My 1979

Chapter 1095: Small-minded

"Haha." The fourth child had no choice but to put his legs down, "I always thought you were open-minded, but now that I think about it, your parents-in-law are from the same family. They are very old-fashioned. Really, they are not a family and do not belong to the same family. "

"Stop talking useless things." He Fang took out a pack of yogurt from her bag and handed it to the fourth child, "Here, have one?"

"Thank you." Lao Si took it, inserted the straw, and continued, "Actually, I sometimes admire Lao Er Li."

"That's your brother. His words are getting better and better. He deserves your admiration for many things. You'd better learn more." He Fang seemed to be lost in memories and said in a daze, "You don't know. When he was in school, he was too lazy. He slept every day, didn't pay much attention in class, and his test scores were always average. However, if you really care about him, there is no question he can't master.

After graduation, he stayed at the school to teach, and actually became a reference.

I respect him on this point.

Sometimes I get very angry. We all study hard, stay up all night and fight for our lives, but he doesn’t put any effort into anything. "

"It's true that he has good academic performance, but I am no worse than him in study." When it comes to studying, Lao Si is not convinced by anyone. It's just about reading and taking exams. Who is afraid of whom? Lao Si has settled down. , "Just by accident, he made so much money under our noses, which is quite unexpected. But these are not worth mentioning to me, and I admire him the most."

"What?" He Fang was curious.

"He is really capable. He has married such a good wife. She knows how to cook and do housework, makes money, and is beautiful..."

"Thank you for the compliment. I noticed you can speak now?"

"I used to be good at talking." Lao Si hugged He Fang and said, "Before, I was under his roof, Li Lao Er, and I was a little depressed."

He Fang pressed her forehead with her finger and said, "If you talk nonsense all day long, your brother will definitely slap you."

"Hey, there's no cure for his petty problem."

He Fang whispered, "Do you want to be like your mother-in-law?"

"That's what you said." Lao Si shrugged his shoulders and stuck out his tongue.

Then both of them laughed.

On the 10th day after Li Zhaokun was hospitalized, there was still no improvement. The only difference was that his family could enter the ward and stay with him.

This made everyone happy, it was much better than looking through glass, at least they could see people.

Li Long and Yang Xuewen have been forced back to their hometown by Wang Yulan. Who doesn't want to live a happy life? At this time, she is much clearer than anyone else and cannot let the old couple drag down their son and daughter.

She called them over just because she was preparing for the worst, and the purpose was to see her one last time, not to let them take care of her. Now that she had seen everyone, of course she could leave.

If Li Zhaokun really died, she meant to take him back to his hometown and bury him wherever he came from.

Therefore, I was determined not to let my youngest son and eldest daughter stay here anymore.

If this was not the home of He Fang and Li He, she would have driven them away together.

As for the fourth child, she kept it on purpose. Although she didn't know what her daughter's job was, she didn't like it from the bottom of her heart. She originally expected her to work in an office after graduating from college, but she didn't expect to be everywhere now. Run, the skin that used to be fair is now tanned and dark, and she is still so thin that it hurts.

She simply stayed close to him.

What's more, a grown-up girl who has neither a family nor a job will be the same no matter where she stays.

On the 20th day, Li Zhaokun was still the same. This time Li He had no patience.

He went to the doctor, but the doctor was still so vague. When he was about to get angry, he was stopped by the fourth child.

He Fang pulled Li He aside and said, "If roaring can solve the problem, donkeys will rule the world, so please control your emotions and speak softly."

"Sorry, I'm a little anxious! This doctor always can't answer questions well. When I say something, he always talks nonsense to me!" Li He dislikes people who are too boring.

Besides, Li Zhaokun is quite worrying.

He Fangli straightened the wrinkles on his sleeves and said with a smile, "Okay, let me ask the fourth child. You still can't trust her?"

In the distance, the fourth child chatted with the doctor for a few minutes and came over after a while.

Li He said, "What exactly does he mean? Why can't I understand it?"

The fourth child said, "It's nothing. They just said it a bit cryptically and told you that the problem is not big. There is no such thing as 100% cure. No doctor will give you a pat on the back or write a guarantee that any disease will be cured."

Li He asked, "Didn't you say that the hematoma is gone? Why can't you wake up?"

The fourth child sighed and said, "Although the hematoma has been removed, the compression and damage caused by the hematoma to the brain tissue has been caused, and it still needs to be recovered slowly."

"Hey, you can figure it out." Li He and Zuo Zuo didn't understand this, so they simply left it all to the fourth child.

The fourth patient said patiently, "It is now confirmed that the bleeding in the brainstem has stopped, the intracranial pressure drop is normal, and the cerebrospinal fluid circulation has recovered. This has created a material basis for awakening. What we have to do now is to try to tell dad something that impressed him in the past. At the same time, pay attention to physical therapy and massage of the limbs to avoid disuse atrophy, otherwise it will be difficult to move even if you wake up."

"I can talk. Isn't it just chatting with her? In the past, I talked too much and he found me annoying. Now of course I can seize the opportunity to talk. But what is physical therapy and massage?" Wang Yulan was the most confused one.

But she was undoubtedly the happiest when she heard that her man could wake up.

"Look at me, just rub the arms, and pinch the legs, just moderate intensity." Lao Si personally demonstrated, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you press more or less in a day, the key is to continue , just do it every day without interruption, the main function is to activate blood circulation.”

"Is it that simple?" Wang Yulan was very suspicious.

The fourth child nodded affirmatively, "It's that simple."

Li He smiled and said, "Okay, let's do it."

From then on, the family took turns coming to talk to Li Zhaokun and giving him massages.

Wang Yulan talked the most, often bursting into tears while talking. Li He usually didn't know how to comfort her, so in the end he just let her go.

But he was upset by the crying.

"Hey, I really don't know what evil I have done in these two lives, and it's just you!"

He was the only one in the room.

Anyway, Li Zhaokun couldn't hear it, and he didn't talk back, so he let him vent!

"I haven't been able to eat well or wear well since I was a child. I don't blame you. Everyone is like this!" He didn't say it was okay, but he became more and more angry. "Do you know what people called us when we were young? They called me Er. Lai Zi! Just because you are called a second-rater! Li second-rater!"

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