My 1979

Chapter 1096 Tens of millions per minute

"Tell me, have you ever failed in your life? Well, let's do business. If you can't do it, let's be a husband. You haven't fulfilled your responsibilities.

You're not qualified to be a father, you can't afford to raise a child, you don't have a lot of weight on your shoulders, you can't handle things, and you've been doing unreliable things in your life. "Li He became more and more excited as he talked. He originally wanted to smoke, but in the end he held it back, swallowed, and continued, "Of course, you are not without merit. You still have some successes, such as giving birth to a son and a daughter. They are quite capable, and they are all better than you! "

"You can't even compare to your little son, let alone me."

"Sometimes, I actually look down on you.

He only knows how to make noises at home, act recklessly, show off his style, scold this if he wants to, scold that if he wants to scold that, is he promising but not promising? But outside, you are just a bitch, and you do whatever others say. If someone slaps you on the other cheek, you might even give them the other cheek, without even daring to refute.

Do you think you are a bear or a coward? "

"I'm really angry and distressed at you! I feel distressed because you are my biological father and you can't be buried like this outside.

You are the one who disgraced my brothers!

Why don't you ask me, growing up, let's not talk about the whole county, let's talk about the entire commune. Is there anyone who dares to fry wings with us brothers?

If there were any, our brothers would be killed by him. "

He, Li Laoer, is so domineering.

No one dared to bully him before.

Not even now.

"Yes, you feel respectable later, and people are willing to give you face, but why don't you realize that this is giving face to us brothers? Otherwise, who would be happy to deal with you, a second-rate person? You want money but no money, and you want ability. If you don’t have the skills, who will be willing to deal with you?”

"Ah, ah, who cares? With such an excellent daughter and such a wonderful son, who is not secretly having fun? You should be fine. If you don't do anything for a day, you will feel bad. What are you doing?

You don’t know what’s good and what’s good!

Isn’t it nice to be your old master with peace of mind?”

"I know you can't envy your own child, let alone be jealous."

He talked more and more. After taking a sip of tea, he always felt that something was missing. In the end, he couldn't help but light up the cigarette, opened the window, and blew smoke rings vigorously. Occasionally, two wisps of smoke came into the room. I still have to hold my clothes and fan them out hard.

It's so awkward to smoke this cigarette.

"Really, I don't have much hope for you in my whole life. I just hope that you will be nice to me. In fact, you have done a good job in this regard. At least you are better than your two sons. You just know how to coax people. I really like your tricks. No matter how hard or tired you are, you don’t complain. You didn’t see the tears that have fallen from your eyes in the past two days. Oh, no, you don’t feel bad, I feel bad just looking at you.

Ah, what do you mean?

It's a good thing that you don't have money, primary school education, and rural household registration, otherwise this big girl and little wife would have to pounce on you.

Another point is that I hope you can gain some energy, become a little aware, and cause us less trouble, otherwise we will be very tired just wiping your butt."

"You are lying down now. Yes, you can't do anything. It gives us some peace and quiet, but it is also troublesome. We do nothing every day, so we have to wait here until you grow old."

"Tell me, I make tens of millions every minute, but I have to spend time here with you. Do you think it's interesting or not?" Even if he squeezed the bus while chewing pancakes and fruit, he couldn't change the fact that Li Laoer was the richest man in the world. fact.

"If you don't wake up, we will have to take care of you for the rest of your life!"

At this point, Li He suddenly paused.

Although the fourth child definitely said that the probability of recovery is very high, the fourth child also said that doctors are not gods and cannot be guaranteed by patting their chests!

Everything is possible!

What if I really can’t wake up in this life?

Then has he really heard the voice of this man who often makes him laugh or cry again!

Although he is often very angry with Li Zhaokun, he is still his biological father no matter what!

He definitely didn't want this man who was related to him to lie in bed for the rest of his life.

"Hey, don't mind if you just made angry remarks. We are all father and son no matter what."

Li He's voice suddenly became much softer, even a little bit like praying.

"Really, I just want you to wake up quickly and let's have a good father-son relationship. As long as you wake up, everything can be discussed."

Li Zhaokun was still lying there quietly, with no appeal, no words, and even no expression. His forehead is no longer full, his forehead line is messy, and his nose is loose.

Looking at the bubbles in the infusion bottle, Li He was a little worried.

His voice trembled involuntarily.

"How about, let's discuss it. As long as you can open your mouth and say a word, everything will depend on you from now on. I can spend the money as you please! I will give you as much as you want to spend. You can spend as much as you can!

Who doesn't know that your son is the richest man in the world!

You just stare in confusion every day, just like that confused egg! "

Li Zhaokun, who had been lying quietly on the bed, suddenly and inadvertently moved his fingers!

Li He put his hands behind his back and his body behind his back, still talking about his own!

"Don't agree? Then don't you want to expand your yacht business?

I agree to this too!

I'll buy you another yacht!


Ten items!

Even if you just say a word, I will buy you ten yachts!

A yacht as big as a navy ship, with a full tank of fuel, is enough for you to travel around the world. "

Li He's voice suddenly became hysterical!

He looked at Li Zhaokun and knew in his heart that he was destined to be disappointed. Li Zhaokun still didn't react at all.

He sighed, said no more, and took another puff of cigarette towards the window. Outside the window is the usual green space, and a few bees flying from nowhere are also attracted by the flowers on the windowsill, buzzing.

"Brother, you can go back and rest. I'll just watch here." Lao Si and He Fang opened the door and walked in together. "You can't wake up in a short while. It's all wasted here and it's not of much use."

He Fang suggested, "Are you really busy? Why don't you go and do your work? The family will take turns and we can still take care of you."

"It's okay, I can do anything." Even if something happened, Li He decided to let it go first, "You don't need to pay too much attention to me."

The fourth child said, "How about hiring a professional escort? This way everyone can relax. There is no need for everyone to gather here. If there are too many people, it will make things more chaotic."

"No need, it's nothing to be tired about." Li He was very stubborn in this regard, including the family's servants and drivers. He would not add more people if it was not necessary.

After leaving the ward, he asked Ding Shiping to stay here while he took Dong Hao and Qi Hua home first.

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