My 1979

Chapter 1412 Fairy Stocks

"You're already here, why don't you go in?" Sister Hua didn't give up, and it was already at the door.

"Then let's treat a dead horse as a living doctor," Old Man Guan looked at Yang Huai who was still in a dazed state, and said helplessly, "Let's go in first and let him wake up for a while."

A group of about ten people carried Yang Huai into the trading hall.

Securities trading has long used computers, which means that many people can sit at home or in the office to perform operations without leaving home. However, there is still no shortage of people in the stock exchange, mainly old men and old ladies in their free time.

"Hey, Sister Hua, you've made a lot of money these days." Old ladies who were familiar with Sister Hua immediately gathered around, "I really should buy it with you."

"Oh, average, average," although Sister Hua said it in an average way, she still couldn't hide the pride on her face. She stared at the screen in the lobby that turned red and green for a while and asked, "How are you today?"

"It's been miserable all morning. I didn't dare to take action," said an old lady wearing a red-sleeved shirt. "Do you have any inside information? Tell us. We all know each other so well."

"Yes, Sister Hua, let's make some money together." Others followed suit.

These people know very well what level Sister Hua is. They speculate in stocks every year and make losses every year.

"I just have better luck." Sister Hua hurriedly denied it, and then rushed into Old Man Guan and others.

Yang Huai was in a daze. He was originally sitting, but he was really sleepy and lay down on the chair unconsciously.

"It's all your fault for giving him so much to drink?" Sister Hua complained.

"It was you who came up with the idea." Old Man Guan naturally did not take this responsibility, "Who would have thought that he could drink so much."

Sister Hua said to the girl with a ponytail, "Amei, go buy a bottle of water."

"I'll go right away." Ah Mei didn't refuse, turned around and ran out of the trading floor.

Time passed by, but Yang Huai gradually lay on the chair and fell asleep, even snoring a little.

"The market is about to open." Pheasant was a little anxious, "Why don't you shout?"

"In this state, do you dare to buy the stock I shouted for you to choose?" Wu Boxiong asked angrily, "Wait a moment."

If Yang Huai hadn't refused to recommend stocks, he would never have been willing to accompany everyone to fool around.

Everyone continued to wait, and the market finally opened. The hall suddenly became lively and noisy. Seeing others doing transactions in a lively manner, they could only worry.

As soon as Old Man Guan opened his mouth, Pheasant cut him off, "Stop yelling, wait and see how long he can sleep."

As Wu Poxiong said, even if Yang Huai was shouted out, they would not believe what a drunk person said!

All they can do is wait.

Some people are destined to wait for others, and some people are destined to be waited for.

However, they belonged to the former group. When Yang Huai turned over, they were shocked.

But people were coming and going in the hall, not only them, but also other stock investors, all looking at them curiously, is this young man an uncle?

Are you all providing for me like this?

Yang Huai went to sleep on his own, sleeping soundly. He had no idea what was happening. He was forced to open his eyes entirely because of his bloated bladder.

"Brother Huai, are you awake?" Pheasant's joy was beyond words.

"Where is the bathroom?" Yang Huai sat up and saw the big screen of the trading room. He had no time to ask himself why he was here.

"Here, here." Pheasant quickly led the way.

Yang Huai followed him to the bathroom, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and washed his face. He was still dizzy, so no matter what Pheasant asked him, he didn't pay much attention.

"Shall I ask Sister Zhen to give you a massage?" Pheasant asked in an almost flattering manner.

"Who is Sister Zhen?" Yang Huai pulled out the head buried in the pool.

"It's just that there is such a big one," Pheasant gestured with his hand on his chest, "Brother Huai, you are still charming, she is interested in you."

"Stop talking nonsense." Yang Huai came out of the bathroom and found that everyone was blocking the door. He sighed and said, "What are you doing?"

"Brother Huai, you see it's all here." Old Man Guan said, "Just give us some pointers. You see it's not easy for us."

"Did everyone promise me last time? It's just this one time, and it won't happen next time?" Yang Huai was really exhausted by this group of people. He knew what level he was in stocks. If he had some real talent, If you tell the truth, he won't shirk it. The key is that he has no level!

Therefore, recommending stocks can only be done once, but if you do it twice, it may cause trouble.

"Brother Huai, you just took pity on us back then." Sister Hua said pitifully, "My son is waiting for money to save his life. The doctor said that a kidney transplant will cost a lot of money."

"It's not easy for Sister Hua. It's hard to find a suitable kidney source. If we don't have surgery, we will have no chance." Old man Guan naturally helped.

"Yes, Brother Huai, just be a helper to Sister Hua," Sister Zhen, still dressed as gorgeously as ever, took Yang Huai's arm and said, "Good people are rewarded."

"I really don't have that ability." Yang Huai couldn't help but glance at her chest and said helplessly, "I'm afraid I'll make you lose money, can't we just accept it when we see it?"

"Brother Huai, we have confidence in you." Pheasant said firmly, "We will do whatever you say!"

Yang Huai really wanted to yell at them: I have no confidence in myself!

"Brother Huai, don't worry. You can't always be sure of anything. Even if you said something wrong, it doesn't matter. We promise not to talk too much this time. If it doesn't work this time, won't there be a next time?" Amei thought Yang Huai was Have concerns.

"Do you still want to go next time?" Yang Huai sighed, "The stock market is very risky, so everyone should leave."

He walked outside, but was stopped by Sister Hua and Sister Zhen, who wanted to escape but couldn't.

"Brother Huai, can you have the heart to abandon us?" Sister Zhen pressed her chest against Yang Huai's body, using a beauty trap.

"Brother Huai, take pity on my old bones." Sister Hua was about to burst into tears as she spoke.

"You really want me to tell you?" The people at the exchange slowly noticed what was going on here. They all stared at Yang Huai and pointed at him. It's outrageous for a young man to bully an old lady!

Yang Huai was a little embarrassed.

"Brother Huai, just say it." Pheasant winked at Sister Hua and others, and asked Yang Huai to sit on the chair.

"Then choose this one." Yang Huai pointed at the screen angrily.

"Brother Huai, are you kidding?" Sister Hua really cried this time.

"Don't you understand? It's Zhongyang Land." Yang Huai was a little angry.

"Brother Huai, this is just a penny stock." No matter how much Sister Zhen doesn't understand stocks, she also understands that penny stocks cannot be touched casually.

"I remember this stock clearly. It seems to be the stock that fell the most yesterday," Sister Hua skillfully tapped Zhongyang Land on the machine next to her and said with a sad face. "Yesterday alone, it plummeted 91.39%, from yesterday's opening of 5.75 yuan. It closed at 0.495 yuan, and now it’s even less than 0.4.”

"It's so cheap," Yang Huai said nonchalantly, "If you really listen to me, just buy this one."

"But..." Old Man Guan wanted to retort.

"Do you understand by buying the bottom? If you want to make money, you have to be bold. If you dare to enter the market, why are you still waiting for you to make money?" Yang Huai said plausibly.

Sister Hua, Old Man Guan and others looked at each other without saying a word, and silently clicked on the machine for a while.

Yang Huai was busy playing with his mobile phone and ignored them.

"Brother Huai." Ah Mei stood in front of him wringing her fingers, "I've already bought it. Will it really go up?"

"I bought 300,000 yuan for my wife Ben." Wu Poxiong was so nervous that he couldn't speak.

"I'm worth 500,000, and I'm fighting for this!" Old Man Guan was also trembling.

"I'm 100,000, Brother Huai, this is my loan shark money," Sister Zhen was breathing unevenly, "If I lose, I'll be waiting to be the leading figure in Bolan Street, and I'll count on you to take care of the business."

"What!" Yang Huaiteng stood up and said in shock, "Did you really buy it?"

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