Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 493 Cheating practice

After returning to the hotel, Kausi immediately entered the basement for retreat.

Along with him are Tony Stark and his good friend Dr. Banner. In order to ensure that Cauus will not be lost in the unknown plane again, Doctor Strange and Belial also come in.

Different from before, this time Kausu was trying to digest the energy of the Heart of the Universe.

After coming into contact with the Heart of the Universe, Kaus vaguely realized that something seemed wrong.

In terms of setting, the Heart of the Universe is known as the top super weapon under the Jim Stalin system, and it is also the incomplete power of OAA. But after truly coming into contact with this power, Kaus immediately understood what the Heart of the Universe was.

It was a kind of chaotic energy before the birth of the universe.

For OAA, its precise definition is "the supreme and omnipotent creator of the Marvel Universe."

"Zhouyi Qianzhedu" records: "There are five innate Tai Tai. Those who are too Yi are formless and nameless, without light and image; Tai Chu is the beginning of Qi." Strictly speaking, the heart of the universe should refer to the beginning of chaos. The "primordial" state is the innate Qi born in the formless and qualityless void. OAA is the state of Tai Chi after the beginning of time. "Tai Chi comes out and divides Yin and Yang." Yin and Yang have sorted out the chaos, and created everything in the world.

In other words, the treasure of the Heart of the Universe may have been born at the same time as the OAA, but the energy of the Heart of the Universe comes from the original "Innate Energy".

No wonder Pharaoh Akhenaton can defeat all superheroes with a trace of the energy of the heart of the universe. Even the five creation gods are unable to do anything to him. The reason is that Akhenaton has mastered the power of chaos. This chaotic energy has a high level. Almost all known abstract entities are extremely afraid of all existing cosmic energy. In "the-end", Thanos jumped into the heart of the universe and completely controlled this power, which allowed his consciousness to transcend objectivity and abstraction, and discovered the genetic information of all realities, reaching an existence beyond the omnipotent universe. .

"Only the Heart of the Universe can fight against the Heart of the Universe!"

Putting aside the "Reality Controller" that is officially rejected (this thing can only be compared with the Heart of the Universe in a reduced dimensionality world), for this reason, in the entire Marvel world, the Heart of the Universe is known as the only supreme artifact , this is an undoubted fact.

After everyone else began to practice or study, Kausi solemnly opened the box of the Cosmic Cube and jumped in.

The Tesseract itself is not a weapon, but a box with an extremely large capacity. In Secret Wars, the Tesseract even contained the energy of a major universe. The Cosmic Cube that Kaus got contained only a dimensional river black hole given to him by the Beyonder.

Now, this large black hole, which had begun to evolve into a river system, is re-consolidating according to Cauus's wishes. What is spreading around the black hole is the energy of the heart of the universe thrown in by Cauus - and what he wants to do Just absorb this energy into your body.

At first, he just tentatively touched this special energy, but soon he discovered that this energy was very chaotic, and just a wisp of it contained countless information.

All the truths and laws of the universe, as small as the definition of 0 and 1, the energy level and characteristics of a stone, the information carried by a certain light; as large as the constant speed of light, the constraints of space, etc... Just a ray of the heart of the universe energy contains hundreds of billions of years of accumulated information.

Absorbing chaotic energy is difficult, but Cauus has plenty of time.

What is really more difficult is to understand this energy and turn it into something in your own body.

So what Kaus has to do is to sort out every bit of energy, remove the essentials, and then absorb the useful information and energy into his body.

"No wonder Akhenaten's heart beat at high speed for 3,000 years. Just sorting out this energy information was enough to kill many of his brain cells."

If ordinary nuclear power is like a gurgling stream, then quantum fluctuations are like rivers rushing to the sea, and the energy of the heart of the universe is like a vast ocean of molten iron boiling like mountains and tsunamis. Not only are they large in quantity, they are also extremely rich.

After figuring out the energy level of the Heart of the Universe, Kaus thought about it seriously, and then used the soul gem to copy hundreds of blank souls.

Each of these blank souls carries the judgmental thinking of Cauus. They are scattered in the space of the Cosmic Cube, collecting every ounce of energy from the heart of the universe as much as possible, and then absorbing them one by one into their own bodies, and then sorting them out. , soothe this violent energy and make them compliant.

It can be seen with the naked eye that as these souls absorb chaotic energy, their soul bodies gradually become solid - huge information and energy fill their soul bodies, making them more and more like normal creatures.

When each soul body becomes a physical entity, they will stop absorbing energy, then drag the soul body that has become hundreds of times larger, fly staggeringly in front of the main body, then dive in, and completely merge with the main body. Together.

Waves of warmth surged through Kaous' body, and his mind was filled with countless information. This information was mixed together according to certain rules, forming a huge information storm, which made him feel as if his head was stuffed to the brim and was about to explode.

When all the first batch of 500 souls were absorbed, Cauvus was quietly suspended in the Cosmic Cube. After he had completely digested it, he sent out the second and third batch...

It's not that he is unwilling to copy hundreds of millions of blank souls in an instant, but that his current multi-threaded operation has limits, and he needs to use the mind gem to communicate with every soul. Imagine if hundreds of millions of souls appeared in the same chat room at the same time and sent out link requests, Kaous' head would explode.

Try to be as stable as possible in situations of uncertainty and danger.

——This is Kausu’s habit.

In this way, he stayed in the Cosmic Cube for a long time, until all the energy of the Heart of the Universe was absorbed into his body, and then he flew out with satisfaction.

Tony Stark has finished his studies and is lying on the floor in the corner, fast asleep; Bruce Banner is still flipping through books by the light of the fire, seeming to be deep in thought about a certain problem; Doctor Strange is holding a book The magic book fell asleep with a strange smile on its lips; while Belial's whole body glowed with a strange black and white light, and he didn't know what kind of practice he was doing.

"It seems quite harmonious..."

Kausu smiled and did not interrupt their cultivation process. Instead, he returned to the Cosmic Cube, intending to study the dimensional energy of the lightless universe.

The so-called dimensional energy is a level higher than conventional energy and carries certain key information. For example, Dormammu's dark energy, Mephisto's dark bit energy, and Cytorak's crimson energy are all energies that carry corresponding typical characteristics and are usually obtained from one or more ultra-dimensional entities in the universe. After Cauus understood the chaotic energy from the heart of the universe, he suddenly understood the truth of the lightless universe.

——Entropy Demon! ?

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