My 1979

Chapter 1103 Always the weak one

Although he was not as careful as the fourth child, she knew the nerves and blood vessels that passed through all the holes at the base of the skull that were larger than two millimeters in diameter. No one was willing to fight, just because he said that a book would make sense after reading it a hundred times. He read "Neurology" and "Internal Medicine" eight or nine times.

But looking at the age spots on Shoushan's face, which were the size of mung beans or broad beans, and the flattering smile on his face, Li He felt uncomfortable. This was the only one he could have friends with for the whole year.

"Hey, as you get older, you are disliked by others." Shoushan staggered to sit on the chair, "Here, let me give you a drink."

"Stop drinking, you, watch me drink." Li He covered Shoushan's wine glass, but drank all the wine in his own glass.

"Brother, I'll have a drink with you." Because there was no outsider, Xiao Wei's title was quickly changed.

"Drink less." Li He said with a smile, "I remember that you are allergic to drinking. Don't let it go tomorrow and affect your influence in Hong Kong."

Xiao Wei sneered and said, "It's okay to drink less."

Early the next morning, Xiao Wei and others went to Hong Kong, and there was no need for Li He to follow.

He took Qi Hua and others through alleys and streets, always wanting to feel the atmosphere of the new era.

In this unforgettable good era of rapid changes, surging passion, full of pride, high morale, and hard work, what Li Laoer felt was confusion and helplessness, surviving and looking for the future of all species that would be eliminated. Traits.

His once pure heart, strength of struggle, and passionate motivation gradually faded away, turning into a period of darkness, poverty, and suffering that he couldn't bear to look back on.

He couldn't even figure out why!

It’s not that his ability is low, it’s not that he’s unwilling to work hard and actively, but when he is high-spirited and goes all out to catch up with the pace of the times, he finds that his ideas are too naive and too ignorant.

This is not to underestimate yourself, but that you do have shortcomings and deficiencies in all aspects.

No matter how hard you try, you will always be a weakling in the face of this rapidly changing era.

When it comes to ability in this era, at most it is just expertise in a certain aspect, but it cannot compete with this era at all;

When talking about changes in this era, we are more often attracted, tempted and changed by the rich information of this era;

Talking about concentration in this era, he, an extraordinary ordinary person, cannot maintain a normal mind.

Maybe he can often point out words to inspire the country, with an expression of concern for the country and the people, but every time he is impassioned, he will suddenly find that his remarks are a bit extreme and a bit unreliable, because his words are often just cathartic. That's all, it's mostly about individual content and less about summarizing and conveying the complete connotation of the times.

Although people compliment each other and flatter each other, it is lively and happy, which is very beautiful.

But it had no impact on this era at all. China's industrial process did not accelerate because of him, and China's economic history did not change because of him.

The development of history is independent of human will. Human will is subjective. Although it has an active effect on the objective, it will not affect the development of social history and can only speed up or slow down.

An individual's destiny can only follow history.

The result of conforming to history is his insignificant butterfly effect.

I walked to the park unknowingly and saw many mothers taking their children to play in the park. Maybe fathers were too busy and could only follow their mothers. Suddenly I remembered a saying, an absent father is a regret for children when they grow up.

His heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen his precious daughter for a long time. He couldn't let go of these two girls, Li Yi and Zhang Ziyi, no matter what, and he couldn't let them go easily.

"Book a ticket and go back." Li He suddenly had an urgent desire to return home.

"Go back?" Fu Biao wasn't too sure.

"Of course I'm going back. I miss home." Li He did not hide his emotions.

Fu Biao thought for a while and said, "There are still some things that need you to make the decision here. Why don't you go back later?"

He felt very uneasy.

"Okay." Li He accepted the suggestion.

Nippon Hyogo Bank recorded Japan's first bank failure after the war. This news reminded Li He of something, but he could not grasp it.

To acquire?

Mud can't hold up the wall, so he has no interest in doing so.

Within two days, the exposure of Daiwa Bank's huge losses caused a huge shock in the global financial community. The Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Stock Exchange suspended trading in the bank's stocks that day.

He received a call from Sun SoftBank.

"Mr. Li, this is a good opportunity. I think we need to acquire it. I am willing to work together with Mr. Pan Youlin to advance and retreat together."

"No need. The exposure of the Yamato scandal will undoubtedly add insult to injury to Japan's financial system, making it difficult to recover." Li He said calmly, "No one has the ability to save it, not to mention there are Americans here. We can't fight it."

1995 was a turning year for Japan, and it was also a troubled year. He would definitely not go into this muddy hole.

"American?" Sun Softbank didn't understand.

But then Moody's Investors Service announced a credit assessment of 50 banks in Japan. As a result, no bank received an A grade, and only one local bank, Shizuoka Bank, received a B grade.

At the same time, the U.S. federal and New York state bank regulatory authorities jointly ordered Daiwa Bank’s 17 branches in the United States and Daiwa Trust and Investment Company to end all operations in the United States within 3 months and evacuate the United States. Daiwa Bank was also prohibited from operating in the United States within 3 years. The United States reopened financial operations.

Only then did he understand what it meant.

When Li He returned home, it was already late autumn.

Before he entered the alley, people kept coming to say hello. This was a treatment he had not received before.

It took him about ten minutes to walk the short few steps to the alley entrance.

He felt it was really necessary to move.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he suddenly heard a heartbreaking cry coming from the yard. He heard it was his daughter.

"Baby, what's wrong?" As soon as he entered the yard, he hugged his daughter and coaxed her.

Li Yi still kept crying.

"Tell me what you want. Dad loves you the most. I will give you everything you want. Stars for stars, moon for moon." Li He said with a doting look on his face.

"Really?" Li Yi stretched out her little finger, "Pull the hook and it won't change for a hundred years."

"No change is allowed for a hundred years." Li He was full of confidence. With his current worth, there was nothing he couldn't satisfy.

Li Yi raised her head and said, "I want to eat ice cream!"

"What?" Li He looked at the dead leaves falling with the autumn wind in the yard, and touched his daughter's head angrily, "My daughter, you are so beautiful!"

"What a beautiful idea?" Li Yi had already learned this trick.

"It's good to know." Li He didn't look at his daughter's innocent eyes, and walked into the house with his bag.

Li Yi looked at her father's back and tried hard to squeeze out tears, but she couldn't squeeze them out anymore!

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