thing is the old man riding a green bull I met at Hangu Pass!

He was thin and wore a shabby robe. He has gray hair, a pleasant smile, and his eyes seem dull and dull, but in fact they contain thousands of stars. Looking carefully, it seems that everything is included, and the entire universe is within his one thought.

"I've seen Taishang Daozu!"

"I'm afraid I have mistakenly admitted the wrong person. The old Taoist's common name is Li Ming'er and the courtesy name is Tan. Where do you start talking about Taoist ancestors?"

Not Daozu?

Kausu bowed deeply again, "I have met Supreme Taoist Xuanyuan!"

Laojun laughed and did not give up. He tapped the back of Kausi's drooped head with a whisk and said, "You are not a direct descendant of me from China, but your soul is not bad at all. That's all, get up!"

Kausu stood up straight, looked at the young man Yin Xi who was holding the cow in front of him, licked his old face and came closer, and said with a smile: "Master Dao, look at Guan Yinzi, who is so young in this life, how can he take on important responsibilities? Why not let him The boy promises him a lifetime of wealth, how about letting me hold the cow?"

The old man was even more happy and laughed: "You are a bastard! You are also a hero now, why are you playing tricks with the old Taoist? The old Taoist is not the leader of the human religion, nor is he a disciple of Hongjun. He cannot teach you how to transform the three pure things with one breath. There is no Nine Transformations Golden Elixir. If you want moral induction, they will be all over the streets in future generations, so you can go and get it!"

Most of the Taoist people in the three Taoist religions are people of true nature. Hearing what Lao Jun said so straightforwardly, Kausu also felt that he was getting close to him, and jokingly said with a smile: "So Lord Dao also knows that he is the head of the Six Saints?"

The old man put his hands on his hands and laughed, his gray beard trembling with laughter, "My little friend, you have to ask me a question. Back then, the old Taoist learned that there were six saints passed down from generation to generation, and one of them mentioned three saints, who were the ancestors of Pangu Holy Emperor. There is also a verse that says, "Three pure beings give birth to all things, and then control all living beings; all living beings are divided into six realms, all of which are different." I was so excited that I made a special trip to Yuqing and Shangqing in Kunlun to look for my legendary second brother San. Brother, it’s a pity that after searching for thousands of years, I still can’t find it, which is a regret in my life!”

Yin Xi heard this in confusion and couldn't help but asked cautiously: "Master, do you have a second brother and a third brother? How come you have never heard of it?"

Kausi pointed at Yin Xi and said with a smile: "It turns out that Master Xuandu also has something he doesn't know about!" The old man was startled, and then burst into laughter, which made Yin Xi puzzled.

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