Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 579 Six Gem Snaps

The middleman has no natural enemies.

He is in the middle between life and death, between existence and non-existence, reality and fantasy, good and evil, love and hate, existence and nothingness...etc., the middle gap between all opposing concepts, even "logic" and "Emotions" can stand in a neutral position.

If there is no participation of the Living Court, then the "Middleman" will present a half-black and half-white bald image, but this time, the order took away the corpse left by the Living Court on the moon.

So when the eight wings, six arms and three-sided head appeared in the black mist, Kausi said nothing, but his heart had already sunk to the bottom.

——This is the complete Logos!

The three-sided head represents order, chaos and law; the six arms represent the six nodes linking everything in the universe, and the eight wings represent the four elements and dimensions of matter, energy, time, space, cause and effect, rules and logic. Big building. Theoretically speaking, any attack method that utilizes these four elements and four structures is completely ineffective against the middleman Logos.

Facing Logos who rushed towards him menacingly, Cauvus frowned.

He waved his hand, and the void space suddenly lit up, becoming extremely dazzling. The boiling energy poured out without any scruples at this moment. This attack method is a manifestation of the energy stimulated by the heart of the universe. On a unit scale, it is no less than a close-range supernova explosion.

However, with such a powerful attack, the black mist around Logos did not move at all, and it still maintained its original speed and rushed over.

This was just the beginning. Billions of stars began to twinkle, turning Logos into a sea of ​​light. Under this all-pervasive attack, some of the black mist around Logos was dispersed, revealing his true body with eight wings, six arms and three sides.

Time began to flow faster, and in just an instant, these billions of stars were extinguished. From its birth to its death, all the energy contained in the star was concentrated to one point. At this moment, the energy response of the beam of light that shot toward Logos's chest had reached infinity.

With such powerful energy, even if the supreme evolution stands in front of it, it will completely dissipate in a femtosecond. Even the concept of "immortality" cannot resist this attack across dimensions and time and space.

"Prophet, don't you understand yet? Any energy attack is ineffective against me!"

Logos laughed and allowed the energy beam to penetrate his chest, but continued to maintain the same direction and speed as before. He did not have any fancy attack methods - he only needed to bring the enemy into his erosion range. The body and concepts will completely disappear into the regular universe in an indescribable way.

"You are very strong, so powerful that both chaos and order must be in awe of you! Perhaps even the plural eternity of the seventh life cannot be compared with you!" Logos said, "If it is an ordinary concept of pluralism, just seeing me At the first glance, his body and concepts have begun to disintegrate, but you have 'logic', and before your concepts are completely shattered, you will have the qualification to look directly at me!"

"However, you can never realize how powerful the 'middleman' is!"

"Many people have tried to analyze my fighting style and energy source, but for hundreds of millions of years, all attempts have failed. There are a total of thirty-two supreme multiple concepts that have died under my hands, and no one can resist my attack. The erosion of concepts!”

"Guess how they died? Let's use you as an analogy. Your opposite concept is 'sensibility'. Under the erosion of my rules, your concept will continue to change to 'sensibility', but you cannot be 'sensibility'. ', so your concepts will only continue to decompose. When all concepts die, you will no longer exist in this world, and there will no longer be 'logic'!"

Faced with Logos' arrogant tone, Cauvus did not refute.

He just asked a question: "The First Firmament is not your opponent?"

"have no idea……"

"Don't know?" Kausu asked curiously, "Why?"

"Because I have never seen the First Firmament!" Logos said with some regret. "I heard that the First Firmament in its heyday was powerful enough to compete with the OAA, but the OAA has no emotions, no joy, anger, sorrow, and even what I want. It doesn’t know anything. It has only one purpose from beginning to end – to maintain the balance and order of the universe. This is so boring!”

"Whatever the universe needs, OAA will do. Of course, this can also be said in reverse, whatever OAA needs, the will of the universe will accomplish through countless probabilities to create cause and effect. There is no significant difference between the two. "

"The First Universe is different. He has his own ideas, enjoys his own life, and knows how to achieve his own goals. Therefore, if I have to choose a spokesperson for the universe that is closer to the actual situation, I would rather choose the First Universe. A firmament—provided he can defeat me!”

Kaus looked at Logos. The distance between the two was less than 10,000 light years.

"Maybe the universe doesn't like this change?"

"Who knows?" Logos waved the top pair of wings indifferently, "This is not important to me. If the universe is unhappy or wants to resist, then change to a more honest universe! "

Well, for such a top almighty universe-level boss, you really can't use conventional methods to figure out the opponent's mentality.

"In general, being able to erode a powerful concept like 'logic' is one of the few pleasures in my life. So I plan to spend at least ten minutes crossing this small distance to reflect my love for Respect from a prophet!”

"I don't know if you've ever heard a sentence!" Kausi suddenly said, "Villains always die from talking too much!"

"I've heard of it!" Logos actually nodded with concern, "This sentence really makes sense. Now I seem to be a big villain. However, I would rather you have some Fresh means of resistance, otherwise, I always feel that my life is too boring."

"last question!"

Kaus asked with great interest, "I heard that you are an all-powerful creature created by chaos, order, and the Tribunal of Life. Can you tell me how much ability Chaos and Order have left after you were created? "

“The word construct, make is not accurate!”

Logos answered without reservation, "If I have to make a precise definition, it should be regarded as a 'sacrifice summons'. Chaos and Order sacrificed more than 99% of their strength to the corpse of the Life Tribunal. As a basis, I summoned the 'I' scattered in the meaningless universe. Before the successful summoning, I had no life form, only endless fragments... not atoms, not protons, just an indescribable thing. Not even physics and mathematics can define it.”

"What if I beat you?"

"Then I have to experience this unprecedented experience!" Logos said with great interest, "I don't know how I will be defeated, but what I am sure of is that if I fail, I will return to the infinity state again. Sequence, undefined dispersion state, and then wait for the next sacrifice call.”

"Really?" Cauvus raised his hand, and the three gems of time, mind, and space on the wristband flashed at the same time, and the energy of the three gems of power, reality, and soul in his hand also gathered in an instant.

"Why don't you let me try?"


Kausi smiled, and "persuasion", one of the four tools of "logic", was activated and acted directly on Logos. He said word by word: "Eliminate the 'middleman' Logos, effective immediately! "

With a "pop" sound, a clean snap of fingers resounded in the universe.

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