Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 492 The Dawn of Diversity

The Beyonders are a very special existence in the Marvel world.

They can hang up multi-level bosses and beat them. Abstract entities including eternity and infinity are no match for them, and even the Life Tribunal was killed in an instant. In the theoretical model, it is currently known that only OAA can surpass the Transcendence Protoss.

They are proficient in the theory of pluralism, but there is a fatal paradox - they are not multi-level creatures.

This is a very interesting subject. It can throw the Molecule Man to infinite multiple planes, but they themselves cannot leave the lightless universe. It is precisely because of this weakness that in "Everything Dies", superheroes (anti-heroes) such as Doom and Doctor Strange collected molecular men from different universes and finally detonated the entire lightless universe.

But a sentence from the Transcendent clarified that this is not a paradox.

"The ontology level is too high!"

Every multi-level creature has the same characteristics: they have a corresponding existence in any universe. For example, Doctor Strange has a series of different versions such as Three-Eyed Strange, Zombie Strange, Black Strange, etc. Another example is Phoenix. Wu Fengji, Ferron, Jean Gray, Rachel Summers, Cuckoo and others have all become Phoenix carriers in different dimensions. Even in a major event, Galantik (Swallowing Stars) Also gained the Phoenix Power.

As for abstract entities, they are even more clever. They have a clone of the same level in every world. There are as many abstract entities as there are parallel universes. For example, eternity, every parallel world has eternity, it is a concept, the sum of all things that exist on the probability axis. So you can defeat Eternity in a universe, but you can never truly kill Eternity as long as the multiverse exists.

The Transcendence God Clan is different.

The lightless universe is an extremely terrifying universe. They have almost no stable stars anymore, and some only have endless black holes. This is why it is called a "lightless" universe. In their world, there is always only a deep darkness, and no visible light can escape.

The cosmic creatures that can live here are born with incredibly powerful energy levels. The worst of them also has the energy of several galaxy-sized black holes. The energy in most of the adult Transcendent Gods comes from a strange black hole equivalent to the Big Bang of the prehistoric universe. In other words, the energy contained in each Transcendent God is directly equivalent to a super large universe.

When the energy level reaches this point, it is impossible for the lightless universe to give birth to a second parallel lightless universe, so the transcendent gods are also unique. They can easily penetrate different universes, and can also send Molecule Man to infinite parallel planes, but they themselves cannot travel through parallel spaces - because one universe cannot travel through another universe, and if they have to forcefully travel through, there will only be one consequence. : Two universes violently collide and merge.

To use a very easy-to-understand example, a drill bit with a cross-sectional area of ​​1 square centimeter can penetrate a metal block of 1 square meter without causing much damage, but a drill bit with a cross-sectional area of ​​1 square meter or even larger What will happen if the drill bit encounters a 1 square meter piece of metal? The only fate of that piece of metal is to twist and deform, and eventually it cannot even maintain its own shape intact.

In other words, the Transcendent Gods are drills with a cross-sectional area of ​​more than 1 square meter. Due to their powerful energy levels, they are unable to travel between parallel universes.

(There is a huge hidden danger of contradiction here. The notorious screenwriter Hickman once marked a close-up in the 2015 new "secret-wars": the Tribunal of Life was killed by the Transcendent Gods, and M's embodied body died on the moon. This plot There wasn't much of a problem at first, but Hickman added a superfluous sentence, "Every life court in the parallel universe also died on the moon." And this plot almost became a scene that tens of thousands of people complained about - because if you surpass the Gods Being able to cross multiple dimensions and kill infinite numbers of Life Tribunals, it would be impossible for the Molecule Man to completely shut down the Transcendent Protoss in the Secret War, thus triggering the complete collapse of masterpieces such as "Watchmen", "Kingdom Come", and "Civil War". Therefore, in order To maintain the stability of most Marvel plot lines, this article does not use beyond settings.)

But there is one certain fact: the understanding of diversity beyond the gods will not be lower than that of cosmic entities such as Galactus.

In the new dimensional space, Kausi once met the incarnation of "Tao". For the sake of being of the same lineage, Laojun knocked Kausi's head, allowing him to vaguely touch the concept of pluralism. . Reminiscent of the conclusion of the Transcendent, Kaus can basically determine the way to break through diversity.

Before Laojun struck Kavus, he deliberately affected the raw stone energy in his body. In fact, a very obvious hint has been given: using raw stones is the most effective way to transcend multidimensionality, and fierce collision or impact is the best way to open multidimensional channels.

Coupled with the statement given by the Transcendent, "Quantum fluctuations are an important clue connecting different universes," the path to transcending diversity is already clear.

Quantum fluctuations do not occur in isolation. For the quantum ebb and flow of this universe, there must be a universe undergoing quantum ebb. Creating a powerful energy shock can open a channel to the multiverse - equivalent to drilling a hole in this universe, and this hole can connect different planes.

No matter which universe we are in, quantum fluctuations are a normal phenomenon that can be seen everywhere. Although there are uncertainties, it is foreseeable that after the energy reaches a certain level (such as the God Killer), huge quantum fluctuations can be created anytime and anywhere, and theoretically multiple shuttles can be realized.

But this huge energy impact, while penetrating multiple universes, undoubtedly also poses a very high test to the shuttle itself. Kaous has five Infinity Stones, which is his greatest advantage.

As an anomaly in the universe, what makes Cauus different from all multidimensional creatures is that he is absolutely unique in concept!

Not even the Time Rangers can see Cauvus appearing in any timeline. In other words, even in the sacred timeline, Cauvus does not exist in the past or most of the future. He only exists in " current reality” and “the foreseeable future.” This is why when Doctor Strange traveled through time to return the Infinity Stones, he never saw any Kaous, and even the memories of the relevant personnel did not exist.

So he has nothing to rely on. The only way to reach the multiverse level is to transcend multiverse.

Now, Cauius can at least say that he sees a glimmer of hope beyond diversity!

This chapter is really hard to write. There are so many paradoxes in Marvel. In order to construct a complete setting hierarchy as much as possible, I almost exhausted the knowledge in my head...

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