My 100-Day Secret Marriage With The Boss

Chapter 970: Goddess Chu is too domineering to eat this vinegar (1), the fastest update trial marriage 100 days: Emperor less, don't be too bad latest chapter!

"Worry-free." Ye Lanchen couldn't help shouting at her. There was no more suppression in her voice. For a time, her breathing became extremely rapid. Through the phone line, Chu Wuyou seemed to be able to feel a blaze.

At this moment, Chu Wuyou was enough to be sure that he was really drugged, and he heard that the drug effect should have happened.

"Where are you now?" Chu Wuyou exhaled secretly and quickly asked. Ye Lanchen just said that he was at Yejia. I don't know if he left now?

"At Yejia." Ye Lanchen's breathing became more and more cramped. When he said this, the rapidness seemed to drown out his voice.

"Well, you are waiting, I will look for you in the past." Chu Wuyou responded softly. He got the medicine, and it was estimated that it would be difficult for a person to leave.

"Worry-free, you don't have to come over, I can go to the hospital." Ye Lanchen knew that it would be useless to reload now, she must have found it.

Chu Wuyou froze for a moment, his teeth bite secretly, "I used to take you to the hospital."

After Chu Wuyou finished speaking, he quickly hung up the phone.

He must not be able to drive in this state, and it would be dangerous to leave alone.

Chu Wuyou quickly opened the closet, casually took a piece of clothing and quickly put it on, and turned to Tang Zixi's curious eyes.

"Baby, my mother is going out..." Chu Wuyou was very anxious at the moment, but she still had to explain to her baby.

Tangzi hoped for her, and said, "But, my mother said she would sleep with me tonight."

Chu Wuyou: "..."

Yes, she had previously agreed to accompany Zixi Babe to sleep. Previously, she thought that nothing was more important than accompany her baby, but...

"Mother is going to find dad?" Tang Zixi's eyes blinked and asked suddenly.

"Well." Chu Wuyou won't lie, and he can't lie to the child, so he nodded honestly.

"So, is my mother going to sleep with my dad, not to sleep with Zixi?" Tang Zixi's child's mouth was skimmed again, a direct dissatisfaction protest.

Chu Wuyou "..."

Tang Zixi's words made her speechless.

If it were usual, she would certainly be able to rebut her vigorous rebuttal, but the situation tonight was too special.

"Zi Xi, your father is in danger now, so mother must rush over." Chu Wuyou said quickly, she knew that the two babies were actually concerned about Ye Lanchen.

Moreover, there is nothing wrong with her. Ye Lanchen is indeed in danger at this moment. It is possible that the medicine on him may be fatal.

"Dad is in danger?" Sure enough, after Tang Zixi heard this, his face changed obviously: "Will the mother go to save my dad?"

"Well, I let Aunt Xiaoshu come to accompany you, and brother should come back soon." Chu Wuyou exhaled secretly. Before she left, she had to arrange everything. After all, Tang Zixi was just A five-year-old child needs care.

"Why not let grandma or grandma take care of me?" Tang Zixi blinked and couldn't help asking. In fact, she prefers to follow grandma or grandma.

Chu Wuyou: "..."

Chu Wuyou didn't want to disturb Mrs. Donald Tang at the moment. If they were disturbed now, she would have to explain for a long time...

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