My 1979

Chapter 1094 Reference Object

Even Wang Yulan was forced to laugh in order not to affect the children's emotions.

The three children were immersed in the festive atmosphere deliberately created by the adults.

Only Li Ke asked for news about Li Zhaokun while eating. Wang Yulan touched her head happily and said that her pain was not in vain, and then made a pretense that Li Zhaokun was out.

The children did not doubt it. After all, Li Zhaokun could not stay at home. He often went out and wandered around. It was very common for him to be away from home for three to five days. They were not surprised.

At the dinner table, Wang Yulan took advantage of her daughter's presence to mention her marriage again.

"Find one carefully, otherwise we won't be able to see anything when we close our eyes. Let's be more careful."

Probably because he was thinking of Li Zhaokun, he felt even more heartbroken.

"I know what I know, don't worry." The fourth child didn't refute.

It was just dawning, and the Li family had just gotten up.

When He Fang suddenly appeared at the door of the house carrying a bag, everyone was shocked.

Li He complained, "Why didn't you tell me in advance that I would pick you up?"

"You have arms and legs, can you still run away? Besides, I originally thought that you must be in a hurry in the hospital, and you are all prepared to have no one at home. I didn't expect that you are all at home." He Fang took Li He took a sip from the teapot handed over to him, frowned and said, "I don't know what I want to do with so much tea so early in the morning."

"My younger brother and brother-in-law are in the hospital. We will change them back later." The fourth child changed He Fang's cup of boiled water.

"I'll go with you." He Fang took the towel from her aunt and washed her face.

Li He asked with concern, "Do you want to take a rest? Why are you in such a hurry?"

"It's okay. I slept well on the plane. I'm very energetic now." He Fang tidied up Li Ke's clothes as he was going to school. "You're dressed beautifully."

"Thank you, aunt." Li Ke's mouth was still so sweet.

"You are the only one who can speak." He Fang kissed her forehead and patted her butt, "Go to school quickly, otherwise you will be late."

"Bye." Li Ke smiled and ran into the car.

After He Fang took a shower, she went to the hospital with her fourth child despite Li He's dissuasion.

While driving, the fourth child looked at He Fang's delicate skin and said, "Sister, you haven't changed much for so many years. It's really enviable."

He Fang smiled bitterly and said, "How could there be no change? Otherwise, they are all old goblins. Didn't you see that I wear foundation now? I used to just put on cream when I go out, but now I don't dare. The corners of my eyes are scary." "

The fourth child smiled and said, "I'm telling you the truth, you don't show your age at all, you look less than 30."

"The more I talk, the more nonsense I get. I'm about to hit the 40 mark." He Fang shook her head, and then asked enthusiastically, "How about you, are you still single?"

"Hey, I'm tired of being asked, and you still ask." Lao Si sighed, "Actually, when others ask, I don't bother to say anything, because even if I say it, they may not understand.

But you are different, I think you should be able to understand me. "

He Fang encouraged, "Then tell me, I might be able to give you an opinion."

"Sister, you know, I have seen my grandma's hard work since I was a child. The whole family depends on her to support and eat. It's useless for her to wipe her tears, and my father is not living up to expectations. Now think about those days. , I suddenly felt so terrible." The fourth child spoke his mind.

"Yeah, it wasn't easy at that time." He Fang couldn't fault Li Zhaokun.

You can’t say that your mother found your father like this!

You deserve this life!

The fourth child continued, "So, when I was a child, I was determined that even if I didn't get married, I would never find someone like my father. It is a blessing for a person to find a partner to spend a lifetime with and get married. But if you can't find one, I will not force myself to enter into marriage, as that will lead to misfortune for both parties."

"You're right. This doesn't deny marriage, it just respects marriage." He Fang agreed deeply, but then added, "There are still many good men, we just haven't met them yet."

"Now this man has learned all the tricks in society. His moves are very good but he is not sincere. He thinks that I am an inexperienced little girl. He relies on childish methods to coax people. Many times I see I really want to laugh." The fourth child couldn't help complaining, "So, it's really not me who is picky, I don't care about his handsomeness or ugliness, he must first let me see his heart."

"Hey, this is what your brother always says, it's not a good thing for women to be too smart." This is really bad for men who are not smart enough and want to coax them into bed. He Fang teased, "You don't even have a man who can cover you up, how sad it is.

Actually, you should listen to me, at least find someone like your brother. "

"Are you serious?" The fourth child couldn't help but stick out his tongue at He Fang, "If we follow this standard, I'd better plan to be single for the rest of my life."

She also had another reason for not getting married, which she didn't tell He Fang.

In fact, secretly, she secretly compares many men with her brother. The reason why she looks down on them is because they are not even half as good as her brother.

For most people, whether they are male or female, if their parents or siblings are outstanding enough, their father or mother, or even their older brothers and sisters, will become a reference for them to choose a partner, and their vision will be different. If you are consciously promoted, you will be picky enough when looking at people. Not to mention puppy love, if you have someone you like, it will be considered Amitabha.

The car quickly arrived at the hospital.

The ward where Li Zhaokun is located is the best special care ward in the hospital. The corridor is quiet. Due to Li He's firm attitude, there are no visitors now. Only Li Long and Yang Xuewen are standing there, yawning non-stop. .

Li Long greeted He Fang, "Sister-in-law."

He Fang smiled and said, "Are you sleepy? You should go back and rest quickly. The fourth child and I will be here."

"Okay." Li Long, Yang Xuewen and others did not object. This was the rotation plan that had been discussed.

After they left, He Fang looked into the ward and sighed unconsciously.

"It's okay, we'll have the results in a few days." The fourth child still insisted on his own judgment.

"Okay, I believe you." He Fang sat directly on the bench and said with a smile, "Why, you still want to hang out outside? Why don't you tell your brother that we have business at home, why go out and suffer that kind of trouble? , you really lost a lot of weight."

"Then we have to wait a few years. I think it's quite meaningful and very fulfilling to be like this now." The fourth child was also sitting on the bench, resting his head on his hands and crossing his legs. He had a hint of Li Laoer. style.

"Why don't you learn this? Come on down." He Fang smiled and patted her raised legs.

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