Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 567 Terrifying Chain Reaction

The constant speed of light is the most important rule of the universe, even more important than the mass-energy formula. No object with mass can exceed the speed of light, and the speed of light is constant relative to any frame of reference. The constant speed of light not only limits the speed limit of objects, but also limits the passage of time and the expansion of space.

What if the speed of light changes?

There is a very interesting statement that if the speed of light changes just a little bit, even oxygen will not exist in the universe.

To put it simply, the change in the speed of light causes the electromagnetic interaction to change (Maxwell's electromagnetic equations deduce that the speed of light is constant), the strong force increases, and 12C and 4He are unable to form oxygen nuclei. What's more, as the electromagnetic force becomes lower, the interaction between protons and electrons will become lower, stable atoms will not be able to exist, and carbon-based life based on carbon will not be able to appear.

Of course, the establishment of this equation is first based on the stable value of the constant C. In fact, if the speed of light changes, another set of formulas will be self-consistent.

But for the current lightless universe, the speed of light becomes negative, which immediately triggers a strong chain reaction.

Almost instantly, all parameters related to density, energy, gravity, and expansion of the universe all changed to corresponding negative values. The black hole violently erupted all the energy in the body, and almost all particles began to behave in the opposite direction crazily. nature. What is even more frightening is that the entire universe has begun an entropy reduction effect - this is the precursor to the reversal of time and space.

Almost all the Transcendent Protoss were forced to rush out from their hiding places.

They looked at everything in front of them in stunned silence. With their strength, the explosion of several white holes could not hurt them. But without the black hole, the Transcendent Gods would have no source of energy, and would only continue to deplete. Eventually, their own energy could not withstand the changes in the lightless universe, and then the annihilation energy in the body would be offset by the white hole, turning it into nothingness.

The decrease in entropy of the entire universe is a more important influence. New rules continue to erode the bodies of the Transcendent Gods. Since their bodies contain extremely powerful black hole energy, their own rules will not be eroded so quickly. . But in front of the entire universe, they still appear too weak.

Before they can solve this problem, it will be difficult for them to even perform basic attacks, defenses and even movements. Every step they take will lead to strong resistance to the rules enforced by the current universe.

"Who's changing this?"

The Transcendent Gods were searching everywhere frantically. They tried their best to use all detection methods to search the entire universe for the initiator of this change.

Soon, they saw a pitch-black light group. Under such strong light, it was deep and dark, exuding an extremely pure aura.

Kaus, who changed the positive and negative value of the speed of light, was also affected by the lightless universe. He emitted energy and formed a closed area around it. In this area, the erosion of the lightless universe is temporarily unable to interfere with any of his abilities.

"Kill that guy!" All the Transcendent Protoss roared, and they rushed towards Cauvus, hoping to kill the source of the rule change before everything collapsed completely.

But the lightless universe is too big. Facing the reversal of entropy reduction, the Transcendent Gods can only mobilize all the energy in their bodies to prop up the domain shield to resist the erosion of increasingly powerful rules. In fact, on the way to charge towards Cauus, the weakest "map builders" had already been drained of energy by the white hole and completely turned into nothingness.

Next came the Ivory Kings, who had at least one to three different levels of super-cluster-level lightless black hole energy in their bodies, which allowed them to persist until they were close to Cauus. However, their raindrop-like energy attacks could only sadly explode in the air. Before they could attack the domain body of Cauus, they were already exhausted by the universe.

Only the Ivory Kings are still observing their surroundings nervously. They have the strength to defeat multiple abstract concepts such as eternity and infinity. The Ivory Kings themselves are a powerful core of the universe. The energy contained within them is enough to sweep across the regular multiverse, so that changing the rules of the lightless universe will not hurt them too much.

And, more importantly, they know how to change all this, instead of being stupid like those Ivory Kings and staying at the low-level stage where the two sides fight each other with energy shock waves.

Suddenly a string was plucked in the endless void, and the ivory kings began to work together to modify the rules. They have no way to directly reverse the speed of light like Cauus, but they also have their own methods.

Around their bodies, endless microscopic particles emerged - this phenomenon is not surprising. Vacuum fluctuations will cause countless pairs of particles, one carrying positive energy and the other carrying negative energy, to appear for a short period of time. Within a short period of time, they will both be annihilated again. This is also the fundamental principle of the law of conservation of mass and energy in the universe.

But this time the situation is different. The rising tide of vacuum continues, and pairs of particles continue to escape. Everywhere they go, the surrounding rules return to their original state. As millions of ivory kings exerted their power at the same time, with them as the center of the circle, more and more spaces became calm again and began to implement the original rules of the lightless universe.

The entire lightless universe began to become chaotic.

The universe was originally full of light and white, but now there are millions of huge black areas in the universe, just like many insects eating away a big tree. At the junction of the black area and the white area, some white/black holes begin to flicker, flickering on and off, absorbing energy while releasing it. Correspondingly, the large white holes changed their orbits. They were originally mutually exclusive and began to revolve around the small white holes...

How terrifying is it for millions of ivory kings to exert force at the same time?

"So many..." Seeing the scene in front of him, Kausu could not help but be secretly surprised even though he was mentally prepared.

In "Secret Invasion", Doctor Doom and Doctor Strange teamed up to throw dozens of Molecule Man into the lightless universe, and then ended it all easily. But that's just because Molecule Man is too powerful and has little to do with the instigator.

But now when the Transcendent Gods show their true strength, they realize just how terrifying this lightless universe is.

Kausu is indeed very strong now, so strong that there is no essential difference between him and Thanos, the heart of the universe. They can score 100 points on most of the test papers - of course this is because this paper only has 100 points.

But the lightless universe is equivalent to the existence of the eleven-dimensional omnipotent universe. Thanos, the heart of the universe, can compete with the entire lightless universe on his own, but Cauus can only deal with half of it.

So when the Ivory Kings started to transcend the realm, Kausu had only two choices. One was to continue to maintain the negative value of the speed of light and consume it with the Ivory Kings; the other was to stop modifying the rules and instead deal with the order of millions. of ivory king.

"I choose... one!"

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