My 1979

Chapter 1170 Integrity {two chapters in one, second update}

Yeats asked with a smile, "What do you want to eat? I'll treat you."

Her partiality has now turned into a short one, and she has become more agile.

Li He said with a smile, "As long as you don't treat me to ham sausage, the rest is up to you."

"That's not possible. Our factory's ham sausage is out of stock right now. If you want to eat it, I can't even bear to give it to you." Yeats said hurriedly, "Let's go. I'll have enough boiled water."

Li He said, "As long as you are kind."

The two people walked down the office building amid everyone's curious eyes.

Walking to a parking shed made of iron sheet, rows of bicycles and motorcycles were placed in an orderly manner. Yeats rode out a motorcycle from inside, patted the butt of the car and said on the back seat, "Come up here." Come on, let’s go to town to eat.”

"Shall I take you?" For female drivers, regardless of whether they are driving four wheels or riding two wheels, Li He has never felt safe.

"That's okay. This is an imported car. I can drive as fast as I want!" Yeats put his feet on the ground without hesitation, moved his butt behind, and gave up the front seat to Li He.

"Please show me the way. I'm not familiar with this area." Li He started his motorcycle, pressed the door, and rushed out with a roar.

Suddenly, his body tightened and Yeats hugged him from the waist. He felt very uncomfortable.

This area is a factory area, and there is no place to eat. I rode a motorcycle for two miles before I found a market town. Although the market had already dispersed, there were not many people because it was close to the factory area, and there were few restaurants nearby. , they are basically full.

Yeats was probably a frequent visitor here. Before he even got off his motorcycle, people in twos and threes came over from time to time to say hello and chat.

When the two of them found seats and sat down, the people eating nearby also came over to propose a toast to Yeats.

After Yeats responded to the situation for a few words, he apologized to Li He, "I wouldn't have come here if I had known better. I'm sorry."

Li He drank a bottle of cold beer and said with a smile, "It means you are popular, which is good. In business, sometimes it just doesn't work if you are not popular."

"I'm used to running a small business. It's okay to run a stall. I have the patience to negotiate prices with others. When you had to rush the ducks to sell them, you asked me to come here. It's strange to say that I also had to bite the bullet. When I came, I didn’t know anything at first. I didn’t know anything about the ham sausage market or the price of pork. I grew up in the city. I didn’t even know what pigs grew up eating. I didn’t know what kind of meat was good or what kind of meat. No, they are all confused.

Just by knowing a few words and being willing to learn, I can barely survive now, and I can still do decently. I didn't expect it myself. "Yeats sighed, "After working for so long, I finally have a feeling that selling products in business is equivalent to selling people. If you do a good job, people will trust you and do business with you again. If you are a good person, No, it’s the first time I’ve suffered a loss and been deceived by you. If I don’t protect everything, it won’t last long. "

Li He said with a smile, "This is credibility. To do business, you must have credibility. This principle is very simple, but there are very few things that can be done."

Sometimes, he is actually quite helpless about this phenomenon. For many people who are dishonest, it is not that they are really short-sighted, but that the market has given them room to run rampant. This is a country with a huge population base and a vast consumer market. The east is not as bright as the west. Liang, to put it simply, fools are enough.

Just like Li He, a long-time smoker like him, he buys the most cigarettes when he goes out, but out of ten times, he can buy fake ones at least five or six times!

Swallowing a fake cigarette in one puff is really heartbreaking!

Go back and find the cigarette seller. If you have a better attitude, you will be replaced. If you have a bad attitude, Li Laoer can only fight violence with violence!

But no matter what kind of boss he is, there is no hope that he will be a repeat customer!

"Why did you come back so suddenly? Why did you come to the city?" Yeats suddenly thought of this again.

Li He said, "My grandma passed away. Just after the first seven days, I accompanied my father to Kaifeng again. I just came back from Kaifeng. I passed by you and came to see you."

Yeats knew more about Li Fucheng's affairs, so he didn't ask in detail. He just said, "Have you seen Teacher Jin?"

Li He shook his head. He didn't have time to go at all. "No, I'm going to pass by the county in the afternoon and take a look. What's up? How is your health?"

Yeats hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "Everyone needs to be mentally prepared anyway. I suggest you go and have a look, and then wait a few days depending on the situation before leaving."

"Is the illness serious?" Li He understood immediately.

In my memory, Teacher Jin seems to have happened this year. He came all the way back to help prepare for the future generations.

"I have been sick since the New Year, but I recovered in just two days. Suddenly I caught a cold last month, and my nanny called me. I asked her to be sent to the hospital first. I went back the next day, and she was completely I'm paralyzed, and it's a bit difficult to speak." Yeats gave Li He a piece of braised pork, and continued, "In the morning, the nanny called me. The doctor recommended leaving the hospital. There is little point in further treatment. I hope the family will prepare. .”

Li He thanked her, stuffed the person into his mouth, and said while eating, "I'll go and take a look in the afternoon. This person can't say anything for sure after she gets older. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to go back for the time being. I'll spend more time with her." .”

Yeats asked, "Are you driving?"

Li He said, "Yes."

"Then you wait for my explanation at the factory, and I'll go back with you, just in time to give you a ride."

"Okay." Li He drank a bottle of beer to quench his thirst and stopped drinking.

After dinner, he took Yeats to the factory gate on his motorcycle, and he waited outside.

The old man in the security room stood in front of him strangely, and then gave him a thumbs up inexplicably.

"You can do it, kid! You can't tell!"

"Master, what do you mean?" Li He was puzzled.

The old man said mischievously, "We are all people who have been here before. Don't be embarrassed. Everyone knows that when you have a wedding reception, don't forget to give the old man a pack of cigarettes. Anyway, I opened this door for you today."

Li He shook his head helplessly and said with a smile, "Master, you misunderstood, Mr. Ye and I have nothing."

"No? What a fool! I'm not blind!" The old man glanced at Li He with disdain and said, "I saw it with my own eyes, so you can't fool me. But, young man, you are amazing."

"What did you see?" Li He was dumbfounded.

"Why are you like this?" The old man made a circle with his arms to show a hug, and then whispered, "How can ordinary people be like this? Mr. Ye's head is pressed against your back. A man is a man who dares to do what he wants."

"Nothing happened, how can I admit it?" Li He said with a straight face, "Mr. Ye and I are just ordinary friends. You, the master, can't talk nonsense."

The worst he can do is just slap his butt and leave. No one knows him anyway, so it won't have any impact on him, but it will be bad for Yeats's reputation.

"You!" Seeing Li He's expression, the old master didn't dare to say anything more. If he didn't know the importance and passed it on to Mr. Ye, his job might be ruined!

More than 500 a month!

An old man like him earns more than his son who works hard for a month!

He didn't dare to throw it away casually!

At the same time, he secretly scolded Li He for not understanding current affairs!

He was praising Li He for his ability and ability both inside and outside of his words!

Why can't I hear what I'm saying clearly?

Zhang Bing's car turned on the horn, and Li He went up to blow on the air conditioner for a while, and saw Ye Zhi coming with a satchel. He got out of the car and took it for her, and then opened the door.

The car drove all the way to the county hospital. Li He went to buy two cans and followed Yeats in.

"You guys are here. I was worried about how to send someone back alone." Bian Mei was greeted from the ward. She was frowning at the moment and sighing from time to time.

Yeats said, "Are you the only one? Where is Xiao Hong?"

She glanced towards the ward and didn't see Teacher Jin's nanny.

Bian Mei whispered, "I asked her to get ready first, and buy everything she needs to buy, otherwise it will be too late. I guess it's enough."

Li He stood in front of Teacher Jin's hospital bed, looked at the skinny old lady, and sighed unconsciously.

Teacher Jin probably heard the noise, and opened his eyes slightly. He just stretched out his hand, and when he was about to droop down, he was held by Li He, "Teacher Jin, don't move, just lie down."

Teacher Jin moved his mouth, trying hard to say something, but Li He pressed his ears against it, but still couldn't hear anything clearly.

Yeats asked, "Teacher Jin, do you want to say that you want to go home?"

"Uh." The old lady nodded with great effort and could only make a vague uh sound.

Bian Mei said, "The discharge procedures have been completed. It's very hot outside now because of the strong sun. Let's go back when the sun goes down and it gets cooler, okay?"

The old lady didn't speak and couldn't speak, but Li He saw the prayer in her eyes.

He knew the character of the old lady. She had never begged anyone in her life, let alone submitted to anyone. At this moment, her strong willpower and unyielding soul were trapped in this dying body. She could not control her own destiny, but she was She needed help, he could imagine her pain.

"Let's go now."

He explained to Bian Mei and Ye Zhi, went to the nurse's desk, and told the nurse his request.

After a while, two caregivers entered the ward. Together with them, Li He carefully moved the old lady onto the stretcher, then carried her downstairs and put her in the hospital's ambulance.

Li He sat on the seat in the car, and he could speak according to the old lady's thoughts without the old lady's instructions.

"Teacher Jin, don't worry. If it turns out to be what you fear, the school leaders and some of your friends will be notified."

"I know where you put your phone book, so don't worry about it. We won't notify you if it's too far away. We'll definitely feel bad about having to go back and forth."

"We don't take care of it, we leave it to the school. Everything is kept simple. We all have a firm belief in Marxist materialism."


It can be seen from the old lady's expression that everything he said is in line with the old lady's thoughts.

Yeats and Bian Mei looked at Li He frequently in surprise. It was almost incredible how he could guess the old lady's thoughts so accurately.

But they didn't know that Li Laoer had lived in two lives. He clearly remembered that when the old lady was dying, she still trembled slightly and wrote down her will, which was nothing more than what he said.

"Oh, by the way, there is also your property." Seeing that the old lady continued to look at him expectantly, Li He continued, "I guess you have been reluctant to eat and drink over the years. With the filial piety of the students, you have Your pension should be quite large.

We have never lacked your support before, and we know that your thoughts are on those students. Do you think this will work? Leave the rest to the school, and the school will make the decision to fund the students. Whichever student does well in the exam will be given a scholarship. . "

Li He continued, "I will scatter the ashes into the Huai River for you. I remember you said before that the ashes are composed of calcium and phosphorus. Fish and shrimp like to eat them. Let's carry forward our style and feed them." They go"

Yeats and Bian Mei were about to stop Li He from talking nonsense, but they didn't want to hear the old lady say, "Okay."

This was the clearest sentence the old lady said from beginning to end, although it was only one word.

When they arrived at the family area of ​​the school, Li He carried the old lady upstairs on his back, with Yeats and Bian Mei supporting her behind.

As soon as the old lady lay down, many teachers from the school came to visit, and finally a lot of students came. Li He didn't know many of them, they were probably from other classes.

The small room couldn't accommodate so many people at one time, so he went downstairs and stood at the door smoking, watching people coming in and out in twos and threes from time to time.

He stood there for about half an hour, and the sound of crying came from upstairs. Later, someone came down again wiping tears.

He had anticipated this and lit another cigarette against the butt of the cigarette.

The good teacher who devoted his life to education and regarded his students as his own is gone.

"Li He." A tall, fat middle-aged man smiled at him.

Li He threw him a cigarette and said, "Here he comes."

The fat man took the cigarette and asked with a smile, "Do you still recognize me?"

"With your size, I can't think of anyone else except Wang Yong." This was also Li He's classmate. Li He's impression of him mainly came from the funeral of Teacher Jin, and he didn't have much memory of him on campus.

In fact, he was not very impressed with most of his classmates.

The fat man patted his shoulder happily and said, "Assuming you have a conscience, I will take care of Teacher Jin's matter first, and we can reminisce about old times later."

"Are you in charge of the school's teaching department now?" Li He asked knowingly. This guy is now the school's teaching director. It is said that he later became the principal of No. 1 Middle School, and he is considered a famous figure in the small county town.

Wang Yong nodded, "Yes, the principal and other leaders went to other places for internships during the summer. Now I have full authority to take care of it. If you have any opinions, just tell me and I will try my best to handle it."

"Sorry to trouble you, please work harder." This is a bit different from what Li He remembered. At first, the school principal personally took the lead in the old lady's funeral.

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