“Whale in an island?”

The title of the song…

Sounds beautiful!

And “whale” and “island” are also in line with the current artistic conception.

“Lying groove, this song has a good name!”

“The whale incarnated as an island… Well, just hearing the title of this song makes this song feel good. ”

“Good guy, Du Jing, this is about to release a new song?”

“Du Jing also sings too often, and every song is good!”

“Hurry up to record the screen, I have a premonition ~ feeling, this song is going to be popular!”

For a time, the live broadcast room – barrage scrolled quickly.

Even the camera crew next to it is preparing…-…

Wang Zhengyu: “The camera team, all camera positions, all shooting Du Jing.” ”


The chief director gave an order.

The photographers set up the camera one after another, adjusted the angle, focused, and several camera positions were all facing Du Jing!

This is Dujing!

“Big Fish”, “Encounter”, “The Wind Rises”.

Every song is a boutique!

Now just hearing the title of the song “Whale Incarnated as an Island”, Wang Zhengyu has a hunch that it is going to be popular!

“Du Jing, there must be an unknown story behind this song, right?” He Yi asked.

Compared to others, He is more emotional.

Just hearing the title of the song can feel the strong emotions behind the song.


Du Cheng nodded.

“Tell me about it.”

He Yuan’s eyes were expectant.

He feels that this song is like “Big Fish”, not just a song!

For a while, millions of viewers in the live broadcast room also quieted down, staring at Du Jing and listening carefully…

Du Jing said, “Have you heard of the loneliest whale in the world?” ”

Hearing this, several people shook their heads.

Du Jing: “Around the last century, scientists found a gray whale on a certain coast, and in the eyes of other whales, it was like a mute, with no companions, relatives or friends, no one heard when singing, and no one paid attention when it was sad. ”

“The reason is that the ordinary whale frequency is 15~25 Hz, but its frequency is 52 Hz! He is special and even more lonely. ”

“Its frequency has always been different, so it is also doomed to a lifetime of loneliness.”

“For decades, it has been singing alone, migrating from warm seas to biting currents, searching all the way, but never getting any response.”


Hear Du Jing’s narration.

Everyone fell silent.

It’s hard to imagine how lonely this whale is!

Because of the different frequencies emitted, other whales can’t hear him at all, can’t share when happy, uncomfortable and not comforting, it wanders under the sea, wandering aimlessly and lonely for decades!


“This whale is too pitiful!”

“Drifting alone for decades, it’s unbearable to think about.”

“In the eyes of other whales, that whale may be an outlier, and no one is friends with her.”

“Is this a true story?”

“Yes! I have seen it, and I published this news in the newspaper many years ago. ”

Hearing this story, the audience’s hearts were poked.

The loneliness in it is empathetic!

“So Brother Jing… Is this song based on this story? ”

Sister Zifeng frowned, her eyes were very complicated.

Apparently, it has been infected by this “loneliest whale”.

Du Tingtou: “Yes, but this song is not only for the whale, but also for all lonely people.” ”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

This song…

To all lonely people!

Without further ado.

Du Jing took a long breath and took the guitar.

In the shot:

The sun is setting and meets the sea horizon.

The dim yellow sunlight is like a ribbon of streamers, bursting down through the clouds.

The originally blue sea is golden.

Beautiful scenery, beautiful artistic conception!

I saw Du Jing sitting on the deck of a dilapidated fishing boat, holding the piano head with one hand and gently supporting the strings with the other.

He wears a white shirt, light blue jeans, small white shoes…

It’s a very ordinary, simple dress.

But the whole person is exceptionally fresh, sunny and artistic!


Du Jing gently plucked the strings.

“A song “Whale on an Island”, please listen…”

The voice fell.

Du Jing gently plucked the strings, and the thick and pleasant sound of the piano flowed slowly…

It is like a ray of sunset casting, and the warmth is filled with a trace of sadness and loneliness.

Probably the reason I just listened to the story.

You can always feel the subtle sound of whales in this piano sound!

After a short prelude…

Du Jing slowly spoke.

The sound is ethereal and melodious!

“I’m a blue whale incarnated as an island

It has the greatest figure

Fish and shrimp walk on their side

There are also birds stopping on their backs

I passed by too many beautiful wonders

An Eden-like wonderland

And the sea is too peaceful and quiet

How many stories are not heard



“Du Jing’s voice!”

As soon as Du Jing spoke, all the audience shivered.

The hairs on the body are standing up!

This voice… Space Spirit!

Very juvenile!

I can’t even tell if it’s a male or female voice!

With the gentle sound of the piano…

Du Jing’s voice is like a stream flowing in an empty valley, ethereal and melodious, full of emotions! From the perspective of the blue whale, slowly unfold the story of the entire song!

“I love the sunny days in the Mediterranean

Snowy landscapes in Love Siberia

Love the eagle high in the sky

Love the algae under the belly

I’m doing my best to be amorous

Until that day


The melody is delicate and beautiful, and the lyrics are full of artistic conception!

As emotions push closer.

Du Jing began to rise in tone.

The sound became more and more ethereal, constantly echoing above everyone’s head.

Suddenly…… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The sound of the piano is closed!

After a short pause…


Accent playing!

Du Jing’s high voice instantly went up.

“Your clothes are shabby

And the singing is gentle

Accompany me aimlessly drifting around

My back is like a barren hill

And you smile and shake your head

Think of it as the whole universe


Rich emotions flowed down.

Whether it is the sound of the piano or Du Jing’s singing, it is full of a strong sense of loneliness!

Du Jing’s few high notes, like a blue whale jumping out of the water, jumped and smashed a magnificent splash!


Only the soft sound of the piano remains in the background.

This kind of rendition that is close to a cappella is sincere and clear.

This moment!

Huang Lei and others, the program group, and millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

It is not only the scalp is numb, and the breathing is slightly short.

“Oh my God…”

“Du Jing’s voice is simply a meal from heaven.”

“I get hairy to hear!”

“This song seems to penetrate the soul!”

The live broadcast room is full of barrages scrolling…


In addition to being amazing, it is shocking!

Du Jing, whether it is piano playing, singing, technique, and emotion, is almost perfect, without any fuss, this is a feast for the ears!

“I’ve never been in a bustling place

I haven’t heard the noise

I haven’t seen too many creatures

I haven’t been in a hot mood

Therefore, I did not feel that the ocean was in the middle

How quiet it was


The song reaches the second verse.

The singing is still melodious and the piano is still pleasant.

But as the story progresses…

The audience not only thinks this song is good, but also feels a strong sense of loneliness in this melodious melody.

Everyone has long been substituted into it, as if they are the blue whale in the story, aimlessly shuttling at the bottom of the sea, a strong sense of loneliness, surging into everyone’s hearts…


“This song is the one that I have the strongest sense of substitution among the several songs that Du Jing is currently singing!”

“That’s right, I feel like I’m the whale in the story, although I have friends, but I can’t really make friends, and I live lonely every day.”

“Who is not, our colleagues in the company see each other every day, in fact, in private, one is more yin, one will be better than the other, I don’t like this atmosphere, I feel depressed after staying for a long time, but there is no way, in order to make money.”

“Me too, I’m still in college, there are six people in our dormitory, and the other five skip class all day to play games, but I’m not, I want to study hard, I want to go to graduate school, although everyone doesn’t say it, but they are actually isolating me, it’s quite lonely, actually, but it’s also fast, and when I get admitted to graduate school, I can get out of this environment.”



The barrage scrolls in the live broadcast room.

The sunset is blowing and the sea breeze is blowing.

Du Jing was neatly dressed and sang while sitting on the deck of a dilapidated fishing boat.

The sun cast, his whole person was holy and immaculate, as if he was glowing!

Fishing boats.

There is no other sound except singing.

Whether it was Huang Lei or the program group, everyone stared at Du Jing and was immersed in the song.

If you look closely…

You will also find a layer of mist in everyone’s eyes.

Knock knock~~

With the sound of the piano, the song is also to the end.

“I thought I was on my shoulders

It’s so generous

Enough to support the Joan Tower under the sea

And after your arrival

It looks so thin

I want to give you a shore where you can run

Make you like a queen


The final finishing touches.

Du Jing’s voice gradually lowered, and with the melody, every word was particularly poignant.

Everyone swayed slightly to the melody.

Until the singing became lower and lower, the piano disappeared, and the whole song was sung.

A song fell, and the whole fishing boat went quiet.

Everyone stared at Du Jing, and there was no other sound except for the sound of the waves.

Everyone is immersed in the extreme solitude of this song.

Just when it was about to pull out…


In the distance, the sea is churning.

A huge black shadow suddenly jumped from under the sea.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at it, and their breath was stagnant!

The pupils are instantly dilated.



In the distance, a whale jumped to the surface!

The figure tumbled, and the huge waves set off were more than ten meters high.

Wow —


The whale jumped into the air and then slammed it into the water.


Followed by.

A thick, melodious cry that seemed to penetrate people’s hearts came and resounded throughout the sea!

It’s whale chirping!!

….. Divine..

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