“Whales… Whale?! ”

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned.

Looking at the huge figure on the sea, everyone’s bodies froze.


Giant creatures in the ocean are rare to meet once in a lifetime.

And now…

As soon as Du Jing’s “Whale Incarnated as an Island” was sung, the whale jumped out from under the sea and emitted a whale song that resounded throughout the world. It’s like responding to Du Jing!

For a while, millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were all restless.

“Heavenly master, I read it right, I didn’t hallucinate, did I??”

“Whales, what whales!”

“I didn’t expect to see whales in my lifetime!”

“This whale … It must have been attracted by Du Jing’s singing. ”

“Du Jing just finished singing “Whale Incarnated as an Island”, and a whale jumped out of the sea, which is also too coincidental!”

“It was attracted by Du Jing’s singing, it must be like this!”

Come to think of it…

Millions of viewers have numb scalps!

What is the concept of singing to attract whales?

But if it’s just a coincidence… That TM is such a coincidence!!

“Hurry up, hurry up!”

“All cameras are in the direction of the whale.”


Wang Zhengyu was the first to react, and quickly commanded the camera team to shoot the whale “One One Zero”.

As the camera zooms in…….

Everyone saw a churning on the sea in the distance.

A huge black shadow swam quickly below the sea.


Another whale that penetrates people’s souls!

In an instant, everyone’s goosebumps rose.

This scene is so bizarre that if you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you would never have believed it!

“Oh my God…”

This kind of picture makes everyone’s throat dry and speechless!

I don’t know how long has passed.

In the distance, the originally rippling sea gradually calmed down.

The program team’s camera kept getting closer, but the whale could no longer be found.

It left.

Come and go, hurry.

The two whale sounds in just half a minute seemed to be in response to Du Jing!

For a time, the staff of the program group were stunned, and they couldn’t care about whether they were recording the program or not, and they began to discuss one after another.

“The first time I saw a whale so close, it was really far away!”

“Not lucky, but because of Du Jing!”

“That’s right, it is very likely that Du Jing’s singing voice attracted this whale.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to Du Jing, as if they had seen a ghost.

“Brother Jing….. This?? ”

Zhang Zifeng’s beautiful eyes opened slightly, looking at Du Jing speechless.

“It’s so dreamy, this whale was actually attracted by Brother Jing’s song, and the whale chirped a few times, as if interacting with Brother Jing!”

Peng Peng’s eyes widened.

What happened in front of them made everyone unbelievable.

Du Jing didn’t speak.

To be honest, he was also a little confused.

He said that he sang well, which he recognized.

But to say that his song attracted a whale is an exaggeration.

However, Du Jing quickly reacted…

“Is it because a mysterious event triggers +1??”

Du Jing whispered in his heart.

When he returned from Jiangzhou today, on the plane, because of the completion of the “Medicine God” mission, a mysterious treasure chest was rewarded, and after opening it, he opened a “mysterious event trigger +1”.

At that time, Du Jing was still wondering what this thing was…

Didn’t expect that.

Trigger now!

The song attracts whales!

“Brother Jing, you are too good!”

“Fire! This song is an absolute hit! ”

Peng Peng and Yixing were even more excited than Du Jing, feeling that they had witnessed a miracle with their own eyes.

The song “Whale on an Island” is already amazing.

At the end of the song…

Plus that whale sound that is enough to penetrate the soul!

The whole song is put on the finishing touch!

With the discussion of everyone…

The marketing number in the live broadcast room couldn’t sit still, and they all took a screenshot of Du Jing’s singing just now and posted it on the Internet.

Du Jinghai sang a new song “Whale Turning into an Island”, which attracted whale song!

“Whale incarnated as an island”, Du Jing wrote a song of the loneliest whale!

To all the lonely – “Whale on an Island”!

Spectacle! Du Jing’s singing attracts whales to chirp!

This Weibo release instantly caused an uproar on the Internet!

Du Jing’s new song!

“Whale on an island”!

Attract whale chirping!

This combination of breaking points made countless netizens can’t help but click into Weibo to watch Du Jinggang’s singing video.

Ten thousand.

Fifty thousand.


In just a few moments, all the Weibo data related to it exploded!

Especially the comments, likes all broke 10w+

Fishing boats.

After a long time, the mood of the Peng Peng people gradually calmed down.

“Brother Jing, you said that whale just now… Could it be the one in the backstory of your song? ”

Sister Zifeng held a small head and stared at Du Jing curiously.

Du Jing shook his head: “No.” ”

“Why not, maybe it’s really possible!”

“Because that whale has died.”


Upon hearing this, several people’s expressions paused.

“…… This is also too pitiful, lonely all his life, and finally can only land in some unknown small corner. ”

It’s very emotional to think of this kind of picture.

Du Jing said: “Its last period is not lonely. ”

“About a decade ago, the research team went to that area and found a whale with the same frequency of 52 hertz.”

“Maybe it was never alone, or maybe it only met this whale that could only hear its voice in its last moments.”

As soon as this is said…

The eyes of several people were slightly complicated.

This story also added a strong stroke to “Whale on an Island”. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The whole story is fleshed out!

As you can imagine, what a wave this song will make online!

Put away the guitar, Du Jing slowly stood up.

As sun sets, the sky gets darker.

Although I didn’t complete the tasks assigned by the program team, I was still very happy on today’s trip to sea.

“Return home!”

Huang Lei howled.

The fishing boat reversed direction and headed towards the shore.

But at this moment…

A sudden wave rose behind the stern.

“No, whales again??”

Pengpeng’s eyes straightened on the spot.

Zhang Zifeng smiled: “Poof-brother, are you stupid??” How could this small wave be a whale, and it is estimated that what marine fish are underwater. ”


“Sea fish??”

Everyone was stunned, and instantly reacted.

Trolling hooked!!

A few people quickly ran to the stern, took the lead, grabbed the fishing rod fixed in the stern and lifted it up…..

“It’s so heavy…”

“It’s a big fish!”

Peng Peng gritted his teeth and carried the fishing rod vigorously.

“Let me come.”

Du Jing came directly over.

You can’t lift it like this.

Now that the fish has just been hooked, it needs to slip it more, and when its strength is almost consumed, it can be lifted up.

Under the gaze of everyone.

Du Jing grabbed the fishing rod with both hands, stepped on the stern of the boat with one foot as a support point, and began to “fight wits and courage” with the big fish under the sea.

It took ten minutes…

Seeing that the time was ripe, Du Jing lifted the fishing rod.

Wow —


A big shiny silver fish was lifted up.

This fish is long, thick and round, streamlined, tapering backwards with a slender tail base, a forked tail fin, especially a pair of inky black eyes, which is particularly scary.

It’s tuna!

It is a meter long.

The scales are silvery-white and glow in the setting sun.



“So big!”

Several people were stunned, and one by one stood stupidly in place.

Fortunately, Huang Lei’s eyes were quick, grabbed the net pocket on the ground and pocketed the fish.

Snap –

This fish fluttered the boat board a few times, and the visual impact was very strong!

“Wang Zhengyu!”

“Weigh it!”

“Good guy, it’s a big deal!”

Huang Lei clapped his hands, his face full of pride, and patted Du Jing’s shoulder again: “Good boy, it has to be you!” ”

Originally, everyone thought that the task could not be completed, but they did not expect that when they returned home, the fish was hooked.

Wang Zhengyu is full of black lines.

This Du Jing is the chosen son, right??

Singing attracts whales.

Just trolling casually, and a big fish will be hooked ??

Confused, Wang Zhengyu still took the scale.

The two staff members were stunned for a few times before they could barely lift the tuna to the scale.

Weighed it up…

156 pounds!

Seeing this data, Wang Zhengyu’s face darkened.

The task requirement is to catch 100 pounds of fish, and this one fish is enough!


“The director is not allowed to play 2.4 Raiha.”

“Even if we complete this task!”

The Pengpeng people were very happy.

Looking at Du Jing’s eyes, he also became more and more adoring.

“Don’t worry, don’t play tricks!”

Wang Zhengyu sighed.

This Dujing… Simply the nemesis of the program group!

“Return home.”

“Eat tuna in the evening~~”

With the return of several people from the mushroom house.

On the Internet, “Du Jing sings “Whale Incarnated as an Island” Attracts Whale Song” This matter is making a fuss!

Under the comments of countless netizens, they directly rushed to the hot search.



“Creation 101” recording background.

A young girl with a long figure, a delicate face, and a lively and beautiful face is touching up her makeup in the dressing room.

On her mobile phone, she is playing Du Jing’s “Whale Incarnated as an Island”.


Looking at Du Jing in the video, the girl’s heart was furious.

Suddenly, a girl came from behind and patted her shoulder: “Yang Chaoyue!” Are you almost on stage and still watching your idol?! ”

That’s right.

This girl is Yang Chaoyue, and she is also the most popular player in “Creation 101” at present!


She is also a ten-year fan of Du Jing.

To be precise… It’s a three-year-old fan!


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