My 1979

Chapter 1413 Several Fights

He was just joking to stop these people from thinking about him. He really didn't think they would buy this stock.

Moreover, I was very lucky. I picked out a fairy stock with just a finger.

The Hong Kong stock market is a mature market, and penny stocks are synonymous with junk stocks. These companies have poor performance but prefer to cause trouble. The lower the price, the greater the risk.

"I bought Weili International before," Sister Hua said with a pale face. "After that, I kept alloting shares, rights issues, and joint stock. In about two years, the 5 million shares held became 20,000 shares, and the corresponding stock market value increased. From 100,000 yuan to 400 yuan.”

It can be said that everything is lost.

At that time, she had sworn that she would never touch fairy stocks in her life. Now she didn't understand why she made such a big bet in a sudden thought.

"This Zhongyang Land should be safe, right?" Looking at Yang Huai's expression, Old Man Guan felt a little uneasy.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry," Yang Huai coughed heavily and said very calmly, "Stability, must be stable."

His scalp is numb now, and being trusted is also stressful!

His uncle once warned him not to play stocks and futures at an age when he was full of youthful hormones, and not to die in bed or in a casino.

Now, he thinks so.

If he told them that he was lying, he was afraid that they would tear him to pieces on the spot.

"Brother Huai, your words are enough." Sister Zhen said with a sigh of relief, "Otherwise, I would really have no place to die."

Yang Huai smiled sarcastically and couldn't help but said, "You just placed the order, so it shouldn't be completed so quickly, right?"

He was thinking, is it too late to cancel the order now?

“The order was placed and the transaction was completed,” Wu Poxiong kept staring at the machine screen. “Now it has dropped two cents.”

Individual stocks resonated with the market, and the market plummeted. Zhongyang Land was also languishing. It hadn't even been five minutes.

As soon as Wu Boxiong finished speaking, Sister Hua said with a bitter face, "It's down by five cents."

She also kept an eye on the market.

Everyone looked at Yang Huai, not so confident anymore.

"Stock trading is three-quarters of skill and seven-cent of mentality," Yang Huai suppressed the panic in his heart, "Don't play if you are afraid of falling. There is no reason for the stock market to rise every day."

"Yes, mentality is very important. Chasing the rise and killing the fall is the most taboo," Sister Hua agreed, "Then just wait."

"Then let's go back first and wait a few days before we talk." Yang Huai just wants to escape here quickly, but of course it's not escape. These people have bet with all their wealth. It would be too irresponsible for him to leave. He wants to Find a way to remedy it.

"Why don't you wait?" Pheasant looked at the screen without blinking. "It's now 0.31, which is a hair less."

It's impossible not to panic.

"Calm down, calm down." Yang Huai felt guilty, "How can you give up so easily until the last moment?"

Everyone hesitated, no one wanted to leave easily.

"Wait a little longer?" Old Man Guan said with a smile, "It won't take more than a few minutes."

"Hey, it's up to you." Yang Huai sat on the chair. Anyway, he made up his mind. If it didn't work, he would have to pay for them to raise the price.

Zhongyang Land is at best a small company with a market value of more than one billion.

At this moment, he didn't know that in the office on the second floor, two people were looking at him through the glass.

"Huangshan, are you sure you read it correctly?" The middle-aged man holding a ceramic cup asked a young man wearing glasses next to him.

"Mr. Li, I only met him once from a distance at the last Wanwen Group investment briefing," the young man known as Huangshan said with a smile, "You also know that my identity is not so easy to approach. In fact, you need to confirm It’s also very simple.”

"How do you say that?" Mr. Li asked kindly.

"After searching online, if the picture matches him, it will be absolutely true." Feeling Mr. Li's affability for the first time, Huangshan was flattered.

"Then I'll go right away." Before Huangshan could even sell the office, he was stopped again. He turned around and asked, "Mr. Li, do you have any other orders?"

"Don't go out, just use my office computer." Mr. Li pointed to his desk and said, "Hurry up."

"Yes," Huang Shan didn't dare to sit down. He stood in front of the computer and made a few clicks on the keyboard. He said happily, "Mr. Li, come over and take a look."

"Oh," Mr. Li looked at the picture on the computer and then at the young man sitting in the hall, "It really looks like it."

"Mr. Li, this doesn't look like this, this is exactly the same person!" Huang Shan was a little excited, "Is this Wanwen Group planning to acquire Zhongyang Land?"

"Huangshan, you are wrong. There is no one here. Okay, go down and do your work." Mr. Li waved his hand towards him.

"Mr. Li." Huang Shan still wanted to argue.

"You don't think about it carefully. Will the chairman of the board of directors of the dignified Wanwen Group hang out with a bunch of mistresses? You are thinking too much." Mr. Li looked at him and added, "How have you behaved recently?" Not bad, let’s go back to the bond business department to report.”

"Thank you, Mr. Li." After getting the fat job, Huangshan didn't have much joy on his face and quietly left the office.

He is confident and has no reason to admit the wrong person!

I'm just thinking about it, is the purpose of Yang Huai's appearance here really that Wanwen Group wants to acquire Zhongyang Land?

He clenched his fists and immediately went downstairs. When he passed by Yang Huai, he took another deep look. He left the securities company and hid in a deserted corner. He took out his phone and dialed after hesitating. .

"Mom, please lend me the money you gave me to get married first. No, no, it's just for investment. Don't worry, I guarantee you won't lose money. Mom, do you believe me? Wait until tomorrow? The day lilies are already cold!

You need it now, turn me, hurry up. "

The call was hung up and a second call was made hastily.

"Hey, Ah Fa, how much do you have on hand? Lend it all to me. What can I do with it? Don't worry about it. It's needed urgently anyway. Let me tell you, don't tell anyone. Zhongyang Land is turning over now. It won't take long. Time will give you back, don’t worry.”

"Yes, you can't tell anyone that this is the latest inside news. China Construction Land may be acquired." After the seventh phone call, Huang Shan gradually began to believe it, "Hurry up, I'm waiting for the money." .”

There are not many opportunities for people to make a fortune in their lifetime, so he decided to take a gamble. He no longer wanted to be unknown or a nobody. He had had enough of the ordinary life and the days of living in a pigeon cage. If he had been rich, his His girlfriend will not leave him, and his friends will not dare to steal his girlfriend.

If he wins, his bicycle becomes a motorcycle. If he loses, he doesn't dare to think about the consequences.

However, resolutely, he decided to give it a try!

Tell yourself: "Look ahead, that is the end of your victory."

ps: I know what I wrote is rubbish, but you don’t have to be so straightforward. Covering your face hurts your self-esteem. Your ability is really limited. Your level is limited and your brain is limited.

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