Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 575 Difficult Choice

The whole body is wrapped in a black robe, and the body is tall and curvy. What is exposed outside the robe is not the skin, but countless smooth curves.

——This is Infinity, the second highest existence among the five creation gods.

She (he) picked up the glass filled with morning dew wine, squeezed it curiously, as if she was worried about crushing the small glass, looked at it for a while, took a cautious sip, and then gently put it back on the table. .

"I have always wanted to visit this Mulgore hotel, but I never had the chance..."

With a slightly hoarse voice, it was impossible to distinguish between male and female, and Infinite just sat here quietly. Opposite her (him), Kausi sat there leisurely.

Beside Kaus, the Transcendent and Adam were sitting in the other two directions. At another nearby small table, Molecule Man, Doctor Strange, Belial and the Scarlet Witch were sitting.

"We had a great chat last time. If you like, you can come for a drink at any time!" Kausi picked up the cup and took a sip, taking a deep breath to let the fruity aroma fully play on his taste buds. After he came out, he swallowed it with unfinished content, and said with a smile, "Are you worried that Eternal Life will disagree?"

"He has always wanted to see you!" Infinite shrugged, "It's just that he has been very anxious some time ago and finally relaxed a little. He plans to take a vacation for himself - the leaves of the Eternal Double Tree that he gave to you last time are still used. Okay?"

"There are not many of my friends who need to be diverse. Stephen, Belial and Wanda, I gave them all a piece. As for myself..."

"You don't need it anymore!" Infinite lazily leaned on the chair and stretched, "With the energy of half the heart of the universe, your strength is already infinitely close to the transcendent. If eternity hadn't insisted on choosing Adam, The position of the Life Court should actually be given to you."

The Transcendent tapped his finger on the table, interrupting Infinite and Cauvus' reminiscence. He said calmly: "What I said again is that Adam still needs to learn and hone for a while, and his mind is not mature enough. It will be harmful to him to rush to take over the position of the Life Tribunal now."

Kausi glanced sideways at the Transcendent, and added: "I don't know what Adam's current state is, but since Xiaochao said so, I agree."

"Why don't you ask me for my opinion?"

In response to both the Transcendent and Kausi's attacks, Infinite did not sound surprised at all. Instead, he said with a smile, "In the final analysis, it depends on one's own attitude, right?"

The two of them were immediately speechless.

"Hey!" Adam finally found a chance to speak. He raised his hand and asked weakly, "What does the Life Tribunal... do?"

"The judge and arbiter of the almighty universe!" Kausu replied smoothly, "OAA authorized the life court to supervise and maintain the balance of the entire universe. The unlucky guy before died at the hands of the Ivory King, so the universe is now in a state of It’s a very delicate situation. The order is constantly being disrupted, but there are no signs of collapse yet. In order to prevent the universe from becoming fragmented, they need a new life court.”

"Oh, that's really cool!" Adam was confused and even a little excited.

"That's because all the Transcendent Gods are dead!" Infinite explained. "Photographed by OAA and Eternal Majesty, the diverse concepts of runes, chaos, and loss are still on the sidelines for the time being, especially..." He glanced at Kausi , "New logic has emerged, and it is in the capacity of the prophet of the universe. They did not make decisions without knowing the details."

Hearing Infinity mentioning himself, Kausi asked with interest: "New logic? Do you mean, has there been other logic in the universe before?"

"Every pluralist who masters logic will eventually become the Laplace Demon." Infinite's tone seemed playful, "Do you want to continue?"

Laplace's Demon... Kaus's heart suddenly sank. This was not good news.

Time guardians of all generations have died of suicide, including Agamotto and the Ancient One. The omniscient and omnipotent Laplace demon is a model of "enough is enough", because they no longer have any pursuits and fun, everything is in his mind, and every word he says is golden. He wants to Something will appear in front of them in the next second - which makes them lose the last meaning of survival.

Seeing Kausu's silence, Infinite looked at the Transcendent again, "You are almost the Laplace Demon in the Transcendent Realm. Fortunately, the Transcendent Gods can never control time. I bet that when you finish When your wish comes true, you will get the greatest satisfaction in history—even if you are willing to sleep in the new lightless universe for a hundred million years!"

"My wish? I don't even know what I want!" The Transcendent couldn't help but be stunned, and then laughed. But seeing the weird looks on other people's faces, his smile slowly faded, and he stared in confusion. Kaus, "My in the future?"

"The transcendent doesn't know, what about you?"

Infinite's eyes looked towards Cauvus and Doctor Strange. The two hesitated for a moment and both looked away.

Yes, both of them knew the ending of the Transcendent. After the Molecule Man blew up the lightless universe, the lonely Transcendent finally returned to the ruined realm of transcendence. He began to regroup his energy and watched as the lightless universe came into existence from scratch, and gradually there were celestial bodies, stars, stars and planets. When the first life was reborn in the lightless universe, the transcendent's wish was unprecedentedly fulfilled. . He found a suitable place to lie down in the central black hole of the lightless universe, and never woke up again.

"Koius, Stephen, you see, you all know that's how it was supposed to be! What about Adam? Adam was meant to be the Living Tribunal, wasn't he?"

This sentence made the two of them unable to answer. Infinity is right at all. Warlock Adam eventually became the Tribunal of Life - although he was not very strong when he took over the position and was also known as "the weakest Tribunal of Life in history", with his talent, he only needed a few decent games In the battle, Adam, who has unlimited growth ability, will inevitably grow up rapidly.

"Idiot!" The Transcendent cursed through gritted teeth, not sure whether to scold Adam or himself.

Infinite, who was observing the words and emotions, felt that the heat was almost there, and she threw out her trump card: "Adam, I know that both the Transcendent and Kaus are carefully protecting you, but you are destined to become the Tribunal of Life. This is your destiny, if If you are unwilling to take on this responsibility, the people you value will turn into nothingness!”

"Is it so serious?" Adam touched his chin, thought seriously, and looked at everyone's faces one by one, "Okay, maybe I still have many shortcomings, but I think the Life Tribunal should be very suitable for me - you guys Can anyone tell me how I will do in this position in the future?"

Kausu scratched his head. Facing Infinity, he really couldn't say anything against his will. He could only shake his head with a wry smile: "Okay, I did a good job, but..."

Suddenly something moved in his heart, and his tone became serious.

"However, the Life Tribunal is not a play house. Before Adam takes over the Life Tribunal, I think it is necessary to open up a nascent plane so that he can experience the judge and adjudicator of the world in advance. This is good for everyone, and it is good for everyone. ?"

Due to its small mass, the nascent plane's time flow rate is countless times faster than that of the main universe. After hearing Kausi's suggestion, most people's eyes lit up and they thought it was a good idea.

Even Infinite has nothing to say and thinks this idea is really reliable.

"Let's set the location near the hell dimension!" Belial said with a smile, "That way I can take time with Kaus to travel there - just like Isaac Newton did before!"


To everyone's surprise, the Transcendent actually spoke.

"Open a new dimension to the lightless universe!"

"I miss home..."

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