Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 494 Another Universe

The Entropy Demon is a dark form of void creature in World of Warcraft.

In the endless dark universe, there is a magical race that can perform dimensional jumps. Usually their whole bodies are filled with sacred power, and the holy light is the source of life for them. This is Naaru.

The background of the Naaru is not small. They were created by the collision of the two primordial forces of the Holy Light and the Void. The big explosion produced formed the material universe, and the fragments of the Holy Light energy swirled together to form a life structure. .

The power of the original Naaru is comparable to that of the moon god Elune. They have been competing with the void in the universe since their birth. The energy ships that WOWER is familiar with, such as the Storm Fortress, Exodar, Zenidar and other Draenei interdimensional spaceships, are also Naaru technologies. Therefore, Draenei has always remembered the names of those sacrificed naaru: Kara, Ture, Luula, Mulu, Volos. The Naaru thus became the holy beacon of light for the Draenei faith.

Interestingly, as a creature of holy light, Naaru will also disappear due to the loss of energy. When the naaru are in a weak state or even on the verge of death, they generate void energy and transform into dark naaru. Under the infusion of the powerful power of Holy Light, the Dark Naaru can also be restored to the original Holy Light Naaru.

However, if the dark naaru are not replenished with energy, they will further become void and become a terrifying creature-the entropy demon!

Players can see them in the Sunwell Highlands (Sunwell Old 5), and after the Entropy Demon is killed in battle, it will turn into a black thing... But Caus discovered it in the Cosmic Cube. The dimensional energy stuffed in by the transcendent is almost from the same origin as this ancient substance.

The Holy Light Naaru turns into the Dark Naaru when he dies. The Dark Naaru turns into the Entropy Demon when he starves to death. And the Entropy Demon dies again... and becomes the fucking Transcendent Gods?

What a bummer!

This discovery was truly unexpected.

He thought he had made a mistake, and even carefully analyzed the dimensional energy from the lightless universe - yes, there is no holy light or void, there is only an absolute darkness. This energy can Annihilate all elements - even the six basic forces will be offset by this energy, and then completely turned into nothingness.

Kausu scratched his head and smiled bitterly.

"Now I know why the five creation gods are unwilling to provoke the Transcendent Gods, and I also know why Xiao Chao can make a cup of poison to poison death... I have been thinking about what kind of poison can even poison the concept of 'death'. Death turns out to be because the dimensional energy of the lightless universe can annihilate everything!"

After figuring this out, Cauvus, who originally planned to absorb dimensional energy, completely gave up the idea. The energy level of the lightless universe is so high that once he absorbs this energy, it will cause his hard work to cultivate. The six elements of light, darkness, earth, fire, water, and wind were completely offset and annihilated. Except for the chaotic force that had just been absorbed, Kausu became a semi-waste.

But he quickly became happy again. Although he couldn't absorb it, it didn't mean that he couldn't use this energy. As long as the energy in the Cosmic Cube has not been exhausted, he can use the Cosmic Cube as a weapon to see who doesn't like it and smash it with a black hole... The power is definitely no less than the Bantian Seal in Guangchengzi's hand!

"Go back to Superboy and ask for some dimensional energy!" Kausu thought happily until he left the Cosmic Cube, still with a smile on his face.

"It looks like your harvest is pretty good!" A voice interrupted his sweet dream.

Strange was leaning against the bookshelf with his magic book in his arms, sitting on the floor with his legs crossed in an imageless manner. How could he still have the slightest bit of demeanor of the Supreme Mage? It's completely like a problem writer in a down-and-out small town.

"It's indeed not bad!" Kausu was in a good mood and asked with a smile, "How are you?"

"It's okay!" Strange seemed to be in a very good mood. He quickly glanced at Stark, who was addicted to the ocean of knowledge. "I just accidentally went to another universe, and then met a man named Ke. Li’s woman…”

Cauus suddenly spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

Klee? Isn’t that Doctor Strange’s wife?

Strange didn't notice Cauvus' strange expression. He was thinking about it, "Oh, she is so beautiful... Her magic is also good, but I always feel that her magical energy is a bit familiar! Cauvus, you Say, will the women I met in other universes also meet in this universe?"

"Probably... yes!" Kausi blinked, feeling that this matter was starting to become interesting.

Klee is a resident of the dark dimension. She is also an outstanding magician. She once secretly observed Doctor Strange and admired his courage when he fought the lord of the dark dimension, Dormammu. Dormammu once used Baron Mordo to fight Doctor Strange. Clea quietly pulled Dormammu's hind legs behind, causing Baron Mordo to be easily defeated by Strange. Dormammu considered Clee a traitor and banished her.

Of course Strange will feel familiar with Clee's magic, because he and his teacher Ancient One have secretly stolen Dormammu's dark energy over the years, and Clee's magic comes directly from the dark dimension.

Looking at Strange's intoxicated expression, Kausu couldn't help but ask: "Stephen, in that universe, how did you and Kelly get on?"

"Oh..." Strange immediately became frustrated, "I had a very happy chat with her, and then for some reason she left suddenly, saying that something happened at her home."

"Did you tell me what it was?" Kausu asked tentatively.

"That's not true..." Strange shrugged, "Besides, what happens in another universe is not necessarily destined to happen in this universe. After all, this is the sacred timeline."

Kausi smiled. It may be hard to say other things, but Keli...

He suddenly thought of a question that he almost ignored. He jumped over and grabbed Doctor Strange by the collar. "What did you just say? Did you travel to other universes?"

"Uh...what's the problem?"

"Of course!" Kausu quickly put his hands down and smoothed his clothes. "Can you tell me how you broke through diversity? I've been thinking about this issue recently!"

"Breaking through diversity? Is it difficult?"

Doctor Strange looked at Cauvus in surprise, "I'll just make gestures... gestures... just like I usually do when opening the portal, but just put the landing point farther away!"

"How far?"

"Imagine leaving this universe and going to another interesting universe, and then place the landing point there..."

Kausu almost vomited blood all over the floor.

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