My 1979

Chapter 1171 One less person {two chapters in one, four updates}

After a pause, he continued, "We are all students of Teacher Jin, and everyone has the same thoughts."

"Yes." Wang Yong nodded and asked with a smile, "I heard that you have become rich? Your brother alone is now very rich. He has a hotel, a taxi, and I heard that he has a driving school now?"

"Absolutely." Li He said calmly, "Go and do your work. I'll find you later and I have something to discuss with you."

"Okay." Wang Yong turned around and led the two of them up the stairs. Li He was afraid that the wooden stairs would collapse.

According to Teacher Jin's wish, everything after her death was kept simple. There was no memorial service or farewell ceremony. There was only a simple obituary posted at the school gate. The main content was that Comrade So-and-so passed away due to illness in such and such a month. Check out the funeral time.

On the morning of the funeral, more than a dozen of Teacher Jin’s colleagues at the school came to see him off, as well as Li He and about twenty other students.

However, there is not a single relative.

Standing by the Huaihe River, Li He spread two handfuls of ashes and squatted by the river for a long time, speechless.

Wang Yong came over and squatted in front of him, smiled and said, "Have a drink tonight?"

"Let me tell you something." Li He stood up and rubbed the mud on his feet on the grass next to him.

Wang Yong raised his head and asked, "What's the matter? Just tell me. I don't dare to say anything else. But if you have any relatives or children who want to go to our school, I can guarantee that you will succeed if you pay a little tuition fee."

He only had some power in the school, and he couldn't think of anything else he could do to help Li He except school matters.

Li He shook his head, "It's not a matter of the children going to school, it's a matter of Teacher Jin. I even heard about you when I heard about it."

He himself didn't know when it started. Things like going to No. 1 Middle School, which were extremely difficult for ordinary people, became trivial to him.

"Isn't this all over? What else can happen?" Wang Yongyong understood.

Li He said, "Didn't Teacher Jin keep 50,000 yuan as scholarships for students?

To be honest, the money is too little. I will add 950,000 to make it up to one million, which will be used as a special scholarship in the name of Teacher Jin. "

This is the only thing he can do.

Wang Yong was stunned for a moment. As soon as he stretched out his hand to Li He's forehead, he was patted down by Li He. He laughed and said, "It's such a hot day. Didn't you get sunburned?"

"Go away, I'm not kidding you." Li He said angrily, "Just say whether you agree or not."

Wang Yongdao said, “I firmly support any policy that utilizes the school, and any project that utilizes student development, I firmly support! Without reservation!”

Bian Mei said with a sneer, "Fat Wang, don't be so glib and say useless things. Which one of your eyes sees him, Li Laoer, looking like he's short of money?"

Don’t talk about him, even I don’t lack this 1 million!

Ten million or one hundred million is just water to others. "

"Look at my pig brain." Wang Yong patted his head in embarrassment. His younger brothers, Li Lao Er, are all multi-millionaires. This is the result of Li Lao Er’s support. He, Li Lao Er, is at least a billionaire!

Finally, everyone returned to Teacher Jin's house. Li He found an English dictionary from her belongings, put it under his arm, and took it away as a souvenir.

Walking alone in the empty campus, I seem to hear the sound of reading and the running steps towards the cafeteria. My youth has ended here, leaving only unbearable memories floating in my mind.

"Hey, Mr. Li, let's sing a song." Yeats appeared behind Li He, accompanied by Wang Yong and Bian Mei.

"I can't sing." Li He didn't have that intention.

In just a few days, after seeing off two old people, he didn't feel as good as he seemed on the surface.

"Tomorrow will you remember the diary you wrote yesterday? Tomorrow will you still miss you who cried the most?"

What is unexpected is that the one who started the show was actually Wang Yong, who had a greasy look on his face, and he chose such a fresh song!

His voice was loud and graceful, and he kept looking at Yeats while singing.

"The teachers can't even remember you. I couldn't guess the problem. It was only by chance that I looked through the photos and remembered you at the same table." Yeats continued to sing along, but when facing Wang Yong, his face was stiff.

But when she faced Li He, her face was filled with a sweet smile.

"Whoever marries you who is sentimental will be so damn unlucky. Whoever ties up your long hair will make your hair fall all over the floor." Li He couldn't help but hum along.

When he was halfway through singing, he realized that no one had picked up the song yet, so he turned around and found two women standing there stunned, while Wang Yong was glaring at him.

Bian Mei said angrily, "Li Laoer, can you sing well?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Li He refused to repent. Anyway, he sang quite smoothly!

"I told you there's nothing wrong with you!" Yeats suddenly pounced on Li He with bared teeth and claws, and Li He ran away in fright.

One is chasing behind and the other is running in front, which has become a scenery on campus.

That night, Bian Mei entertained guests at a small food stall, and all the people drank until they were dizzy.

But when it came time to pay the bill, Wang Yong insisted on giving him money. If he wasn't allowed to pay, he wouldn't comply!

Several people were a little confused, why was this kid so generous all of a sudden!

Wang Yong put his wallet in his arms, folded his hands on his chest, smiled and said to Yeats, "We are on the same road, let's go together, otherwise you, a girl, will not be safe."

Yeats didn't say he agreed or disagreed. He just pointed at Bian Mei and Li He and said, "We can't be so selfish. We'll wait until they make arrangements. They both drank too much."

Bian Mei hugged Ye Zhi and said, "We are good sisters, you can't leave me alone."

"Okay, I'll accompany you." Yeats was very happy.

Bian Mei said to Li He, "You send us two off, where is your driver?"

Li and Nunu said, "Leave it there."

The two women got into the car like this. After Li He told Zhang Bing, he took Wang Yong to sit down, ordered two bottles of beer, and continued drinking.

"Li Erhe, are you married?" Wang Yong asked suddenly.

Li He nodded, "Yes, the eldest son is nine years old."

Wang Yong said seriously, "We are no longer children. Everyone needs to be responsible for their own marriage."

Li He raised his glass and said, "Here's a toast to you."

Sure enough, people cannot be judged by appearance, and sea water cannot be measured. He did not expect Wang Yong to say these words.

"Yeats is a good girl. He can't be hurt anymore, and he can't stand the hurt anymore." Wang Yong stamped the empty wine glass on the table as if he was angry.

"Yes, she is fine." Li He was confused by these words.

After drinking two bottles of beer, he simply asked the boss for another box, opened six bottles in front of each person, and said with a smile, "When we were in school, we had a normal relationship, but you are older than me, what should I say? Yes, just say it."

"Don't do whatever you want just because you have money!" After Wang Yong said these words, he stood up with a red face and walked away without looking back. No matter how Li He called him, he didn't stop and walked across the car. The busy road turned into an alley, submerged in darkness.

"There's a ghost." Li He was left here, not knowing what this was about!

He continued to drink alone, and when he finished the third bottle, a figure stood in front of him.

"Why are you back again?" Li He was very surprised when he saw Bian Mei leaving and returning.

"I sent Yeats back." Bian Mei looked at the empty wine bottle beside her and said with a smile, "Have you drunk so much again?"

He grabbed an open bottle of wine and poured himself a glass.

Li He said, "After you left, Wang Yong and I continued to drink. Halfway through the drink, I don't know where he made the wrong move. He actually competed with me and ran away. Do you think I was unjust or not?"

"No complaints." Bian Mei answered firmly.

Li He poured her another glass and said with a smile, "What do you mean?"

"It's normal for people to be jealous." Bian Mei drank again.

"What kind of jealousy does he have? The key is that he is jealous, and he shouldn't get it from me, right?" Li He was still kept in the dark and knew nothing.

Bian Mei said, "Of course it's Yeats's jealousy. He likes Yeats."

"He likes Yeats, that's all. He just chases her. Does he have anything to do with me?" Li He saw Zhang Bing sitting on the curb, so he waved to him and said, "I won't go back tonight, just stay here Find a hotel nearby to sleep in, and eat and drink by yourself."

Zhang Bing agreed and sat down in a corner of the food stall.

Bian Mei said, "Don't you realize that Yeats has always talked to you, and said it very happily, and didn't pay much attention to Wang Yong. You haven't seen Wang Yong's depression."

"I'm an unreasonable disaster. I'm really as narrow-minded as a needle. I'm jealous, and no one else is." Li He asked curiously, "Wang Yong is so old, it's impossible that he's not married yet, right?"

Bian Mei took a toothpick and said while picking her teeth, "We were married a long time ago, but we got married and divorced."

"It's a pity." In fact, he quite recognized Wang Yong.

"What's a pity? According to me, it would be better to leave early while there are no children. He just graduated from the Normal College and was assigned to teach here. How can he raise a charming young lady with a small salary a month.

So, the old saying is true, you have to be of the same family, you can't climb high, and you can't marry down, otherwise, both men and women will have a hard time. "

"I didn't know that he had such intentions for Yeats." Li He just stood up, and Zhang Bing, who was still drinking next to him, also got up and bought the order.

He helped Bian Mei hail a taxi, and after the car had driven away, he and Zhang Bing asked for a room in a nearby hotel.

The hotel is located on the roadside, and all night long there is the sound of large trucks roaring past, one after another, and even the roadside and the houses on the roadside tremble.

So he didn't sleep well.

When he woke up, it was just dawn. He was woken up by the heat. The air conditioner in the hotel was broken.

He didn't call Zhang Bing, but went downstairs alone to eat some soy milk and fried dough sticks.

After eating and drinking, he had nothing to do at the moment. He neither wanted to go to Li Long's place nor returned to the countryside.

By some strange coincidence, he got into a taxi and told the driver the location.

The taxi stopped at the alley. The driver patted the meter and said, "The car can't get in."

"Thank you." Li He dropped five yuan and got out of the car.

After walking around the alley for a long time, I finally found the right place.

However, after arriving at the place, he was worried again. It was the children's summer vacation. Will the mother and father go back to the countryside?

However, he also thought that during the few days he was in the countryside, he did not see the mother-in-law.

The door was closed, but not locked from the inside. He pushed it gently, and with a squeak, the door opened.

A child in the yard suddenly raised his head when he heard the noise, pointed at Li He with the bamboo pole in his hand and said, "Who are you!"

How he wanted to yell at him, I am your father!

He believed that he would be able to roar with majesty and momentum at this moment!

Looking into the house, he was a little disappointed that he didn't see her figure.

When the little guy saw that Li He didn't say anything, he shouted into the house, "Mom, the child thief is here!"

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll whip you." Before the person arrived, the voice had already arrived.

"Busy." Li He was very excited when he saw Zhao Di.

"Why are you here?" Zhao Di obviously didn't expect this situation and was a little panicked.

"One of my teachers passed away. I came here to help with the matter. I didn't go back last night. I slept all night and just wanted to come here to see you and the children." Li He just said this. , neither advancing nor retreating.

He couldn't feel Zhao Di's enthusiasm at all.

"Bring a chair to uncle." Zhao Di said to He Zhou.

He Zhou was really obedient and went to the living room to move a big chair that was taller than him, placed it in front of Li He, and then asked politely, "Uncle, do you want tea?"

"Thank you, uncle is not thirsty."

"Mom, uncle said he's not thirsty, so I don't need to pour tea." He Zhou reported to Zhao Di seriously.

"Then go play." Zhaodi waved her hand, and the little guy rushed out the door like the wind. She did not forget to shout, "Don't run away."

"Are you alone?" Li He found no one else.

"The fields are very busy at this stage. My father is in poor health now. He is not happy to let him throw the fields. If he doesn't care about the harvest, I have nothing to do. I can only find a way to lighten his burden, so I let him Brother and the others have gone back to help." Zhao Di was hanging clothes while talking to Li He, but she always had her back turned.

"Let me help you." Li He went over to help her pull up one end of the sheet, and they rotated in opposite directions to squeeze out the water inside.

"Thank you." Zhaodi's voice was very small.

"Are you very angry with me?" Li He finally couldn't help asking.

"Why should I be angry with you?" Zhao Di asked.

"But you didn't treat me like this before." Li He felt suffocated, as if he was powerless.

Zhaodi turned around and said seriously, "The past was before, and the present is now."

"What's the difference?" Li He felt that she was a little cold.

Zhaodi said, "I didn't have children before, but now I have children."

"What's the difference?" Li He asked.

"In the past, you were the sky and you were the earth." Zhao Di turned around and looked at Li He blankly, "Now that I have a child, he is my life, and I live for him."

Li He let out a long sigh.

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