My 100-Day Secret Marriage With The Boss

Chapter 971: Goddess Chu is too domineering to eat this vinegar (2), the fastest update trial marriage 100 days: Emperor less, don't be too bad latest chapter!

And if they let them know that Ye Lanchen had such a medicine, would they let her go?

In this situation, Chu Wuyou doesn't want to take the risk. She is afraid of dragging on and Ye Lanchen will be in danger.

"Good boy, my mother will explain to you again when she comes back. Don't tell grandma and grandma about them." Chu Wuxi touched Tang Zixi's head and urged him seriously.

"Yeah." Although Tang Zixi didn't understand, he nodded quickly.

Chu Wuyou just stood up, quickly opened the door, and then quietly went downstairs, she was afraid of disturbing the Tang family, even more afraid of Tang Momo.

Regarding Tang Zhimo's attitude towards Ye Lanchen during the day, if he was discovered, she would be able to leave smoothly.

In the Tang family, Feng Miaomiao prepared all the things she needed, including the car she used for.

Out of the Tang Family Mansion, Chu Wuyou dialed Ye Lanchen's phone again. She wanted to know his situation. She wanted to know his situation at any time. She was planning to make this call and she would not hang up. .

So, this time, Chu Wuyou put on the headphones directly.

At this moment, Ye Lanchen was very uncomfortable, and he could not control himself, but when he saw the call from Chu Wuyou, his lips couldn't help but hang up.

"Are you still at Ye's house?" Chu Wuwu quickly asked as soon as the phone was connected. At this moment, her voice obviously increased a bit, because she was afraid that Ye Lanchen could not hear clearly.

"En." Ye Lanchen responded softly, and the sweat on his forehead blew down. He felt that he was almost reaching the limit. If it were not for her to call at the moment, he might have really collapsed because of her phone, because she heard Her voice brought his consciousness back.

"I'll pass right away, and I'll be here soon. You will stay there. It would be relatively safe to stay there..." Chu Wuyou heard his response and secretly exhaled. He was able to answer her and explained. It's still sober now.

Now, his state must not be left, it is quite safe to stay at Yejia.

However, Chu Wuyou's words suddenly stopped after half of the words, and she suddenly thought of something.

Grandpa Ye, since they gave Ye Lanchen that kind of medicine, they will definitely prepare a woman for Ye Lanchen? !

If she guessed right, should that woman be Gu Yingying?

So, is it safe for Ye Lanchen to stay at Yejia Club now?

Chu Wuyou took a deep breath.

She believes that her inference can't be wrong. Ye Ye has given Ye Lanchen medicine and will definitely arrange Gu Yingying in the past, so it stands to reason that Gu Yingying should be in Ye Lanchen's room now! ! !

So why is Ye Lanchen still calling her now? !

"Ye Lanchen, is there anyone else in your room?" Chu Wuyou heard the sound of her drooling faintly. When she asked this, the voice seemed to twitch slightly.

"En?" Ye Lanchen responded softly, as if there was no obvious words from her.

"Is there no other person in your room? No one is there?" Chu Wuyou knew that he had taken the medicine and the effect of the medicine was on, and her consciousness would become increasingly blurred.

"Yes." Ye Lanchen understood his words this time, and after thinking about it, he added: "There is a woman."

At the moment, Ye Sanshao's brain was slow, he didn't think too much, just to be honest.

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