The girls looked at each other and smiled.

Nangong said: "Next time, I want to see Curxiu wear women's clothes."

"Sounds fun." Priscilla smiled.

Cruxiu blushed and argued: "Absolutely not, Ah Xuan! I am a boy, not a pervert like Felice..."

"Huh? So Lord Crusch has always viewed me like this!"

The transsexual cat girl showed grief and anger.

Anastasia muttered: "Wait a minute, little widow, you still owe me rent. Isn't my Donna very useful?"

"I owe it first." Priscilla disagreed.

"Why are you still paying me for nothing? Are you considered the princess of a country? Be careful, I will sue you in front of Emperor Flakia."

"Okay, let's see if my despicable brother gives me the money."

The Dragon Witches were noisy as always.

Nangong said to himself: "I always feel like I forgot something."

"Wait, why are you all ignoring me? Emilia, do you remember me?"

Natsuki Subaru stood in front of the silver-haired girl and shouted excitedly.

"Who are you?"

" talked to me. Do you remember, Satella?"

Upon hearing the name, Emilia's face darkened, but she still held it back.

"I'm sorry, you got the wrong person."

Felute said dissatisfiedly: "Go away, go away! If you say something rude again and offend Sister Aimi, I want you to look good!"

"how so……"

Natsuki Subaru was in despair and was pulled aside by Nangong.

No one could hear the conversation between them.

"I almost forgot, 486 was a victim of the white whale and was swallowed up by its fog. It had no sense of existence in the first place, but now it is completely forgotten." Nangong showed sympathy.

He disappeared.

"Brother Nangong, do you still remember me?"

The black-haired boy was ecstatic and held Nangong's hands tightly.

"If it were you, there must be a way to help me, right?"

"I have the power of the witch, so I am immune to the white whale's ability." Nangong shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I can't help you [restore] your existence."

After all, I haven’t gotten the [Gluttony] factor yet.

Natsuki Subaru showed a desperate expression.

I experienced many things in a different world and met interesting friends. The time traveler was supposed to start a magnificent life, but why did he die when he was just starting out?

It turned out that I was just a spectator, and was forgotten by everyone.

This kind of pain is worse than death.

It's just a squatting at home, and it's so naive to think that you can change your life after traveling through time. In fact, losers in life will fail wherever they go.

I'm just a supporting role.

"Who is not a passer-by?" Nangong suddenly said, "I said, your existence was wiped out in 'this world'. So, just go back to the original world, right?"

"Could it be that..."

"I'll take you home."

After saying that, Nangong Xuan activated the power of the devil. A [space teleportation] opened a black hole out of thin air, sucking the black-haired boy in like a whirlpool.

Destination, the main world with the background of modern civilization.

"Ah! Brother Nangong, you are indeed a senior time traveler. I haven't asked you yet..."

"I'm from China."

It's just that there is no home for me in that world.

"Goodbye, 486." Nangong said softly.

"So it's wrong to say it's Lai Yue'ang..."

At this moment, Natsuki Subaru had a lot of thoughts.

It would make sense if he was the descendant of the dragon. Perhaps, he is the person predicted in the [Kingdom of Dragons], the real protagonist who travels through another world!

After coming back to his senses, the black-haired boy stood in front of his house and rubbed his eyes. At that time, I had just returned home from shopping at a convenience store and was transported back in time inexplicably.

Starting life in another world from scratch is like a dream.

I haven't said a proper goodbye to Rhine yet. However, I learned courage from [Sword Master]. Natsuki Subaru finally had the courage to face his own life.

In this world, I am the protagonist of my own life. There is nothing to fear anymore!

The black-haired boy regained his composure, held back tears, and opened the door.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back."


The next second, Natsuki Subaru was knocked down by a huge earth dragon.

"What the hell?!"

It turned out that it was all real, it was not a dream.

"As expected of my son, he actually found a resurrected dinosaur and kept it secretly at home. You will definitely become a great scholar in the future. So, let's experience your father's killer move again!"

Deadly scissor kicks.


"Death, death!"

"Ah, the love between father and son is still as deep as ever. I thought the version was updated, and the idiot son who stayed at home finally started playing the game of running away... But it will be good to come back."

The young parents smiled softly.


Natsuki Subaru held the affectionate Earth Dragon with tears streaming down his face.

"Why were you sent here, Patrasio? It turns out that the female dragon is my true love."

Thank you, Descendants of the Dragon.

Later, a piece of news detonated the whole world.

"Ordinary Japanese high school students resurrected dinosaurs? Or a brand new species that has not been discovered!"

"It is reported that an otaku from an island country is planning to marry a dinosaur because of his passionate hobby. It is really a feat for otakus in the new era."

"A role model for us!"

Respect and blessings.

Chapter 291: Lustful Priest, Gluttony!

On the streets of Lifaus, like-minded crusaders went their separate ways.

Nangong Xuan took a last look at the big tree of Flugel. In his impression, [Sage] was suspected to be the previous life of 486.

This secret will never be solved.

Nangong crushed two clones of the white whale, leaving behind huge corpses. Each team divided the spoils equally as evidence of their joint "elimination" of the white whale.

The huge convoy returned with a full load, and what awaited them would be the worship and cheers of the people of Lugnica.

Nangong Xuan gave this achievement to the harem, and the young ladies felt ashamed. They repeatedly declined, but Nangong gave a reason that could not be refused.

"Affected by the fog, the meat of the white whale will not rot and has a long shelf life. You can take it back and distribute it to the people. At this moment, many people in the world are facing famine."

"Yes." Emilia's eyes lit up.

Firut muttered: "I've never eaten whale meat."

Daphne's wish finally came true.

In this way, Anastasia and Priscilla no longer refused. Their next journey was in different directions, one to the west and the other to the south. Crusch returned to the capital by the same route.

"Let's say goodbye here. Ah Xuan, the door of good brothers is always open to you!"

I always feel something is strange.


Nangong Xuan watched the convoys of the three forces go away one after another.

"You are really kind." Beatrice said faintly, "Not only did you cultivate the queen, but you also sent someone to the 'other world'. You actually used Betty's [Space Transmission] to that extent?"

"You found it." Nangong turned around and said.

In Beatrice's eyes, they are the natives.

"Is it such a simple thing for you to travel through time?" The masked weirdo murmured, "I always feel that I have lost something important."

Aldibaran was the only outsider left. He heard the conversation between the two and stayed until the end. It was obvious that he had something to say.

"Al, I know you also come from another world. Do you want to go home? I can take you back."

"No, I have no attachment to my original world." Aldibaran sighed, "I was summoned here eighteen years ago and became a slave of the empire. I lost my left hand and..."

[Sword Slave] hesitated.

Could it be that he couldn't even save Dick and became the only eunuch in the other world?

Nangong Xuan patted his shoulder with sympathy.

"I just want to climb up step by step and become the highest knight in the empire. In this way, I can trample all those who once looked down on me under my feet." Al's eyes flashed a trace of cruelty.

Is your real name Zhao Gao?

Nangong recalled that he, as a time traveler, also had the ability to save and load files. But it was not comparable to 486. The broken arm could not be restored.


Reply (Heal)!

Visibly, Aldibaran's left hand grew back, intact. The missing parts were also found, and the changed orientation was difficult to correct.

Anyone who had such a miserable life after traveling through time would become a psychologically twisted pervert, no wonder he was so "intimate" with 486.

"This is..."

The incredible miracle made the metal mask monster ecstatic.

Nangong instructed: "Protect Priscilla, and then assist her to become the empress."

"Yes, Lord Nangong!"

Under Aldibaran's helmet, a scarlet bird flashed in his pupils. Nangong Xuan is used to planting the seeds of mental control in [Reply], just in case.

No one can be trusted except the harem that knows everything. This is a necessary measure to prevent betrayal.

Nangong secretly said: Sorry.

In this way, all the knights chosen by the king have been subdued.

Al's past and thoughts have been confirmed, and the hidden dangers around Priscilla have been eliminated. The tragic memory of being abused to the point of losing the dignity of a man should be thrown into the recycling bin.

Priscilla called from afar: "Why don't you leave? I don't mind if you exchange with another knight."

"Take care!"

Aldibaran bowed deeply and quickly caught up with the carriage. The only regret is that I can no longer poke a certain boy's ass.

I miss him.

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