Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 577 The most significant crisis

A long, long time ago, about a femtosecond after the Big Bang of the lightless universe, the Transcendent Completion Plan had already begun.

The Transcendent is the spokesperson and ruler of the entire lightless universe, and its status is basically equivalent to the OAA of the main universe.

He has unlimited computing power and masters all the rules of the lightless universe. Under the shadow of the transcendent realm with the lightless universe as its core, he can clearly know the state of any position in the universe at a certain moment.

Therefore, no matter how hard the Transcendent Gods try to split the Transcendent into two, they cannot prevent the Molecule Man from encountering the Transcendent - because the two are originally one body with two sides, one controls the macro and the other controls the micro. Molecule Man will not hesitate to return his microscopic abilities to the Beyonder as long as the Beyonder wishes.

But the transcendent itself is the only variable in this universe.


It is precisely because the transcendent lacks emotion that he does not know what he will do next. According to chaos theory, no matter how small the initial variable is, it will lead to drastic changes in the entire universe. Therefore, the transcendent cannot become the omniscient Laplace's demon.

In this case, the hidden will of the universe pushed the transcendent to come to the earth and follow human beings to learn and record emotions. In the original plot, the Beyonder was successively affected by Spider-Man, Mr. Fantastic, Luke Cage, and reporter David, and his emotions became chaotic, leading to the end of the universe in "Secret Wars".

This time, after learning that the Transcendent had come to Earth, Cauvus took over this extremely heavy courage from the little spider. He ignored the Westerners' refinement and regarded the Transcendent as an ordinary person. get along. Under his intentional or unintentional calculations, the Transcendent did not go astray in the process of making up for his emotions, which continued until the appearance of "ghost" Ava.

The grass is as gray as the snake line, and the foreshadowing is thousands of miles away. Not only for the emotional aspect of the transcendent, Kausu has done a lot of work, especially for another key figure - Reed. He has been plotting for ten years, so that the "rubber man" Reed has never been able to transform. Because of Mr. Fantastic, this superhero who was supposed to shine has not been able to make any waves so far. A series of major events with Mr. Fantastic as the key trigger point have all been blocked.

It wasn't until the invisible woman Susan gave birth to Quicksilver's eldest son, Franklin, that Coius breathed a sigh of relief. It was basically guaranteed that the main universe would not be restarted, thus preventing him from being kicked out of the sacred timeline.

In fact, over the years, the Transcendent has almost completed the "emotions". As long as he completes the last step - restarting the lightless universe and coming again as the Creator, the Transcendent who has absorbed the molecules will officially become Lapu Las Demon, no problem can stump him anymore.

Due to emotions and reasons, Cauvus should not stop the Transcendent. This is his fate and his choice. However, the simple outlook on life of "nostalgia for the past" prompted Kausi to make a move to retain the transcendent.

Fortunately, before taking the final step, the Transcendent gave up his plan to absorb the Molecule Man and retained the option of return - which meant that he gave up his own entity and existed as a concept of creation, silently watching the development of the lightless universe. After millions of years, it is possible to return again.

When saying goodbye, Infinite has been looking here quietly. Countless curves are constantly rising and falling under her body. Each curve represents a different multidimensional dimension, multidimensional space, multidimensional timeline and sacred higher dimension. After carefully After looking at all the causal lines, she already knew what was going on.

"I have a little suggestion!"

Infinity suddenly said, "Ava Starr is an unstable product of quantum leap. The Transcendent crystallized her phase, preserved her body and energy, and taught her the basic use of quantum fluctuation vacuum energy. , already has the qualifications to step into the universe. If you think it is feasible, I can take her away and make her my messenger."

Kausi glanced at Infinite in surprise, thought for a long time, and then nodded slowly and said: "I have no objection, but I must ask for Ava's consent."

"Are you going to tell Ava the truth?" Doctor Strange asked.

This time Kausu answered without hesitation: "She has the right to know."

"But..." Doctor Strange shook his head and tried to look directly at infinity - but his action failed. After all, at this time, he was not the super-level mage who truly traveled across the world. "What's your motive?"

Infinite hesitated for a moment, then suddenly pointed at Kausu: "Because of him!"

"Me?" Kausi looked confused, "What does it have to do with me?"

"Because you changed the timeline and the fate of Reed Richards, he has not grown up yet." Infinite's voice sounded solemn, "But that guy is going crazy. Without Reed's help, I'm not sure if my brother will awaken again..."

"So, we must find a way out for ourselves, a way out that ensures balance. So we have to ask the Transcendent for help. Whether he is the Laplace Demon of the lightless universe or the holder of the Transcendent Domain ——At least until we are omniscient and omnipotent, then we have some chance of winning.”

"Because of this, I plan to take Ava Starr away. I hope the Beyonder will give us a hand for Ava's sake!"

These words are so straightforward and depressing, especially coming from the mouth of Infinite, one of the five creation gods. They are even more shocking, and their weight must be extraordinary.

Even Kaus, who was familiar with most major events, was taken aback.

He glanced at Doctor Strange and found that the other person also had a confused look on his face. He had no idea why Infinity would say such heavy words.

Even Doctor Strange doesn't know, so Molecule Man, Belial, and Scarlet Witch are even more confused.

"I can't say any more!" Infinity said with a wry smile, "As one of the creator gods of the seventh universe, even just mentioning this name and related events will lead to being noticed by the other party. In this way If so, our danger will only increase, but OAA has no way to help us..."

OAA can't help?

As the Creator God, you can't call him by his first name?

"My brother" a.k.a. Eternity needs to awaken...and Mr. Fantastic is the key link?

Which super boss are you talking about!

Could it be Thanos, the heart of the universe? Doctor Doom? Infinite Ultron? Multiple ancient gods? still……

Thinking of the "Old God", Cauvus finally recalled a super villain who could corrupt even eternity.

"I see--"

He nodded, "Is that that guy? I've dealt with him before. You really can't call him by his first name, but as a visitor from outside the territory, I'm not subject to this restriction."

"Who is it?" Except for Infinite, several other people couldn't wait to ask.

Kausi smiled and looked at Belial, "You should know... we have seen a clone of him in the small plane where Newton is."

"Oh——" Beria suddenly realized, "What you are talking about is..."

Before she could finish her words, Kausi interrupted her, "Yes, that's the guy!"

"First Firmament!"

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