Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 12: Pursue and assault

After Musashi sorted out the information and made it public, the small yacht fell silent. Three battle-level marine teams, more than double-digit ordinary players, and an estimated twenty megatusk sharks in their early days were arrogantly under the surface of the sea. Wandering, this power is no longer a hard stubble that the eight of them can easily win.

If you add in the possibility of a king-level cadre, it will drive everyone's previous decision-making in the direction of escape, even the old Hatch who has made up his mind before and wants this group of little guys to have a good experience. I wonder if my decision at the time was too hasty, and if it was really correct.

Moreover, after being pointed out by Musashi, it is no longer a question of whether or not to participate, but a question of whether he can leave safely.

No, I must bring these children back safely, but with his strength, he can still show the strength of the elite level, even if it is not bad. When he was young, he still had the strength of the quasi heavenly king. old.

So, forget it, don't pull the back leg with young people, but there are benefits to old people as well.

That is, I have enough contacts, take out my mobile phone, select one of the numbers, and press the dial button to wait for rescue.

The words are divided into two parts, and Musashi is actively preparing for the battle and preparing for the worst.

On the other side, from the cabin of the largest ship in the whaling group, a burly, flesh-faced but resolute man walked out of the cabin. His upper body was exposed to the blasting sea breeze, and the Ocean Team logo was tattooed on his chest. He wears rubber blue-gray gloves on his hands, and his lower body is wearing trousers of the same material, with thick chains hanging around his neck and waist.

This person is Chao Chao, one of the three major cadres of the Ocean Team, because of his size and origin, he has earned the title of "Seaman of the Sea".

However, no one knows Chao's real name, only that this name was inherited by him. It is rumored that Chao was rescued from the alliance by the leader of this generation of ocean team "Shui Wutong". In order to repay Shui Wutong's kindness, he started from the captain. Until the defeat of the previous generation of cadres, "Tide" became a new generation of Tide, working for the water Wutong.

Similarly, there are two cadres "Di" and "Quan".

Chao Chao looked at a black spot in the sky, stretched out his hand, and after a moment, the small spot in the sky turned into a fast-flying ultrasonic larva and stopped firmly in his arms.

Listening to the frequency of the ultrasonic larva's wings, this is the code word between Chao and the ultrasonic larva. After converting the code word into intelligence, he nodded clearly. A small marine team who was on guard on the ship was invited and ordered: "Let a team go and get rid of the uninvited group of unlucky people 30 nautical miles away. Just an old man and a few children. Go and get back. Don't delay the boss plan."

"Yes!" Xiaoyu took his orders, stepped back two steps, and took out a walkie-talkie to convey the man's instructions.

Soon, a speedboat on the left wing of the big ship left the fleet and drove towards the rear left. The original loose shark fins were closed a little, and several of them followed the speedboat and left.

The close together of the gigantic sharks made the already restless roaring whales more restless, and there were even a few older roaring whales who wanted to break through the encirclement of the gigantic sharks, but there was an array from under the ocean floor. The loud whale chants stopped these roaring whales and moths from fighting the fire. Upon hearing the whale chants, the roaring whales slowly calmed down, and began to move in an organized manner, attempting to flee together inside and out. Day of birth.

However, apart from the initial panic, the giant tooth shark group quickly calmed down in the anger of the giant tooth shark leader.

When the burly man heard the whale groan, his face showed a hint of joy.

"It's finally here. It's worth my effort to keep this group of useless meat dumplings, and let me know and kill all these obnoxious meat dumplings. The anger caused by the killing of the roaring whale should be enough for the roaring whale kings to lose their minds. , Prepare the huge chemical potion, and shoot when the big guy underneath emerges."


A few took orders, and the order was quickly passed on. The giant tooth sharks were not playing with the roaring whales, and the huge mouth full of sharp teeth began to launch a fatal attack on the roaring whales, but because there were a few before The giant tooth shark left the team, and the existence of the roaring whale king on the bottom of the sea gave this group of roaring whales the confidence to fight, so for a while, the two sides played vigorously and vividly, and for a while, it would be impossible to take this group of roaring whales.

However, the man standing at the bow of the ship is not in a hurry. It is interesting to fight evenly. Killing the roaring whale a little bit can stimulate the king of the roaring whale to the utmost extent, isn't it?

In order to prevent the battle from ending quickly and also to prevent the Howler Whale King from joining the battle, the leader of the Megatooth shark quickly dived and stopped in front of the Howler Whale King, preventing him from getting closer.

The struggle between the two races will inevitably bleed, but now the situation looks like the King Whale has hope of victory. The giant shark in front of him is very powerful. The King Whale is not sure of winning, or even loses. The possibility of being is far greater than the winning side. Under the mouse bid, the King Whale temporarily restrained his anxious heart and confronted the Megatusk.

A distance of thirty nautical miles at the speed of a speedboat, half an hour is enough to catch up with Dawu and their yacht.

Although Musashi and others, who had been preparing for surprise attacks by the ocean team, were already stepping up their evacuation, they were still caught up. After all, yachts are more recreational ships, and their fastest speeds are far less than normal speedboats. It is a ship pursuing speed, it bursts out, and it is only a matter of time before the yacht is caught up.

"Sure enough, we were found, and a ship was approaching us quickly." Based on the radar display and the direction of the ship, the old man Hachi quickly judged that the ship was from the marine team and sent the news. Tell us and prepare them to fight back.

"Just one ship? It looks like we are underestimated, but that's good, the chances of us being able to leave safely are greatly increased." Melissa chuckled, her tone of voice sounded a lot lighter.

"According to Musashi’s previous analysis, there should be four to five people on this ship, so we have a quick decision in this battle, and it’s up to me, Mikari, Musashi, Rika, and Melissa to fight for the enemy with one blow. Cuckoo, you are on guard against the gigantic sharks that rush underwater." Dawu knew that this battle was inevitable, and said to Musashi and the others quickly, without a trace of ambiguity.

"Is good."

When Musashi and the others were getting ready, the speedboat at the rear swiftly overtook and turned in front of the yacht, looking extremely arrogant.

It is important to know that the size of a speedboat is smaller than that of a yacht, and Dawu's yacht is enlarged. A comparison between the two boats is the difference between a big one and a thin rod.

But at this time the boat was parked in front of the big ship carelessly, not worrying that the big ship would knock them over in a hurry. It was not that they were stupid, but they were sure to withdraw and hide when the big ship collided, so they could be so confident.

"Hey, a few people on the boat, please listen to me. This is the chassis of our marine team. They broke in without the permission of our marine team. What do you think should be done." The seemingly leading marine team The captain held a big horn in his hand and said scornfully.

"What do you want? I have never heard that this sea area is the site of your ocean team. You must know that this is a German company ship. If it breaks a little, you are not afraid that your boss will ask you for it!" Seeing more strong winds and waves, this little scene is not empty at all. It is just to talk about the German tiger skin. If you can make them retreat, you will save your hands.

"German Company." An unknown captain of the Ocean Team condensed his eyes, and his tone was a little hesitant. After all, Fengyuan people are unaware of a world-renowned international company. Something really went wrong. Their ocean team is still the ocean team, but he may be dead.

But thinking of Chao's order, if he let people go in this way, he would also be unable to escape to death, and a fierce color flashed in his eyes, as long as they were killed, in the vast sea, who knew that these people were killed by themselves.

Thinking of this, his right hand turned his back to his back and gave an attack command to his team members. Soon several giant sharks covered the torrent and rushed towards the the ocean team on the bright side. The captain, holding the horn in his hand, said softly to everyone on the yacht: "Haha, it turned out to be a friend of the German company. Don't blame it if you don't know, don't blame it if you don't know, you go quickly, we will not see it. Hahaha. "

After saying that the speedboat is no longer blocking the path of the yacht.

"Huh! It's best!" Old Hutch snorted, and the yacht started to sail slowly.

"Something rushed over underwater, it's a giant shark!" Musashi and Melissa said at the same time.

"This is what we are waiting for, Uncle Hatch, don't stop, we are as close as possible to the speedboat, just don't know, you pay attention to your safety." Dawu said quickly.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The yacht was tossed by the attack from below and almost capsized, but fortunately, Hatch’s veteran skills did not capsize.

Angrily said: "You are looking for death!"

"Haha, you are the ones who died! Attack!!!" The captain of the Ocean team grinned and said to the four players behind him.

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