Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 576 The Beyonder Completes the Plan

History goes full circle and returns to its starting point in an unpredictable way.

The Transcendent and Adam stand side by side in a new universe.

The once lightless universe here.

Most of the matter is still there, but it no longer exists in the form of lightless black holes, but large areas of interstellar dust, ionized nebulae and high-energy particle groups, and a small amount of sparse planetary debris - each of which was once a star cluster or even a super star. Cluster-level supergiant black holes.

Behind the two people were many superheroes who came to watch the ceremony. Led by Infinity, Cauvus, Molecule Man, Doctor Strange, Belial, Scarlet well as Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, 451 and others.

"let's start!"

The Transcendent waved his hand, and under the influence of a mysterious and powerful force, the entire universe began to undergo earth-shaking changes. Countless materials gathered together crazily, giving birth to stars and planets, forming a huge river system. At the core of the river system, an extremely heavy black hole quietly formed.

Just a moment later, the river system began to split, and part of the material was thrown out by the high-speed rotating river system, forming several large and small river systems, and black holes were born in each river system. Then it continued to split, forming an incredibly huge star cluster.

After the first star cluster formed, the second and third galaxy clusters or galaxy groups formed in the distance. These star clusters are collectively called superclusters. In the entire observable universe, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of such super galaxy clusters are gradually born. These superclusters ultimately have only one name - the total galaxy of the lightless universe.

Under some magical effects, some inorganic substances gradually transform into organic substances from simple molecules and molecular formulas to complex structures. C is a common substance that drives chemical processes with its versatility. Organic molecules with stable carbon bonds have survived vacuum and ice, and have been carried in all directions by objects such as comets and the Kuiper Belt.

Kausu had been paying attention to everything in the entire lightless universe. He noticed that Adam was concentrating on the changes in the universe and couldn't help but smile.

"What kind of world do you want?"

Adam thought for a moment, "How about starting from scratch?"

"You want to start with a fungus?" Kausi teased.

"It doesn't have to be so early..." Adam thought for a while, "What were early humans like?"

The Transcendent nodded: "Okay, I understand!"

Time suddenly accelerated hundreds of millions of times, and a medium-sized star was quietly formed. Around this stable star, six planets also gathered from different places. On the fourth planet with an atmosphere, mountains, hills, and canyons appeared. Under the light of stars, large areas of ice thawed, forming rain, snow, and streams, and then there were atmospheric circulation and four seasons throughout the year.

Grasslands, deserts, and seas appeared one after another on this planet, and plants and primitive ancient aquatic animals appeared. Some animals came ashore. After hundreds of millions of years of changes, primates gradually appeared on the continent.

Time suddenly slowed down. Through the long distance of hundreds of millions of light-years, Adam stared at everything on that continent. He saw numerous groups of protosimians that had evolved naturally. Homo sapiens learned to use fire. Each one was big or small. Small primitive tribes also quietly formed.

"Okay!" Adam said suddenly.

The Transcendent stopped accelerating time, and Kaus turned to look at Adam with a puzzled expression.

"You want to... return to the primitive tribe and become the village chief?"

"No!" Adam replied with a smile, "I have heard your story, Kaus. Many people say you are a great prophet?"

Well, it looks like there’s no escaping the prophet thing.

"It's a shaman!" Kausu wanted to emphasize it again.

"Okay!" Adam nodded, "I plan to start by leading a tribe, and maybe in hundreds of thousands or millions of years, I can understand what it means to be a qualified judge and arbiter. .”

Infinite couldn't be more satisfied with this answer. She turned her head and glanced at Kausi who looked helpless. She was in a very good mood and found Kausi's expression now very interesting.

The morning sun slowly rose, and a group of primitive humans hiding in the cave and sleeping soundly came out screaming. Some of them ran to the stream to drink water, and some were adding dead branches to the fire that was about to go out. , someone was groping to find the fruit hidden behind the stone yesterday. They didn't notice that a similar person with slightly golden skin had quietly walked into the crowd.

Adam's breath suddenly disappeared from this universe.

"This guy..." The Transcendent twisted his neck, and a faint feeling rose up in his heart.

"Is this 'farewell'?"

He muttered silently in his mind, turned around, and stared at Kausu.

"I think……"

"No! You don't want to!" Kausi frowned, "Don't expect me to say anything to Ava, you say it yourself! I knew that when Ava said she wanted to accompany you back to the lightless universe, you I refused—just waiting for this moment!”

"Actually, it's not that exaggerated. Millions of years passed quickly. After all, the time sequence of the current lightless universe and the main universe is relatively independent." The Transcendent tried to explain, "When I woke up, maybe Ava was just in the past. Two or three days... or less."

"I refuse!" Kausu said with a straight face and did not give in.


"Transcendent!" Kausu's voice gradually became lower. With a flip of his right hand, the energy of the heart of the universe turned into a ball of light. "You don't want me to destroy the lightless universe, do you?"

No one else knew why these two guys suddenly turned against each other. Only Doctor Strange looked a little sad.

Seeing Kausu's murderous and threatening tone and demeanor, the Transcendent suddenly smiled.

He opened his arms, hugged Kausi tightly, and whispered in his ear: "I will be back..."

"Don't draw cakes for me, I'm very full for lunch!" Kausu's face was still very ugly, "How to return? When will I return? I need an accurate time! If I haven't returned within the designated time, I will The super-large black hole at the core of the lightless know, even the transcendent realm can't stop me!"

This time the Beyonder just smiled and didn't answer.

He let go of Cauvus and turned to take a deep look at Molecule Man.

"Man, I'm leaving!"

"I actually want to marry a superhero as my wife..." Owen Reese muttered, but he quickly flew over from behind and reached out to give a high-five to the Beyonder.

Cauvus's heart was lifted. He looked eagerly at the place where the palms of the two people touched, until the figure of the Transcendent split into billions of particles and dissipated into the endless void. He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.


"Don't worry, he will come back." Doctor Strange said suddenly, "He gave up absorbing Molecule Man at the last moment. This was his choice."

He seemed to be emphasizing a key message, "The Transcendent completed the plan, but he gave up!"

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