My 1979

Chapter 1476 True and False

Li Lan asked, "You're not looking for a partner, why are you paying attention to my soul?"

The girl smiled and said, "That's better than someone like me. I hate myself now, I have nothing, I'm exhausted, I don't even dare to say the word "future" easily."

Li Lan lit up a cigarette and was about to speak when the phone rang. He glanced at the number and saw that it was his mother. He did not answer immediately, but deliberately waited for a few seconds, pretending that he was not playing with his phone all the time.

"Hey, Mom, give me your phone now?"

"My dear son, how are you doing over there?" He Fang asked with a smile on the phone.

Li Lan leaned against the wall, holding a cigarette in one hand and a phone in the other. He smiled and said, "It's not hot at all. It's even a little cold at night. You're covered with a blanket. But you guys, be careful to avoid the heat and don't get too hot." , what are you and dad doing? It’s already eleven o’clock, why are you still not sleeping? "

Over the years, the old couple went to bed early and got up early. It was rare that they stayed up so late, and it was even more impossible to call him back at this hour.

He Fang said, "I woke up after sleeping, ran to the toilet, and suddenly remembered something. Let me tell you, don't forget it."

Li Lan smiled bitterly and said, "Is there anything we can't talk about tomorrow? It's so urgent."

He Fang said, "Your uncle Liu Bo will invite me to dinner next month. You have to come back."

"You also know it's next month, why are you so anxious now?" Li Lan finally understood what his mother meant.

His mother had always liked Liu Bo, the daughter of Uncle Liu Bo's family, and she said she wanted him to go to dinner. Secretly, she must have wanted him to develop a relationship with Liu Bai.

Their mother is kind and generous, and they don't have any family background. However, their family calls themselves a scholarly family. In order to match this title, he placed a whole building next to the house full of books.

His wife is building the country's largest university library and the country's largest digital library at Unilever University, which are completely open to the public. However, digital books are currently in an embarrassing situation because they involve large-scale copyright infringement. , his mother is worried about this.

In the future, the so-called digital library may be reduced to a simple retrieval system.

From his mother's true intention, she still wants to find an intellectual family to be her in-laws.

Although Liu Bo is in the official career, his wife is a nationally renowned medical expert, and his mother-in-law and father-in-law are the founders of the aerospace field.

Liu Bai, a little girl, is much more competitive than Li Lan. She is not much different in age, but she already has a master's degree in law from Harvard. In terms of academic qualifications, the two are not on the same level.

He Fang said, "Liu Bai has come back. I invited her mother to have dinner with her tonight. To be honest with you, if you miss this village, you won't be able to find this shop. You little brat is serving snacks, so don't let me worry about you."

Families like theirs can choose a daughter-in-law at will, but it is very difficult to find a satisfactory one.

The two of them are classmates with Liu Bo, and they have not broken off their friendship since they left society. Putting aside money, the two families know each other well. The little girl is beautiful and motivated, so they are a perfect match.

She was very satisfied with her arrangement.

Li Lan said, "Let me see what time it is. Mom, let me tell you the truth. Don't have such high hopes. People may not like me yet."

Their family is rich, that's true, but the conditions of Liu Bai's family are not bad. Her father is in charge, and they are already at that level. Money is the icing on the cake for them at most.

He Fang said, "Don't mess with those useless things. Are you looking down on your father? If you come back, call me in advance. Your Uncle Liu is out of town now and has very little time to go home. You have to make arrangements in advance. Do you understand?" , you silly boy, okay, I’ll tell you this much, as long as you know what’s going on.”

"I understand." Li Lan hung up the phone calmly.

He actually knew what he was thinking, maybe it was just wishful thinking, and the Liu family's approval was unknown. The key was that he knew that his father was not very happy.

His father's opinion is the most important.

As far as he knew, his father was very unhappy with his bangs, and to this day, the two of them could still pinch each other when they met.

As long as these two people are in the same room, it is difficult for outsiders to imagine that all the dirty words with genitals will come out of the mouths of provincial leaders and wealthy people, which is simply unacceptable.

The girl stared at him the whole time while he was on the phone. Seeing him hang up the phone, she put the brewed tea into his hand.

"Thank you." Li He took a sip of tea, and his throat, which had been dried by the steam room, finally felt a little better. He asked with a smile, "Looking at your tone, it seems that you have read a book, but you still talk in the same way. "

The girl smiled and said, "If I had read the book, how would I have the chance to show up here and talk to you about this?"

She picked up the cigarette case in Li Lan's hand without any scruples, lit up a cigarette in front of him, and said with a smile, "But occasionally I read a book and write down good sentences. Now that I'm familiar with them, I just count on them." When you meet someone who is compassionate and caring."

Li Lan was stunned. He didn't expect that she would tell the truth. Since she said it so sincerely, it meant that she had no hope in him. He asked with a smile, "How do you know that I am not a compassionate person?"

The girl said, "You said it was your first time here. I thought you were pretending at first, but now I think it's true. You spend money when you come to the bathhouse, whether it's on your mouth or on your hands. Be honest.

If you don’t understand the truth inside, how can you show compassion for her? "

She smiled, revealing a row of white teeth.

"If you don't understand the inner ways, you won't be sympathetic to the beauty?" Li He wanted to ask the question.

The two people asked and answered questions, as if they were guessing riddles.

The girl shook her head and said, "You don't understand what I mean, so naturally you won't show mercy. For example, now, do you understand what I need?"

Li Lan finally understood that he just wanted money, which made him willing to be a Kaizi. However, even though he knew the answer, he couldn't explain it clearly, which seemed too callous.

If he really said it, the girl would reprimand him pretentiously. Do you think I am someone who values ​​money so much?

He pinched off the cigarette butt and said with a smile, "Every line is like a mountain. I don't understand. Why don't you go and do your work? I won't waste your time."

The girl asked, "Are you so cruel? Even if I chat with you for free, you will refuse me?"

Li Lan took out a few bills from his wallet, handed them over, and said with a smile, "If you want to chat, then chat with me about so much money."

The girl didn't answer and just said, "Why are you like this? I just want to chat with you."

Li Lan didn't insist, just stuffed the money back into his wallet, threw the wallet on the bed, and then asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

The girl moved closer to him, "Why didn't you ask me my name?"

"Then what's your name?" Li Lan asked.

"I hate it. If I don't tell you, why don't you ask?" the girl said angrily.

Li Lan shrugged, "Isn't it too late to ask now? Could you please give me your name?"

"Now, seeing that you are so sincere, I will tell you," the girl said with her head held high without continuing to pester, "My lady's surname is Gao, Gao Siqi, do you remember it?"

"Gao Siqi, remember." Li Lan nodded.

Gao Siqi looked at Li Lan's waning expression and asked, "Do you look down on me for doing this?"

"How could it be?" Li Lan shook his head.

Gao Siqi continued, "Don't lie to me, I think you look down on me. To be honest with you, if I hadn't been forced to do anything, I wouldn't have done this. This used to be a gold mining holy land, with many gold mines, and people from all over the world. Yes, our family moved here from the south, and I went to high school here.

But later on, the gold mines slowly dried up, my father’s business failed, he made investment mistakes, and he owed a lot of foreign debt. As for me, I was no better than a phoenix with no feathers than a chicken.

It’s not easy to find a job in a small place. Besides, I don’t have any academic qualifications, so I can barely do this job. "

She suddenly confided in her heart, and Li Lan was dubious. However, he knew about the local gold mine and was no stranger to it, because it was his uncle's bragging rights when he was away from home.

Whenever people ask where his uncle is from, his uncle will say Huma, but not everyone knows where Huma is, and they don’t even know the location of Daxinganling. While his uncle is popularizing geographical knowledge, , and also talk about the gold mine in Huma.

Gold mining in Huma has a history of more than 100 years. Since ancient times, it has been known as "black water inlaid and gold paved the way". The earliest gold mining locations were mainly in today's Mohe, and later gradually expanded to Huma.

He smiled and said, "Yeah, nothing is easy. Why don't you go out and have a look? After all, there are more opportunities than at home."

Gao Siqi slowly approached Li Lan and put her hands on his shoulders. Seeing that he didn't move, she leaned her head against him and whispered, "We are originally immigrants. We have no relatives here or outside. I am the only one." My mother will definitely be worried if someone goes out. Besides, I won’t be worried if my father drinks like that every day. After all, I still have to work hard and make money to support the family."

Li Lan said, "Yeah, then come on."

When he was watching "The Story of Heaven and the Dragon Slayer", his mother was right next to him, and she repeated the lines in front of him: Don't just believe what a woman says, especially beautiful girls, who are very good at lying.

He didn't take this as the truth, but he would occasionally think back and confirm it.

Gao Siqi's phone rang. After answering the call, she said a few words on the phone, hung up, and then said to Li Lan, "I'm sorry, the leader is urging me. I have to go. Keep clocking."

Li Lan put on his slippers and walked her to the door. After watching her carry a small bag into a room at the end of the corridor, he closed the door, lay on the bed without thinking or doing anything, and fell asleep.

The next morning, the first thing he did when he got up was to check his phone. It was only seven o'clock.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, my stomach was empty and I was really hungry.

I put on my clothes and went downstairs to pay at the counter, but the cashier refused.

The cashier smiled and said, "Mr. Li, if you have anything to do, feel free to go out. Brother Fang has already arranged everything."

"Thank you then." Li Lan was no longer polite. He walked out of the bathhouse and looked up. There was a mutton soup restaurant on the other side of the road.

The mutton soup restaurant is not big. In addition to six tables inside, there are also four tables outside. He didn't go in, so he sat outside.

Golden sunlight fell from the leaves onto his table.

There is a big pot at the door, which is full of soup. The boss is busy working and greets, "What do you want to eat?"

Li Lan said, "Three sesame cakes and a bowl of noodle soup."

When the lamb soup came up, he stirred it twice in the bowl with his chopsticks. Before it cooled down, he took a big sip of the soup, took a bite of the noodles, and took a bite of the pancake. While chewing, he looked at the bustling road.

"Hey, are you having breakfast here?" Gao Siqi suddenly stood in front of him.

"Huh?" Li Lan was very surprised. He didn't expect to meet him again. "You work so late, why don't you sleep more now?"

Gao Siqi shook her head, "My grandma is going to the hospital for a review this morning. I will go home to pick her up first, and then take her to the hospital. I stopped the car at the door. I happened to see you, so I came over to say hello. Nothing else. You have to do your business first, and I’ll leave first.”

Li Lan was puzzled by her change. Judging from the conversation last night, she was clearly a cheerful and straight-tempered person. Unexpectedly, she had turned into a coy one again.

He asked politely, "Do you want me to drive you?"

Gao Siqi waved her hand and said, "No, thank you."

Li Lan said, "I'm serious."

Gao Siqi pursed her lips, hesitated, tightened the bag on her shoulders, twisted her hands together, and asked in a low voice, "Is it really okay?"

"Boss, here's another bowl of mutton soup and two cakes." Li Lan finished the mutton soup in the bowl, took the last cake in the basket in his hand, stood up, and said to her, "Eat some first." Things, I’ll go pick up the car, just wait.”

"Thank you then." She watched Li Lan leave.

Li Lan re-entered the bathhouse, put his hands on the counter, and asked, "Who parked the car last night?"

The waiter smiled and asked, "Boss Li, do you need the key?"

Li Lan nodded, "Yes."

The waiter dialed a number, but within two minutes, a security guard walked in and handed over the key.

Li Lan took He Anwen's car keys, thanked him, and left the bathing place.

He Anwen's car looks like a Passat, but looks like a Passat.

Li Lan drove the car to the entrance of the Yangtang Restaurant and got out of the car without waiting for Gao Siqi to say hello.

He smiled and said, "Don't worry, we'll leave after eating."

"Would you like another pancake?" Gao Siqi said, "I can't eat so much."

"Okay." Li Lan picked up another piece of cake. The pancake looked big, but in fact it was ridiculously thin. He smeared chili pepper on it, rolled it back and forth, and drank it in just a few bites. Seeing that she had already drank half the bowl of soup, he went to pay the bill with the boss first.

After she finished eating, the two of them got into the car. Li Lan followed her instructions and drove the car out of the city. After another ten miles, he turned down a trail and entered a village in the countryside.

The buildings in the village are scattered, and along the way, I saw only three or five households.

He parked his car at the door of a tile-roofed house with three large rooms. At the door was a vegetable shed, with cowsheds and chicken coops on both sides.

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