"Is it that kind of 'curse' that controls people's hearts again?" Beatrice curled her lips and said, "For the sake of the harem, you really will do whatever it takes."

Nangong turned around and said with a smile: "I don't want to see the people around me get hurt. Betty feels the same way, right?"

None of these things were hidden from Emilia, Ferut, Ram, Rem, and Elsa who was hiding in the dark. She is her own woman anyway, there is no need to hide anything.

The only thing left unsaid is something that even the local travelers don't know: they are just creatures in a box.

Parker said sadly: "I am separated from the little fox again."

"For a better reunion next time." Emilia comforted.

Felute put his hands behind his head and said idly: "So what are we going to do next? Eat grilled whale meat? I haven't seen Lord Rom for a long time. I really want to go home and see..."

"I saw witches in my dream. The witch factors recovered from Jusi were activated by them. You have also seen the power of authority." Nangong said seriously, "According to the agreement, I want to liberate the [Sacred Realm], Resurrection of all witches is also the long-cherished wish of many people.”

The girls were all surprised.

Beatrice said in a daze: "Mother..."

"Are you finally going to do it?" Parker grinned. "It's a pity that Donna can't see it right away. The mule will go completely crazy."

"The witch Xuan said..."

Emilia looked uneasy.

So far, enough of this name.

Nangong Xuan held her hand and said: "They are the six people under the [Witch of Jealousy]. They have nothing to do with the events a hundred years ago. Today's Witch Cult has long been out of their control. There is always someone else behind the scenes. One day we will take revenge."

"I understand, I'll accompany you."

Emilia nodded. She believes that her lover must have a reason for doing this.

Beatrice took out the [Crystal Ball]. She began to rely on [predictive dreams], which were much better than the periodic prophecies in the Gospels.

I originally wanted to see a happy future where my mother would be alive, but unexpectedly I saw an ominous sign. For her, the most unacceptable thing is that the people she knows leave one after another.

At this moment, the [Prophet Crystal Ball] showed a terrifying picture.

Two mysterious men secretly stared at the returning convoy. Looking at the totem on the family crest, it is clearly Carlsten.

Nangong Xuan realized it immediately. Without the variable 486, many people who survived in the original work will die.

For example, Kurxiu.


It was night, and several dragon carts were driving through the forest dragging the minced meat of the beluga whale. Two young men, one tall and one short, blocked the way and seemed to have been waiting for them for a long time.

This beautiful boy with white hair is wearing a white coat and has a slender figure. The other was a filthy waif, short, ugly, and dressed in rags.


Curio saw someone blocking the road and quickly called to Wilhelm to avoid accidentally injuring civilians. After the battle of White Whale, [Sword Demon] lost his sharpness and became like an ordinary old butler.

The eldest lady sighed and said: "Are they refugees? I didn't expect that there are also people in our Dragon Kingdom..."

"I'm hungry," cried the waif.

It's not just about poverty. This child has a hateful face and a fierce look, which gives people a bad feeling. Curxiu didn't mind at all.

"Phyllis, go give them the dry food."

"Huh? Even though we're almost at the capital, we haven't eaten yet, meow." The cat lady looked unhappy.

Crusch repeated: "Phyllis!"

"All right."

Wilhelm felt something was wrong and whispered: "Be careful!"

Seeing Phyllis handing over the food, the waif suddenly raised his head, revealing a pair of horrifying dead fish eyes under his bangs. The last time I met such a weird person was [Lazy Archbishop].

He grinned, revealing his densely packed shark teeth.

"I'm moving, Phyllis!"

[Gluttony Priest] Rai Badenkaitos finally revealed his true face. He licked his palm and grabbed the cat girl's little hand, showing off his amazing strength.

"I accept your 'memory' and 'name'!"

"What are you talking about?" Phyllis said angrily, "Don't touch me with your dirty hands, meow!"


On the contrary, Rai was stunned.

"Your power has failed." The white-haired young man smiled, "It seems that Phyllis is not the real name of this cat lady."


These two guys are from the Witch Cult!

"Enemy attack!"

Curio reacted immediately and ordered his men to enter an emergency combat state. At this time, only about one-third of the coalition forces were left with her, because Anastasia left with the mercenary group.

"What a keen reaction, this kind-hearted young lady. My name is Regulus Corneas. I am the most powerful Sin Archbishop of the Witch Cult, and I am in charge of [Desire]."

Regulus put a hand on his chest and saluted like a gentleman. The beggar-like Rai beside him formed a sharp contrast.

Curio recalled the [Sloth Priest] at the Five Kings’ Banquet. A Sin Archbishop is so difficult to deal with, let alone facing two guys who claim to be the strongest at once? !

"This name is... the criminal who once invaded the Gakula Fortress of the Flakian Empire alone and killed the demihuman general [Kurugan of the Eight-Armed God of War]!" Curxiu said solemnly.

He is the Archbishop of Sin who was active a hundred years ago.


Wilhelm forced Ley back with a sword and regained Phyllis.

"It seems that you have heard of my name, so that will be easy." Regulus said with a smile, "I have also heard that [Sloth] was defeated in your house. Kill it for me. A nasty guy, so nice."

Crusch was confused.

Aren't they colleagues? Does the Witch Cult like to fight among themselves?

Regulus thought to himself and said: "We are indeed a match made in heaven. The gospel guides me to meet you here. Are you a virgin? Are you willing to be my wife No. 292?"

When Kurxiu heard this, he was furious.

It’s okay to be treated like a woman. This guy actually has so many wives, and they are named according to their numbers. It's so insulting!

"Please respect the enemy you meet for the first time." The eldest lady said coldly, "I have already dedicated myself to this country and my close comrades-in-arms."

Facing such a dangerous enemy, Cruxiu couldn't help but recall the face of the black-haired young man.

I don’t know if we can meet again in this life. If I had known earlier, I should have given my virginity to a good brother...

"Have you ever been raped by another man?"

On the contrary, Regulus was furious and fell into madness as if he was heartbroken. Due to mental mysophobia, the whole person is like a perverted delusion.

"Yes, Ah Xuan...he is my man, gentle and strong." Kurxiu blushed.

"Lord Kurushi?"

It was Phyllis who broke through the defense first.

How could it be that... my eldest lady actually started to like men?

"Then it's not worth collecting, you dirty woman!"

Regulus took a deep breath, but he still couldn't help but violently hurt others. Just as he breathed out, Wilhelm, who was protecting the eldest lady, was hit by an invisible attack.


I saw the white-haired old man vomiting blood and flying backwards.


Kill [Sword Demon] instantly!

"Ley, I allow you to eat everyone present, but this woman must stay until the end!" Regulus was worried.

Rai laughed wildly and said: "Finally we can have a full meal. It's a pity that the white whale who inherited the [Gluttony Factor] like 'us' was killed like this. We are not here for revenge, we are just to express our gratitude for the destruction of Joss." And people interested in Beluga.”

Wilhelm's pupils shrank when he heard Beluga's name. He could only watch helplessly as the ogre-like street boy "ate" him.

Instead of dying in the mouth of the white whale, will he die in the hands of the [Gluttony Priest]?

Rai's tongue licked up.

On the other side, Regulus just stamped his foot, and the sand and stones kicked out were given terrifying destructive power. The guards of the Carlsten family were wiped out instantly, and a row of dragon carriages was shattered.


The screams of the knights were endless.

Kur stood with his sword in hand, showing his determination. Seeing a small stone flying over, she didn't dare to neglect and went all out.

"One hundred men, one sword!"

The beauty in men's clothing accurately chopped the stone in mid-air, with a beautiful posture.

Regulus couldn't help but admire: "A swordsmanship that can even cut off a stone?"

The moment Crusch's dagger hit the stone, sparks shot out. Both objects turned out to be unscathed.

Regulus was stunned for a moment. There is nothing in this world that can withstand his attack without being destroyed.

It was Ah Xuan who gave the enchantment [Not Bad].

Cruxiu had a clear understanding in his heart. I saw the pebbles flying over unabated. Her sword deviated from its trajectory, but she swung it without hesitation.

"I'll take your arm."

Regulus smiled, then froze.


A sword energy came first and hit his left arm.

It turned out that Crusch wanted to exchange injuries for injuries, risking his life to launch an invisible and distance-ignoring slashing attack.

What a calm, charming bad woman...

What? !

Curxiu was shocked to find that this man had received his full sword blow from the front and was unscathed. On the other hand, looking at the enemy, a stone thrown casually contains terrible lethality, and it is too late to dodge.

Unable to defend!

If this continues, half of my body will be shattered by small stones, right?

"Lord Crusch!" Phyllis exclaimed.

For the truly strong, the winner can be determined in the blink of an eye.

Curxiu couldn't even break the defense. Even facing the white whale, I have never felt such a strong sense of powerlessness.

If it were him...

The next second, a big hand appeared from the side and grabbed the stone that flew in front of Curxiu. The girl opened her eyes blankly, and she could recognize the man she was most familiar with just by looking at the shape of his hands.

Already getting to know each other's bodies deeply.

"Axuan!" Kurxiu was extremely surprised.

The black-haired young man stood in front of her, leaving only a tall silhouette behind.

"I said, what are you going to do to other people's women?"

Chapter 292 The Soul of the Harem


Regulus looked displeased that his good deed had been ruined.

Nangong smiled calmly: "I am the [Brave] who wants to destroy the Witch Cult. The witch factors of [Desire] and [Gluttony] are coming to my door."

Why do the Archbishops of Sin, like the Akatsuki Organization, operate in pairs?


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