Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 578 Middleman

In the dark and deep endless void, there is nothing, no matter, no up, down, left, and right, no passage of time, and even the most basic concepts do not exist.

In this meaningless space, there is an extremely strong consciousness vibrating, sending a grand message somewhere.

"The Tribunal of Life is dead, and the old guy wants us to go to the main universe to create a new order. What do you think?"

Looking along the direction of the information transmission, it is also a heart-stopping darkness and nothingness. But the next moment, there was also a response.

"Who does he think he is? An old antique from who knows how many generations ago? Ha!"

"But since he wants to do this, it is very much in line with our original intention, what do you think? Chaos!"

"Order, you are right... So, what should we do? As you know, the Eternal guy is hiding very deep, and the new little guy who calls himself the 'Prophet' doesn't look easy to mess with. "



Two supreme pluralities, from the perspective of conceptual hierarchical distinction, both are the most advanced ones.

But now, these two seemingly opposite concepts are colluding on a major event. Is there any hint of tension in their conversation?

"Prophet? Oh, you're talking about 'logic'! I heard that he tied with Infinity last time. I wonder how far that little guy has grown now... Now that 'logic' has appeared, eternity is still hiding, Then we can’t go to the main universe so unscrupulously—why not try that?”

"You mean...the middleman?"


"But that requires a life court..."

"What a coincidence!" Order's voice seemed very happy, "I saw the body of the Life Tribunal falling on the moon some time ago, so I picked it up while they were letting their guard down."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Chaos laughed and said, "Let's get started!"

"let's start!"

A huge corpse appeared in the void. It floated quietly, as if the will of the entire universe was bound to this corpse. It was ancient, wild, and extremely majestic!

In the empty space, a surging vacuum tide suddenly surged out, and countless particles appeared in pairs. At this moment, mass appeared for no reason, and the law of conservation changed wonderfully during this period of time.

Countless physical rules appeared, but the next moment they were completely shattered by sudden chaos. At the moment when the rules were broken, countless giant celestial bodies and some strange things were constructed. Energy exploded in them, and they didn't know where it came from or where it went.

In the process of "order" being continuously established and being broken by "chaos" the next moment, a small creature was born on the corpse of the Life Tribunal. Not only is it unaffected by chaos, but it thrives in this disordered world. It slowly stretched its body, and its four pairs of wings flapped slowly. There are six arms on the wings, and in the middle of the bottom pair of wings, a three-sided head has six eyes open.

The middleman - Logos!

This is the most powerful abstract incarnation Marvel has ever created, with the Lord of Order embodying order, discipline, law, and structure, and his brother the Lord of Chaos embodying chaos, disorder, randomness, and formlessness. When the universe needs to establish a new order and system, order and chaos, coupled with the incarnation of law represented by the Life Tribunal, can create a "middleman" above all levels.

The multiple abstractions of the three supreme persons are fused together to create a "middleman" with incomprehensible abilities. It is outside all rules, and no concept can affect the middleman. Neither eternity, death, nor devouring can cause effective harm to the middleman. It can be said to be an almost unsolvable existence.

"Go!" Order's voice rang, "Go and try that guy's weight!"

After saying this, the voices of order and chaos no longer appeared. Logos said nothing and suddenly disappeared without a trace. And this meaningless universe, just like the billions of years it has experienced, has once again returned to absolute peace.

Almost at the same time, in a corner of the three-dimensional universe, a huge figure suddenly appeared.

The moment it first appeared, a strong reaction occurred in the cosmic space near it. Countless rules suddenly disappeared without a trace. Looking from a distance, it seemed as if there was some abnormality in the universe and a piece of it was poached away. A large chunk - and that area no longer exists at any visible wavelength.

Kaous suddenly felt an inexplicable danger.

Since the Thanos incident ended, Cauvus, who has been on a smooth journey, has never felt this abnormality again, and even the multidimensional universe no longer blatantly rejects him.

"The First Firmament... Or Chaos and Order?"

Kausu didn't tell anyone, he just whispered a few words silently, sent a message to Doctor Strange's soul world, then sat up from the bed, and left the earth quietly.

The transcendent incarnates all things. Adam is still undergoing a long period of training and learning in the lightless universe. Molecule Man is the last barrier of the earth.

This hostility is so strong, and it is obviously aimed at himself. Kaus felt there was no need to let anyone wade through this muddy water, and this time, he decided to deal with it himself.

He has cultivated all the shaman's abilities to the extreme. He can hold six gems at the same time without being counterattacked, and he also has 49% of the energy of the heart of the universe. If he can't even deal with the enemy with this configuration, it's impossible for anyone else to share it. opponent.

A white halo appeared under Kaus' feet, and the next step was to the edge of the galaxy. With the help of powerful energy, the space gem created incomprehensible extreme distortions, which made every step he took equivalent to a distance of tens of thousands of light years.

As he took steps forward, the Milky Way was left far behind. Then came the Andromeda Galaxy, the Hound Galaxy... When he reached the edge of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster, the hostility became more and more intense, even to the point of being frightening.

A large black mist appeared about 20,000 light-years in front of Cauus. It was different from chaos and devouring. This black mist eroded all the nearby rules and then integrated them in an incomprehensible way. , sorted out, and formed new rules.

"This is 'logic'! The creature in front of you, please indicate your identity and purpose, otherwise we will launch an attack!" Kausu sent a warning message towards the unclear black mist.

However, the black mist did not change at all, and continued to approach Caus at an extremely fast speed. At the same time, a piece of information about an unknown creature rang directly in Kausi's mind.

"Prophet, since you know that I am here to kill you, stop talking nonsense."

"Ah, maybe a newborn baby like you hasn't heard my name. It doesn't matter. I can tell you mercifully!"

"I am Logos, you can call me..."


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