Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 550 Everything dies

Everything dies!

The craziest, cold-blooded, and most far-reaching plan in all of Marvel history.

According to the laws of the dark forest, in front of higher-level civilized races, low-level civilized races are either destroyed or used as objects of observation and experiments.

For the Transcendent Gods, the entire multiverse is just a low-level civilization.

So when someone suddenly thought, "What will happen when there is no living thing in the entire multiverse?", the "Everything Dies" plan started smoothly.

After deciding on this plan, the Transcendent Gods did two things: they went out in large numbers to clean up the gods in the universe that might cause obstacles. Their weakest clan member, the "Cartographer", massacred the Heavenly Father and even single-level gods or dimension lords. The next-level clan member, the "Ivory King", launched an attack on single space warriors such as Hyperion. Thor also died in battle during this time period.

As for the high-end duel, the Ivory King, the top master who surpassed the gods, personally dispatched. Their weakest Ivory King could easily kill a god group. Two Ivory Kings teamed up to defeat the five creation gods such as eternity. And when the three ivory kings stood together, they only used one move to kill the Life Tribunal on the spot.

After cleaning up these "annoying little ants", the Transcendent Protoss will carry out the second step of their plan: they will place the molecular man Owen into each multiverse. In fact, they will plant a time bomb in each universe. When the Transcendent Gods are fully prepared, they will all "detonate", thus completing this cruel experiment in which everything will die.

In the original world, Doctor Doom and Doctor Strange found the only chance to win. In this earth-shattering battle, Doctor Doom opened the world of fighting and was successfully promoted to "God Lord Doom".

Now, Kaous will inherit this only key and embark on the stage of duel with the transcendent gods.

Owen Reese was stunned. He never dreamed that he was actually a bomb. He was stunned for a while before he stammered: "I...I turned out to be..."

"No, you're just a normal person!"

Kausu knew what Owen wanted to say. Anyone who didn't go crazy and collapse when he heard that he was just a pawn of a foreign race was considered to have a strong psychological quality. He stared into Owen's eyes, "You are originally a very ordinary earthling. You were born in Colorado and moved to Brooklyn with your mother."

"Although your mother is a bit doting on you and is not very particular about how to raise children. But what can be confirmed is that she is indeed your biological mother, and her love for you is unquestionable."

Owen was silent for a moment, then asked in a low voice: "Then... why should I?"

"Because you are just the unlucky one who was chosen!"

Cauvus smiled bitterly and pointed his finger at Doctor Strange, "He was also the chosen one, but he was spotted by a great magician and became her disciple. And you were forced Become a…superhero with supernatural powers?”

"Superhero?" Owen's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes!" Kausu continued to fool, "You will have the ability to manipulate molecules, and any microscopic world will be invisible to you. The Transcendence Gods will create an 'accident' to activate your ability, but this is also An opportunity for you!”

"My chance..." Owen closed his eyes tightly, slowly opened them, and stood on the surface of the moon, somewhat helpless, looking at his hands, "Am I - a superhero?"


Cauus smiled and pulled the Transcendent over.

"Look at him, he and you are one and the same. From a fundamental point of view, you two are the best partners and...comrades-in-arms!"

"Huh? Me?" The Transcendent was still watching the show idly at first, but suddenly the target was pointed at him, which made him feel very surprised. "I was born in the deepest part of the lightless universe. He... isn't he from Earth? ?”

"Hmm..." Kausu touched his chin and organized his words a little, "Xiaochao, do you still remember that you said at the beginning that you are better at macroscopic combat and don't have enough mastery of microscopic world skills?"

The Beyonder nodded.

"Actually, when you were born, you were destined to be the omniscient and omnipotent person who transcended the gods! How could it be possible that there were only macroscopic and no microscopic ones?" Kausi patiently explained, "But the transcendent gods were afraid that you would control everything, so they decided with one word. Their life and death. So while you were still gestating in the depths of the black hole, they tried every means to weaken your power."

"After a long period of experiments, the Ivory Kings succeeded. They succeeded in stripping you of the ability to control the 'microscopic', and then made it into another weapon."

The Transcendent frowned. He instinctively wanted to refute, but deep down he knew it was true.

"So the weapon is on Owen?"


Kaus nodded, "They copied infinite weapons and put them in every multiverse. So there is an Owen Reese waiting to be activated in every multiverse. When he masters that weapon, he It becomes your other side - Molecule Man!"

Owen was a little confused, but Warlock Adam understood.

"Aha, that's it!" Adam explained enthusiastically, "Infinite universe, infinite selves, and then these infinite 'selves' are all activated because of the same law of cause and effect. In other words, every Owen Reese It’s the exact same weapon, and everyone is the other side of Superboy – so I want to ask, if you put many Owen Reeses in the same plane, what will happen to Superboy?”

"Not very good!" Doctor Strange shrugged, "A drop of water plus another drop of water will only become another drop of water, and it will not have much impact on the Transcendent of the Holy Universe."

"Because it is a copy!" Kausu's thoughts gradually improved, and his speaking speed gradually became faster. "This is the sacred universe, so Owen Reese is the only one. As for the other multiverses, it is only It’s just that different time forks led to the birth of countless Owen Reeses. It has little impact on the sacred universe.”

"But the impact on the lightless universe is huge!"

Having said that, the Transcendent has also understood Caus's plan: "Your idea is to throw Owen Reese over to deal with the Transcendent Gods?"

"That's not it!" Kausi smiled and patted Owen on the shoulder, "There are many copies of him, so it shouldn't be a problem to throw in dozens of them..."

The future "Molecular Man" Owen thought for a long time. When everyone was looking at him, he finally made up his mind and slowly raised his head.

"Can I see my supernatural powers first?"


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