Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 93 On the means of making money

The road to simplicity, return to nature.

In fact, Azeroth has an unimaginable level of technology. Otherwise, why would the elemental lords, legion commanders, void lords, ancient titans... monsters whose names sound scary just by themselves die from the most primitive axes, staffs and daggers?

The Shadow Stone in the bad streets of Azeroth... No, there are a series of things that also have the "shadow" affix, and almost all of them can be summarized as "antimatter".

What about evil energy? Could it be another kind of super-era energy?

After returning to the laboratory, Kausi mercifully threw out a tattered "moon cloth bag", which contained 20 "frost pattern bags", and each frost pattern bag was filled with "demon pattern bags" "...Then he kept going down the nesting dolls. In a "bag of illusions", 26 dirty and gray [Rings of Dusk Shadows] were poured out.

Dozens of bags of phantoms were just thrown on the floor of the laboratory like rags. Watching Kaus take out the trash one by one, the eyes of the three doctors present turned green.

"There are too many things, and I'm too lazy to dig through them. Just watch and hand over this pile of junk."

Stark was already crazy. He suddenly jumped up, lying on the pile of rings, panting like a bull seeing red cloth, "I want them all as much as you have!"

"You can't afford it!" Kausi was a little regretful, "Don't say that you are just the richest man in the world. Even if Uncle Donald is here, you can't say the word 'all'..."

"Then let's get the one billion first!"

Stark dug out a refrigerated box from nowhere, knelt on the ground, carefully wiped each Shadow Ring clean, and then placed it neatly in the box. Dr. Ethan was also crawling all over the floor, helping Stark clean up.

"Where did you get so much antimatter?" Among the three, only Banner tried his best to remain calm.

"I didn't know this was antimatter! This kind of garbage can be calculated using the quantifier 'ton' in my place." Kausi shrugged, "Today is Tony's birthday, we'd better not get entangled in these insignificant issues. .”

"Fuck your birthday!" Stark cursed unceremoniously. He pulled off his helmet and threw it aside. "Jarvis, help me build an antimatter annihilation energy extraction model."

When antimatter and positive matter meet, they will burst out with amazing energy. The annihilation energy of 1 gram of positive and antimatter is enough to be equivalent to three Hiroshima "Little Boys". This energy is so powerful that the Mark VI mecha and the Ark-3 micro-reactor have been swept into the dust of history before they were even born.

So for Iron Man, he only needs to solve one problem: how to release the shadow element (antimatter) at the lowest power to avoid dying from the super-large amount of annihilation energy. After studying the structure of the Ring of Shadows, Stark could almost figure out the technical details of a series of new reactors.

It doesn’t matter if the technology is dated, just apply it on the physical level first!

"Let me think about it, with enough energy, I can get rid of all the weapons with low energy requirements, such as miniguns, micro missiles... Yes, they take up too much space, I think I can use laser weapons and Pulse weapons, and—"

"How about installing a lightsaber?" Banner is also a fan of Star Wars.

"Oh, what a genius idea!"

Kausi was in a trance for a while, and he suddenly understood why both sides of the war were still using the most primitive weapons to fight even though they clearly possessed cross-era technology - it wasn't that they didn't know how to use anti-proton cannons and death ray weapons. Such things can clear the field, but when they reach a certain technological level, they also have the same level of protective capabilities as weapons.

"High-tech war is fought with swords and axes to the end!"

Stark's movements were astonishingly fast. The huge manufacturing line was as busy as a swarm of bees, and the robot hands were waving to create afterimages. With the help of Dr. Ethan, a metal box only the size of a fist was slowly formed.

Finally, Tony Stark embedded a Shadow Ring, which had never been so clean, into the metal box. There was a soft "click" sound, and the blue lights around the box began to flash. He stood up, held the reactor in front of everyone, and said solemnly: "Gentlemen, the greatest energy application of this century - Ark No. 4 Reactor!"

Banner and Ethan applauded vigorously, and Kausi's applause was even more enthusiastic. This is a small amount of money visible to the naked eye!

"What should we do next?" Dr. Ethan asked excitedly.

"Next step?" Stark blinked and said an answer that shocked the audience, "Make money!"

make money? You, the richest man in the world, and the local tycoon who beats the next few rich people together, actually say such depressing words?

"Yes, make money!"

Tony Stark put Ark IV into his chest and watched it start to run stably. Then he walked up to Cowus and said, "Mr. Cowus Bradford, don't throw away your garbage. I will fight with all my strength." Make money and buy as much of your junk as you can..."

Banner and Ethan looked at each other, couldn't hold it back anymore, and laughed loudly.

It was still early and the birthday party was not over yet. When Tony Stark walked to the hall stage, almost 80% of the guests had not left yet.

"ladies and gentlemen!"

When Stark took the phone and began to speak the first words, everyone stopped.

"Because of your company, I had a great time on this birthday. I would like to express my solemn thanks!"

There was thunderous applause from the audience, but only his close friend James Lord seemed to realize something and frowned.

"James, haven't you always wanted it? So -" the Mark 2, shining with silver light, slowly rose from the ground, "it's yours!"

Rhodes was stunned.

But the bigger surprise is yet to come.

"To express my gratitude, I have brought some small gifts for everyone - all ladies can receive a set of Life No. 2 Potion; all men can receive a set of Life No. 3 Potion!"

Life number three? The women were cheering, but the men were whispering to each other.

Never heard of the third category of life potions? Is it a new product from Stark Pharmaceuticals?

"New clean energy is about to be launched and commercially available. This is Stark's gift to the world!"

Almost everyone's eyes were shining. Most of those who were qualified to appear at this reception had a background in politics and business. The launch of a new energy source would definitely bring massive wealth.

As a result, the entire hall turned into a boiling ocean, and everyone waved to Stark desperately. Stark, who stole the show, politely bowed and saluted, and then raised his glass.

"-Wish you all a better night!"

As Stark walked up the stairs, a confused Kovus stabbed him in the back.

"Where did you get Life No. 3?"

"Oh, you mean that..."

Stark walked back to the private room on the second floor before winking at Kausi, "In the vampire's serum, I extracted a new thing. It has the effect of hydrating."

"Make up...what the hell?"

"Water! W-A-T-E-R!"

Looking at Tony Stark's weird smile, Kaus suddenly understood.

A long time ago, I told Stark a Chinese medicine concept called "maintaining water to store essence", but I didn't expect that this guy actually remembered it until now.

In other words, this "Life No. 3" is actually...

Tony Stark, you are such an Iron Man!

"When it comes to ways to make money, compared to Stark, the gap between me and Thanos is as big as a baby!"

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