My 1979

Chapter 1144 Endgame

He could only tell himself that everything was for the sake of his children and everything for his children.

When he got home, he told He Fang what Liang Henian said.

He Fang slapped her head angrily, "Hey, luckily both of us are educated, so we forgot about this. If this doesn't encourage the children, it's really not a good thing for the children."

Since then, the couple has reached an agreement and has changed their attitude towards Go. In the past, they would at best not interfere with Li Lanxue's Go. Now, in order for their children to improve their Go skills, the couple spare no effort, not only giving them positive rest days. In the chess academy, I was searching for chess records.

Li Laoer has spoken. He will not accept gifts during the holidays this year, but will only receive chess records!

There are so many people who please people. From now on, people who give gifts no longer give cigarettes and alcohol. It’s tacky!

They actually sent me chess records, and they were not ordinary. It's common to find things in the market that are hard to sell, so they can only think of ways to find other people's collections. Private collections are okay, it's just a matter of how much money they cost, but museum collections are more difficult, but it's not a problem. They all have it. Due to the trust relationship, many unique copies were photocopied.

Because Li Laoer focuses on the content of the chess records, regardless of whether they are cultural relics or not.

Liang Henian looked at the hundreds of chess books at Li He's house, and they were all the ones he had never seen before. He was stunned at first! There is excitement behind it!

The world of rich people is indeed beyond his imagination!

Since then, he has become a frequent visitor to the Li family, the kind who comes uninvited and stays all day long.

Every day after school, Li He did not take his son home immediately, but took him to Xuanwu Park to compete with those old men.

The park is very lively every afternoon, with people practicing Tai Chi, Qigong, dancing, and of course, not least, the old men who come to play chess when they have nothing to do after retirement.

Li He, the old resident of Sanmiao Street, has maintained the habit of walking at home for more than ten years. There are not many people here who don't know him, and they will greet him warmly when they see him.

"Xiao Li, long time no see."

"Hey, Li Lan has grown taller again."

"Xiao Li, the park management office is looking for you. You kicked that elm tree to death."


Most of these people also knew that Li Lan was learning Go, so they all played chess with Li Lan with an attitude of giving advice. Only old man Qin stood beside him and smiled without saying a word.

When these old men admitted in disbelief that they had lost, Old Man Qin joked, "You can't even win a child. You have lived such a long life in vain!"

The old men's faces were as red as a monkey's butt, and they felt embarrassed too!

How could he lose to a little kid so inexplicably!

But there were also people who tried to challenge Mr. Qin and said, "Can this kid be an ordinary person? If you have the ability, come and do it!"

Every time, Old Qin would say calmly, "I couldn't compare to him last year."

He himself never thought that Li Lan's chess skills would improve so quickly. How long has it been?

There are people who play chess, and Li Lan plays chess with them. There are people who play chess, and Li Lan plays chess with them, but there is no single enemy.

Seeing so many people become defeated by his son, Li Laoer felt proud, so he took Li Lan more diligently.

However, few people were willing to continue with Li Lan.

When playing chess, it is important to be evenly matched. It is fun to meet your opponent in chess!

If it's not in the same context and rank, haha, that's not looking for abuse!

You have to be mentally ill to continue doing this!

They finally retired and still want to spend their remaining years in peace! He will never make himself uncomfortable, and he still loses to a child in front of everyone!

They still want shame!

"Master Chen, what are you busy with?" Li He caught a man wearing reading glasses and refused to let him go. He couldn't let his son down!

"Hey, Xiao Li." The old man shivered when he saw Li Lan, and hurriedly patted his head and said, "Hey, it's going to rain, and my clothes haven't been confiscated yet."

He ran away in a flash.

"The sun is hanging high, just say it if you're afraid of losing. No one will laugh at you." Li He shouted to old man Chen, but he didn't give up and walked over to an old man sitting on a stone bench not far away. "Master Wu"

"You should laugh at me, I'm afraid of losing." Before Li He could get closer, the old man ran away.

"Master Jiang"

"Oh, I haven't eaten yet. My wife is waiting for me to eat. No, I have to leave first."

"Master Ji, let's play a game." Li He was not discouraged.

"I've been suffering from eye problems recently. If you don't believe me, just ask Lao Zhang." When Master Ji turned around to find a witness, he found that the witness Lao Zhang had already hid far away.

"What the hell is this!" Li He was quite helpless.

"Dad, why don't they like me anymore?" Li Lan was very frustrated.

"It's not that they don't like you, it's that they are afraid of you." Li He quickly comforted him and said proudly, "If you don't want to keep me here, I will keep you!"

They went to the Temple of Heaven Park.

After a week, the two of them became the most unpopular people here of the year.

"Dad." Li Lan was about to cry.

"Not afraid."

Li He then took him to Chaoyang Park.

Provoking public outrage again.

Change the venue again, Ditan Park.

This time Li Lan encountered a challenge. There was a player in the park who set up a game. He won 10 yuan, lost 5 yuan, and gave 3 yuan to a draw.

Hours are wasted at the stall, and the stall owner cannot hold on, so he has to give him a time limit.

Li He sneered, losing five yuan in half an hour.

After half a month, the stall owner wanted to hug the two men and call them daddy!

How can anyone give away money every day like this?

"Son, this is the end game. That chess game makes you look very advantageous. Many of them are liars. How about we go to the old men to play?" Li He couldn't hold it anymore. What's the point of spending time at a stall every day?

Moreover, Liang Henian also told him that some people have studied this kind of individual endgame for a lifetime without thoroughly studying it, and he also hoped that Li Lan would stop playing with it.


"Come on, you are rich and willful." His son just yelled two words, and Li He knew that he would not give up.

Feeling distressed and relieved at the same time.

He wished he could just throw some money to the stall owner, so that the stall owner would lose on purpose and his son would not have to waste time here.

However, in the end he did not do so.

My son is not a fool!

The little guy is silent and silent, but he is very smart!

There's no way he wouldn't know about someone's handicap!

If it is self-defeating and the son's self-esteem is damaged, then the original intention has been lost.

From then on, the two of them came here rain or shine, and the stall owner also followed suit for the sake of money.

Several times, the rain was too heavy and Li He took out his wallet in the teahouse box.

Once, Dong Hao couldn't help but suggest that he invite the stall owner to go home. How easy would it be?

Li He said, "Look at how lively there are so many people?"

The two of them have become celebrities in Ditan Park, a pair of idiots who give money to people every day! Therefore, word of mouth spread, and more and more people came to watch.

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