Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 551 Molecular Ginseng!

The method of activating Molecule Man is surprisingly simple, but for the original Earth, if no one deliberately activated Owen Reese, he would never be activated.

Owen Reece was originally a nuclear power plant technician at ACME Atomic Company. Due to an accident, a particle generator exploded in front of him. The unknown rays emitted mutated him, giving him omnipotent cosmic powers. strength. The radiation also left lightning-like scars on his face.

This accident also created a "pinhole" between the earth dimension and another dimension - this is the passage left by the lightless universe for itself. Through this "pinhole", they established the relationship between the lightless universe and the main universe. Quantum channel, so that they can invade on a large scale without restraint.

"Particle generator explosion?"

The superheroes who were summoned looked at Kausi and Owen and felt incredible.

"My laboratory has been detonated at least hundreds of times by my erroneous experiments, of which a quarter were caused by explosions involving particle generators and particle accelerators!" Iron Man was the first to question, "Why did I There has never been any mutation?”

"It's simple, because you are not the predetermined candidate!"

Kausi smiled and explained, "Under normal circumstances, the chance of such an accident is almost one in a trillion. In fact, the principle is very, very simple. It only needs to bombard Owen's body with a W boson from the Higgs field. At a certain part, he will automatically activate and change his body."

Several cutting-edge scientists, including Stark, Banner and Rocket, nodded. This was different from the way the Hulk was born. The original Hulk was born due to gamma ray radiation, and Owen's is obviously a backdoor program - just bombarding a key node with W bosons will unlock his special abilities.

"Then come now!" Rocket suggested, "The laboratory at Bloodhoof Factory is very well-equipped, including a field effect machine that can separate individual Higgs bosons."

"The question is, where do we bomb?" Stark raised a new question, "How do we know where his key trigger node is?"

451's eyes flickered and he pointed at Owen Reese's eyebrows, "There is an area that cannot be seen clearly. From the depths here, the intersection vertically downwards from the top of the head. I remember someone called this place the 'pineal gland'?" "

"It should be here..."

Kausi patted Owen on the shoulder and told him to relax, "If you are scared, you can drink some wine first. Of course, you can refuse this activation at any time."

"Can I still refuse?" Molecule Man, who had already realized what was about to happen, smiled bitterly. "Even if I can refuse this time, the next time those who come will not be my boss, friends, or colleagues. It will most likely be that group of people who come. The guys who transform me... they won't ask for my opinion, and may even use very rough methods to forcefully wake me up! This reminds me of those ugly capitalists and politicians - sorry, Mr. Kaus, and Stark Sir, I am definitely not talking about you, I am talking about..."

"Okay, okay!" Listening to Owen, who was not very emotionally intelligent, speaking more and more darkly, helpless Tony Stark shook his head, "No matter what, what belongs to you is yours, no matter how these supernatural abilities come from Yes, follow your heart!"

This time Owen understood. He was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly and said, "I understand!"

As the rocket pressed the switch, the initial particle manufacturing machine began to slowly start. As each antimatter energy module began to operate, an object heated to the limit began to emit a proton that was too small to be seen.

As soon as the proton was produced, it began to accelerate under the constraints of the magnetic field, entering the second-stage accelerator from the first-stage accelerator, and then entering the third-stage...

In this way, after the large vacuum ring tube operated for twenty minutes, the proton was accelerated step by step to a point infinitely close to the speed of light. When the proton's speed reached 0.9999... times the speed of light, another particle was also ejected.

At the moment when two microscopic particles collide head-on, their energy level has far exceeded that of two neutron stars colliding. The temperature exceeded hundreds of billions of degrees, and a miniature black hole appeared out of thin air, but the next moment, the black hole evaporated its mass and disappeared.

But just one picosecond or even one femtosecond before disappearing, a magical particle was created. It has no spin, no charge, is very unstable, and will decay immediately after being produced - this is The "Higgs boson" that earth scientists once dreamed of!

This is the God Particle!

The existence of the Higgs boson basically confirms the existence of the Higgs mechanism and the Higgs field, thus explaining the most important physical theory - where mass comes from.

There is no need to emphasize the importance of the Higgs boson. The mere appearance of this boson is enough to complete the famous "grand unification" formula, thereby integrating gravity, electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. With the unification of the four basic forces, human civilization will also step out of the solar system and reach level three civilization, which is commonly known as "beyond the speed of light."

Such "God particles" can only be regarded as rudimentary technologies in Stark Industries and Mulgore Industries. Three of the most outstanding researchers: Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Rocket Raccoon have basically come into contact with the theoretical research of level six technology, and the two major industrial giants have also fully implemented it in Mavis. Level four "tachyon" technology and incomplete space technology have slowly appeared in laboratories.

"That's why I said just now, the chance is one in a trillion. Because if you hadn't changed the level of technology, it would be impossible for ordinary particle generators on the earth to create a Higgs boson." Kausi Explained, "It was the Transcendent Gods who secretly changed everything. They put a boson into the exploding particle generator, and then let the boson enter Owen's head."

No one said anything. They all stared at Owen on the monitor. Now that the port of the circular accelerator was released, the Higgs boson held hostage by the magnetic field had reached the center of Owen's eyebrows and then dived in.

Owen Reese groaned in pain, as if he had been punched hard. He curled up, holding his head and screaming in pain. As he continued to twist on the floor, his body began to undergo strange changes.

"The preset energy was activated, and I saw his body cells burning crazily!" 451 squinted his eyes and kept scanning Owen's body. Each scan would come to a completely different conclusion, "He is evolving rapidly. In an unpredictable way. Every second, his body will evolve for tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years... Huh?"

The Transcendent who stood quietly in the central control room also narrowed his eyes. He felt his heart begin to beat faster, and an indescribable feeling slowly spread throughout his body. He felt a long-lost sense of familiarity in Owen, and this familiarity did not come from Owen Reese, but from...


Cauvus turned back and smiled at the Transcendent, "Do you feel it?"

The Transcendent was silent for a while, then nodded slowly and replied: "Yes, he and I are one body and two sides, or to put it another way, he is my other body!"

After a few minutes, Owen's struggling and twisting stopped. He supported his body with his arms and stood up section by section, with a puzzling look in his eyes.

Then he made a strange movement. He raised his hand, and the entire laboratory equipment turned into a molecular state, turning into a small ball that emitted a faint light, and slowly fell into the palm of his hand.

"I understand, this is the real me."

Owen raised his head, looking beyond the thick lead-containing metal walls, and finally landed on Kaus.

"I am the transcendent of the microscopic world, the terminator of the lightless universe."

"Molecule Man Owen Reese!"

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