Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 11: Whaling group, jackal in the sea

After listening to the information detected from the front of the long-winged gull, the old man Haki's heart sank slightly, because in the call of the long-winged gull, Hachi heard an important piece of information.

The first is the suspicious ship, the second is the group of roaring whales chased by the ocean ball, and the third is the group of jackal gigantic sharks faintly emerging in the sea.

The combination of these three made the experienced Hatch come to a conclusion in an instant that it was a whaling group. Their appearance means that the color of this sea area will change from azure blue to deep red, from deep and calm to noisy and cruel.

And there were two choices before him. One was to bypass him early and treat him as if nothing happened while he was still far away. The other is to inform the young people below this news, and they will decide how to deal with it.

However, after telling Yu Dawu and the others, the final result must be only one, and that is to rescue these naughty but very cute roaring whales.

The old man Haki hesitated for a while, and finally decided to tell Yu Dawu the news. After all, young people still have to go through enough experience before they can truly grow up, especially Dawu, Mikri, and others who seem to have something. The introverted little boy Kojiro.

Why are all boys? The old man Hachi knows that the transformation from boy to man is far from enough. If you want boys to truly grow up, they need to know the responsibilities they need to shoulder. A lot of experience and time precipitation, this is a long-lasting and long project, so participating in this matter is not all bad for them.

And with the eyesight of an old man, Dago, Musashi, Mikri, and Rika are the strongest among the young people present. They all have the level of quasi-tianwang level. The little girl named Melissa is not far away from breaking through. Far away, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with this small-scale whaling group.

If the follow-up operations are done properly, they can also add a few good names to their life history.

With this honor, no matter what job you are engaged in in the future, it can be used as a priority certificate, especially in the elven alliance. Whether they are strong or not will only be a secondary option for judging whether they are qualified. It is the preferred element of the alliance. After all, thugs can be seen everywhere, but "power thugs" who are truly responsible and able to lead others are rare. Therefore, fighting crimes like this will surely win praise from within the alliance.

Thinking of this, the old man made a decisive step and walked out of the cockpit to inform Dawu and the others. However, the impulse that was filled with righteous indignation and belonged to young people was not shown on the faces of these children, instead they showed thoughtful expressions one by one. There was a rush of discussion, but the tone of the discussion was set early, that is, fighting crime and rescuing this group of lovely sea "balls".

Before that, Dawu came forward to ask Old Hutch about some details, such as the size of the opponent, the approximate strength of the Pokémon used, the number of megatusks, the number of roaring whales, and whether there is a trace of the roaring whale king.

The old man invited the long-winged gull and asked the long-winged gull to answer these questions. The old man interpreted for him. After decades of feelings, the old man and the long-winged gull have only built a deep relationship with each other, so they communicated with each other. It's very simple and smooth.

However, Musashi drew more and more accurate information from the calls of long-winged gulls. For example, there is one big ship, and three small boats are guarding the sides and rear of the big ship. There are about four to five people on each small ship. The figures on the top are dazzling. Although there are many people, they are all ordinary sailors. However, the people on the small boat are far more imposing than everyone on the big boat.

And the giant sharks should be controlled by the people on the small boats, and the roaring whales should not be allowed to dive into the deep sea to escape. They can only do unnecessary struggles at sea until they are exhausted.

Regarding whether there is a roaring whale king, the long-winged gull thought for a while and nodded, because most of the giant tooth sharks are under the sea, and they are obviously fighting against the roaring whale king.

"Can the long-winged gull describe what kind of clothing the people on the boat are wearing?" Musashi heard this and looked at the long-winged gull, trying to make sure that his guess was true.


The long-winged gull that fell on the old man's shoulder tilted his head, as if he was reminiscing, and as if he was trying to understand Musashi's problem.

However, with the vivid calls of this long-winged gull, a group of friends learned that the long-winged gull behaved as the former.

The old man Hachi was a little surprised. Why did Musashi ask the people on the boat what kind of clothes they were wearing? Does she understand the calls of long-winged gulls?

Not to mention that the old man is a bit strange, even the long-winged gull itself is a bit surprised, so he tilted his head to confirm whether Musashi really understood what he meant. However, this doubt was interrupted by Musashi’s telepathy, slightly After recalling it for a while, I quickly described it.

A black turban with a skull-like pattern painted on it, blue and white striped clothes and leggings, and blue-gray middle pants on the outside, a little jealous.

I have been with the elderly for most of my life, and I don't know anything about human beings, but I can probably express them clearly.

Musashi nodded, thanked the long-winged gull, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, the ocean team seems to be actively preparing for something, so now it seems that the hunting of roaring whales should not be for the purpose of selling meat, or Selling to the black market to earn money, but has other purposes.".

Regarding Musashi’s ability to understand the language of Pokémon, Rika and Kojiro are not surprised, but everyone else in the room looked at Musashi in amazement. I really didn’t expect Musashi to have this hand, usually not showing the appearance of an ordinary little girl. Although he was unanimously recognized by Mikolli and Melissa in terms of strength, Dago actually didn’t think Musashi would be better than him, even now, it’s just that Musashi can understand Pokémon’s language. It's really shocking.

"Miss Musashi, can you understand the language of the long-winged gull?" The old man asked without restraining his curiosity.

"I had opportunities when I was young, so I could understand the language of Pokémon, but this is nothing surprising, and now it is the whaling group that needs attention, not me."

"I learned from the information of the long-winged gulls that this whaling group should be a fleet belonging to the marine team, one large, three small and four ships. It is conservatively estimated that the captain level should be no less than 3 people, and the ordinary team members should be no less than 12. People, whether there are any cadres in the big ship is yet to be determined. It is very likely that the giant shark group is a Pokémon under the ocean team."

Musashi said this, and paused to give everyone time to digest. Then he continued: "If we participate in it, the risks are much greater than we thought. Before we really participate in it, let’s vote again. Whether we want to save this group of roaring whale king protection Roaring whales."

After knowing that the whaling group in front was a member of the Ocean Team, Musashi’s first reaction in his heart was to turn around and leave, because it was impossible to determine whether there were any cadres of the Ocean Team among them, and the cadres of each evil force would not be low. At the Heavenly King level, plus the two-digit megatusks, with their small arms and legs, one of them will be buried in the big mouth of the blood basin if they are not careful.

Moreover, if there are cadres of the Heavenly King level in their fleet, it is still unknown whether they are really not discovered.

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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