My 1979

Chapter 1104: Burdened by Statement

"Why are you back?" Mrs. He was very happy to see Li He back.

"I'm back after finishing my work over there." Li He put down his things and inadvertently saw a lot of certificates hanging on the side wall, "Are they all from Go?"

If you look carefully, it's either the first prize or the second prize. Even if he doesn't understand Go circles, he can understand the weight of a national certificate.

"This wall is too narrow to fit a few pictures, and there are still many that have not been hung up." Mrs. He was very proud.

Li He didn't say anything and just made himself a pot of tea. However, before he could drink the tea, guests began to arrive at home. Many of them were neighbors. He couldn't chase them away, so he could only respond. .

This is nothing. For five or six days in a row, the number of visitors to the house not only did not decrease, but also increased.

He was so tired that he didn't know how many times he repeated the same thing.

Since he got up at six o'clock in the morning, there had been no interruption in his family. He had just seen off a group of people, but before he could enter the house, another acquaintance came in.

He sent the person away and returned to the house, shaking his head.

He Fang couldn't help it anymore and sighed, "It seems we have to move."

"Move." After Li He said this, he called Ping Song. He couldn't bear it anymore. This was the so-called burden of fame.

They moved as soon as they were told. That night, six large trucks and about ten people moved the Li family under the leadership of Ping Song.

But after the things were emptied, the Li family faced new problems. Mrs. He was unwilling to follow them to Xishan.

"I'm familiar with this place. I won't bother you anymore." Mrs. He was very determined.

"How can you do it here alone?" He Fang was unwilling to let my mother stay alone in the old house.

"Your brother is not dead, so why should I have no place to go?" Old Mrs. He said, "You live your own life, don't worry about me."

"I still expect you to babysit my child." He Fang was even more unhappy when she heard that my mother was going to live with her brother. Wu Chunyan was not a good person, and she didn't know how angry she would be. She held my mother's hand and said , "If you don't go, I won't have anywhere to put the two children."

"Li Lan doesn't need you to ask questions anymore. Zhang Bing takes him to and from school. Li Yi is the only one left. You can't fool a little girl by yourself." The old lady knew her calculations very well.

"Auntie, it's better to come with us." Li He also persuaded him. He understood the old lady's thoughts. Frankly speaking, she just couldn't bear to be too far away from her son. "I still have a house next door. Let He Long go there tomorrow." Choose, it will be more lively if we move together."

"Then I can't cause you any more trouble." This time the old lady refused more simply. She knew how much her son had taken advantage of her son-in-law and daughter, and she couldn't continue to be shameless. "They have lived a good enough life. No matter how dissatisfied you are, even God will look down upon you.”

Li He said with a smile, "I won't help this time. I know he has money, so I let him build it next door to me. It's like a small foreign-style building in the countryside. It has two and three floors. It's very casual. It's not a waste of money." , the value will increase from now on, look at the house he bought next to the old Zhang family, it has now doubled several times."

"It's so biased over there, how much will the price increase?" The old lady was not confused.

He Fang said, "Don't talk about price increases or not, just talk about how good it was in the past. The place there is big. If you want to grow vegetables, you can grow vegetables, and if you want to raise livestock, you can raise livestock, but no one can care about you."

"Then your brother can't follow either." The old lady still shook her head.

He Fang said, "He is not allowed to go, only you are allowed to go. If you miss them, it only takes half an hour to drive. How convenient."

The old lady said, "That's so troublesome."

Li He said, "From now on, the two children will still go to school in the city. You can follow the bus going to and from school and we will come to the nearest place."

"That's right." The old lady felt relieved.

"Then let's go. If you don't go, these two children will make me confused." He Fang still insisted on pushing my mother to the car.

"Hey, hey, wait while I pack my luggage." The old lady finally compromised.

The family finally moved to Xishan.

Li He felt peaceful again.

The adults were happy, but Li Lan and Li Yi were not happy, because without their playmates in the alley, the so-called villa looked like a big countryside to them.

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