Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 92 Deals at the Reception

Some things are destined to be unchangeable.

Just like this Iron Man's birthday party.

Countless celebrities and wealthy businessmen came, including Justin Hammer and James "War Machine" Lord. Natasha was not fired and continued to be her assistant. Even Nick Fury clinked glasses with Stark before turning around and leaving early.

The only difference is that there are more employees and family members of the Mogore Hotel.

Ever since Kaus and Erica had a conflict, their relationship had not progressed further, and they still maintained the original way of getting along - except for the occasional person who would sneak into Kaus' room in the middle of the night. In Erica’s words: “Getting along as friends is often easier than getting along as lovers.”

She is indeed the Erica who has not had any scandals for half her life.

Erica and Betty Ross were whispering in the corner, while Carrie was running around the room with plates, quietly destroying the mountains of food - which made the waiter wonder why the food at this birthday party was so... Consumed so quickly?

Cowus and Banner were invited to Stark's laboratory.

"Genius design!" Banner took off his glasses and wiped them on his hands. "The lethality of pulse energy gathering of micro laser weapons is extraordinary. The idea of ​​using solid-phase elastic magnetic materials to absorb energy instantly is even more exciting. Vision. Tony, your ability to apply particle physics is unparalleled."

"It's not just my credit!" Stark walked deep into the laboratory and patted a tall, thin and bald man on the shoulder, "Ethan, come and meet an old friend?"

Compared with the half-dead state when they last met, Dr. He Ethan was much better mentally and physically. He stood up and shook hands with Kausi warmly, "I have always wanted to say to you personally... thank you for your gift." My second life!"

At the last expo, Stark originally wanted to introduce Dr. Ethan to Banner, but unfortunately Ethan happened to be unwell. When the two finally met this time, Dr. Ethan had a look of admiration on his face: "Dr. Bruce Banner, I have heard of your name. Your paper "Gauge Field Theory and Their Interactions" published in the journal, It rekindled my interest in high-energy physics.”

Well, aside from the Hulk, Bruce Banner is also the top physics expert in Marvel.

Kausi came to the showroom and looked at the row of Mark mechas.

The original big iron tank Mark 1 stands on the far left. The MK2, which has an improved power system and additional outer steel armor, is still dressed in silver. This is also the mecha used by later war machines.

MK3 was beaten into a ball of scrap metal by Iron Overlord. Stark only repaired its appearance and put it here as a souvenir.

MK4 is worn on Stark's body, and MK5 (suitcase type) is hidden somewhere.

But what is this big guy next to it?

Kausi remembers clearly that at this point in time, Tony Stark had not cracked Howard's relic and had not found a substitute for the palladium element. The Mark VI should not have been born.

"Anti-Vampire Armor!" Stark sighed, shook his head, and said with regret, "I tried to add more powerful ultraviolet weapons and silver weapons to the weapon system, but the energy could not keep up with the consumption! I have calculated that to cause effective damage to the Vampire Duke, the instantaneous power needs to reach more than 3 million kilowatts, which places very strict requirements on the micro-reactor... Maybe I still need some time to improve!"

"Why not consider starting from other aspects?" Banner had obviously been thinking about this question for a long time, and he directly gave his answer, "For example, new ways of generating energy?"

The principle of the Ark reactor comes from cold nuclear fusion at normal temperature and pressure, in which the palladium element is not a fuel, but serves as a fuel tank. After Banner proposed a new way to generate energy, both Stark and Dr. Ethan were stuck in a long exam.

"You mean... antimatter?"

"No, it's not that troublesome! We can create antimatter through a particle collider, but it's difficult to miniaturize it with existing technology." Banner shook his head, "I mean ready-made substitutes..."

"Ready-made?" Stark and Dr. Ethan's eyes widened in disbelief. Stark shook his head and said, "How can antimatter exist in the world of matter for a long time?"

"I have..." Banner took out a ring from his pocket: "This was given to me by Carrie."

Kausi blinked, and he finally remembered that when he took Carrie into the basement, he rummaged through some beautiful jewelry from the trash and gave it to her. There were indeed a few rings among them, and Banner took them out. This one seems to be...

【Ring of Dusk Shadow】

One of the level-up products of the jewelry skill, its production requires only two shadow stones and two bronze ingots. Although the proportion of practicing jewelry is not as high as that of alchemy and enchantment, with the huge base of lords, there are still a lot of these things.

There is absolutely no way that the bronze ingot has anything to do with antimatter. Banner has never seen the shadow stone, so he may have confused the properties of the shadow stone with antimatter.

"This is not antimatter!" Kausu also planned to explain, "its raw material ingredients are..."

But Stark had already taken the ring and rushed towards a certain instrument. The atomic structure of the ring was quickly displayed on the floating touch screen.

"Oh my god!" Dr. Ethan groaned almost from his throat, "Stable antimatter, what on earth is this?"

"Let me take a closer look!" Stark's eyes seemed to be shining, "The incomprehensible atomic structure, how does it remain stable in the material world?"

"Maybe using quantum force field constraints?" Banner shrugged, "But what I can confirm is that the small black stone on the ring can provide at least 100 million kilowatt-hours of electricity!"

These words made Stark quickly calm down and sighed: "It's a pity that there is only one."

He scratched his hair and asked tentatively: "Bruce, have you ever asked Carrie where this thing came from?"

Banner shook his head, "I forgot..."

Stark was a little anxious. He turned around and strode towards the reception hall.

"Ahem -" Causs coughed a few times and stopped Stark, "What, you said this thing can hold up to 100 million kilowatt hours of electricity? In other words, this thing is very valuable?"

"Priceless treasure!" Stark did not understand what Kausu meant. He replied smoothly, "A single one is worth at least tens of millions, but it is definitely not something that can be measured by money. If you can study the depth of it, Mystery, human science and technology will usher in an epoch-making..."

"Then one million pieces!" Kausi said calmly, "How much can you charge? Tell me the number, and if there are any, I will sell them!"

The three academic elites looked up at the same time, their eyes filled with extremely shocked looks.

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