Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 568 Beyond the Gods Offline

Facing the ivory kings' desperate fight for the rules, Cauvus just smiled.

He originally thought about using logical weapons, but after carefully evaluating the strength of the Ivory King, he wisely gave up this idea.

The short sentence that just changed the speed of light actually used the "analysis" and "expression" of the four major tools of logic in succession. "Analysis" is his understanding of the entire lightless universe, while "expression" uses the special ability of the Reality Stone to promote it with the powerful energy of the Heart of the Universe.

At this time, if you want to deal with the Ivory King, under the condition that the energy of the Heart of the Universe needs to maintain the negative speed of light rule, the only thing Cauus can use is the energy of the Infinity Stones.

At the current level of war, one or two Infinity Stones are no longer easy to come by. Unless six gems are concentrated, Cauus can only deal with one or two ivory kings at most - but now the opponent has a million people.

So Kausu was not interested in fighting one by one, so he adopted another method.

In the eyes of all the ivory kings, Kaus just waved his hand, and then nothing seemed to happen.

"What is this guy doing?"

Some ivory kings who had a hot temper and could not help but ask.

"I don't know, maybe there is no extra energy?"

"It's possible... he wants to maintain the revised rules. It's impossible for him to have such powerful energy to attack us. I guess he's probably reaching his limit..."

"How could there be such a terrible guy!" Someone was cursing, "Why would he come to the Aluminum Universe to cause trouble? Doesn't he know the strength beyond the gods?"

"Shut up, he has suppressed us all by himself now, what are you still obsessed with?"

"Hey, are you guys feeling a little hot?"

"Hot? Are you still dreaming? We are ivory kings. We can come and go freely even in the depths of a black hole. A high temperature of more than 100 million degrees is only equivalent to the temperature of bath water..."

"No, I feel it too, it seems to be really hot!"

Almost all the ivory kings felt it, and their bodies felt a little warm, just like how humans feel about sweating. Some kings even raised their arms reflexively, as if they wanted to block the bright light in the distance.

"Why is there a fever? We-"

Finally, the Ivory King reacted. He shouted loudly in shock and used an indescribable communication method to talk to the transcendent gods in the entire universe.

"Look at those white holes and pay attention to their visible light colors!"

Most of the white holes are still blooming with dazzling white light, but the color of some small white holes has gradually turned to light red.

Generally speaking, for such supermassive white holes, it takes a long time for them to eject all the matter. Even ordinary supernova explosions take several months, let alone these black holes that originally belong to the lightless universe? One hundred thousand years can only be regarded as a starting value!

White holes turn red, which means their mass is greatly reduced, the internal pressure is also reduced, and the temperature is also reduced. Therefore, their luminosity begins to decrease and gradually becomes dimmer, which causes white light to continuously evolve towards red light.

In other words, in the past period of time, the white hole has been ejecting for a hundred thousand years or more. But from the perspective of the Ivory Kings, only a few hours had passed since they started to restore the rules.

"Time - that guy changed the flow of time!"

This discovery made all the ivory kings panic. It is true that their lifespan is almost infinite, at least equivalent to the lifespan of a black hole. But they are still fighting for the rules with each other. The energy of their bodies is constantly pouring out, setting off a huge vacuum tide, and then using the radiation effect of particles to feed back their own rules to the lightless universe.

In other words, in the past period of time, more than 100,000 years have passed for the ivory kings... and all of this was done without the ivory kings noticing at all, and time accelerated so quietly. Stealing their time.

"What should we do? What should we do..." Before he finished speaking, some black areas that were still fighting for the rules had mysteriously disappeared. This meant that some of the weaker Ivory Kings had exhausted their energy and were defeated. Corroded by the rules modified by Cauus, it eventually assimilates with the universe.

More and more black areas disappeared. At first there were only a few or dozens. Later, as the flow of time continued to accelerate, hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of areas disappeared in large tracts.

"God bless, the time flow rate of the lightless universe must not involve the main universe..."

Kausi was also beating the drum in his heart. He borrowed the Time Stone from Doctor Strange before heading to the eleventh dimension. Later, because he was busy, he had no time to return the Eye of Agamotto, so it was just in time to use it now.

The remaining group of the most powerful ivory kings began to launch a desperate charge in the direction of Cauus. They were still laughing at their young people a moment ago and could only use energy shock waves to attack without thinking, but after discovering When their efforts were about to come to nothing, they could only use this last resort.

But they soon discovered that it was not that the young Ivory Kings lacked strength, but that the area where the opponent was located was actually hidden in the cracks of the twisted space. It could be seen with the naked eye, but without knowing the value of the degree of distortion, they could not figure it out at all. Unable to accurately detect the opponent's precise location.

Finally, the Ivory King fell completely into despair. They used a violent self-destruction to turn their bodies into countless tiny particles, sweeping across a huge area in an instant. In this area, all the rules were restored to their original state. look like.

Larger black areas formed one after another. This was when the subsequent Ivory King began to make a desperate move, using his body to become the guardian of the lightless universe. The violent explosion shook the earth and the earth, and they were using their lives to bloom the last brilliant brilliance.

Until the last explosion ended, announcing that this terrible race was officially offline.

"It's all over!" Kaus breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the black areas where the last moments of his life were still trying to rewrite the rules gradually shrink.

"Reset the rules..." He waved his hand, and the speed of light returned to its original constant.

The white holes stopped ejecting and began to attract the surrounding dust and matter again. Black holes that consumed a lot of energy were formed again - but this time, it will take at least hundreds of millions of years for the lightless black holes to return to their previous form. appearance.

There are even some white holes that have completely exhausted their matter. Where they originally existed, some gaseous matter began to gradually condense. This is a precursor to the formation of stars.

"Damn it, is this still a lightless universe?" Kausi was a little stunned, "I didn't create a huge regular universe, did I?"

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