My 1979

Chapter 1477 People I don’t hate

Gao Siqi said weakly, "I'll go down first, can you wait later?"

Li Lan nodded and said with a smile, "What's wrong with that? I'll wait for you here."

"Thank you." Gao Siqi hesitated for a moment, then said, "My parents don't know where I work yet, please excuse me."

Li Lan didn't wait for her to finish speaking, and said, "Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense, you can rest assured.

"I have been working there for less than a week. I used to work as a waiter in a nearby restaurant, but the boss was too disgusting. After that, I couldn't find a job for a while, so I went to work at the bathhouse." Gao Siqi herself didn't understand why she wanted to So much to explain.

Li Lan smiled and said, "No wonder, I was also wondering if everyone likes to spend money to find trouble."

"I'm sorry." Although the other party was trying to undermine her poor massage skills in disguise, Gao Siqi didn't take it seriously. She just smiled awkwardly, opened the door and got out of the car, "I can't help it for the time being, the wages are higher there. , deal with the first stage there first.”

A woman came out of the vegetable shed with a water pipe in her hand. She glanced at the car at the door in surprise and asked Gao Siqi, "How did you get back? Did you stop a black car?"

Gao Siqi curled up her temples and said with a smile, "I asked a friend to drive him. You are not in good health. As for dad, just let him water the garden. Don't move around, otherwise a small problem will cause a big problem."

Her mother's face turned dark and her blood was low. She threw the water pipe into the water tank. Gao Siqi was the first to turn off the motor switch on the wall.

"I've never seen anyone really exhausted. If people don't move around, they will die from laziness." She looked in Li Lan's direction again and whispered, "Don't catch some shady people and bring them home." Take it, but be more careful."

Gao Siqi sneered and said, "Who do you think I am? I'm just an ordinary friend. He happens to have a car and it's easier for us to go to the hospital. Don't worry about it. Just grab your things and we'll leave right away."

Her mother said, "Oh, by the way, have you sent your brother's living expenses this month? You can only work harder. Fortunately, it's only these two years. When he graduates, he won't have to work so hard. Who told me to have a baby now?" As for your illness, I can’t rely on you for the time being.”

Gao Siqi said, "I'll transfer three hundred first. I'll transfer money to him after I get my salary. As long as he works hard, he's better than anything else. Why don't you go in and change clothes? Leave now. There will be many people in the hospital later." , we have to queue up again.”

"Now that prices are so high, what's three hundred enough for?" She frowned.

"I thought it would cost you money to go to the hospital later, so I left some money," Gao Siqi comforted her. "After the reexamination, we will see if there is any left. I will transfer some more."

Her mother said, "Your brother's studies are also taxing. He is no easier than you, so you should be patient. The hospital won't open until after nine o'clock. Don't be in a hurry. You can let the guy who is driving the car come down and have a bowl of porridge first. Don't be in a hurry for a while."

After saying that, he lifted the roller blind in front of the door and entered the house with a sigh.

Gao Siqi turned back towards Li Lan, opened his car door, "Come in and have some more porridge?"

Li Lan shook his head, "I ate four big pancakes, and I didn't leave that much space in my stomach. If you are hungry, you can eat it. I won't eat it."

When I got off the car, I offered her a cigarette first. When she didn't take it, I lit it for myself. I looked around. It was similar to most rural areas. There was nothing strange and nothing worth looking forward to.

Gao Siqi saw a water cup in the car and asked, "Is the cup yours? I'll give you some water."

Li Lan said, "The car belongs to a cousin of mine, and the cup also belongs to him. You can do your own thing. I'm not thirsty."

Seeing that he was leaning on the car and not moving, Gao Siqi asked, "Why don't you go inside and sit down, and I'll find you a water glass."

Li Lan smiled and said, "Thank you. The sun is quite nice outside. Please go inside and clean up. I'll wait for you here."

He must drink water with tea leaves, which is exactly the same as him. If there is no tea leaves, unless he is thirsty, he will not touch the cup.

There was a barking of a dog not far away, probably smelling the smell of this stranger, and it jumped out from behind the car. Gao Siqi immediately stood in front of Li Lan and barked twice at the big black dog with bared teeth. voice.

The big black dog stuck out its tongue and began to circle around her.

Gao Siqi said, "Sorry, this dog is barking nonsense and doesn't bite."

"Whose car belongs to this car?" Before anyone could see anyone, the voice came from outside, and it was a loud man's voice.

A man walked over from behind the car. He was in his fifties, of medium height, with deep-set cheeks and black eyebrows that rose and fell in line with his rough voice.

He took off the rubber shoes on his feet, put the shovel on his shoulder under his chin, held it with both hands, and looked Li Lan up and down.

Gao Siqi quickly introduced him, "This is my friend."

Only then did she realize with embarrassment that she didn't know Li Lan's name.

Therefore, in the end, the word 'friend' was too soft to be heard.

Li Lan stretched out his hand towards the man, "Hello uncle, my name is Li Lan."

"Where is your home?" the man asked warily.

Li Lan said, "It's from northern Anhui."

The man said, "It's from the south."

For them, the land outside the customs belongs to the south.

Li Lan said, "Yes."

The man then asked, "What do you do at home?"

This question made Li Lan a little confused. His answer about business seemed a bit perfunctory. If he had to give a specific answer, he couldn't answer it because his father's business was too many and too complex to tell which one was his main business.

Therefore, he said, “It’s mainly in the scrap industry.”

The man looked at the license plate again, raised his head and asked, "This license plate looks familiar? Does it look like a car with big eyes?"

"What are you talking about?" Li Lan remembered that his cousin had the nickname "Big Eyeball".

The man said, "It's him. If you can drive his car, what does it have to do with you?"

Li Lan said, "He is my cousin."

"Cousin?" The man scratched his head, muttered to himself, and then asked, "What is your mother's name?"

Gao Siqi quickly interrupted, "Dad, are you checking your household registration or something? We are just ordinary friends."

The man no longer dwelled on this, and just asked, "Where did you meet?"

"He was having dinner in our hotel and we just met him. When he saw that I couldn't catch a taxi, he enthusiastically gave me a ride. Where did you go?" Gao Siqi hurriedly interrupted.

The man said, "That's really enthusiastic. What's the relationship between Fang Lian and your family?"

Li Lan thought about it and realized that there was nothing worth hiding, "That's my uncle. Fang Quan and Fang Li are my cousins."

"Oh, I'm just telling you." The man suddenly realized, "He Anwen is the boss, and there are only two brothers. Is your mother's name He Fang?"

Li Lan didn't expect that the other party would still find out his family background through such twists and turns, so he nodded simply.

Gao Siqi asked curiously, "Dad, do you know them all?"

The man said happily, "Speaking of which, we are still classmates in high school. There are not many people who have gone out in our county, but his mother is the most powerful one. She donated the three newly built buildings in the County No. 1 Middle School, one of which I still did the work for the building."

Gao Siqi glanced at Li Lan.

Her mother came out of the house carrying a hospital plastic bag containing a CT scan. She went up to him, took it and held it for herself.

Her father asked, "What are you doing here?"

Gao Siqi said, "The doctor said it needs to be reviewed regularly."

Her father said, "Then wait, I will go with you."

In Gao Siqi's surprised eyes, her father went back home, shaved, changed into new clothes, and put on polished leather shoes.

"What are you doing standing there dumbly? Get in the car and go." He urged his daughter.

"Oh." Gao Siqi was about to sit in the passenger seat when she found that her father had already gotten in first, so she could only sit in the back seat with my mother and looked at Li Lan with an apologetic look.

Li Lan turned the car around in the narrow yard, and after a lot of effort, he drove the car out of the yard.

Gao Siqi was sitting in the passenger seat. He refused to be honest, pulled down the window glass, and said with a smile, "I almost bought a 12-cylinder car back then, but unfortunately I missed a move and lost everything."

Li Lan smiled. When it comes to Go, he is a professional.

If you miss one move in chess, you may not lose.

He couldn't compete with amateurs on such professional issues, so he asked with a smile, "Uncle Gao used to do engineering?"

"It's not far off. I didn't say much a few years ago. I already had one million in hand. I built many buildings in our county." Gao Siqi's father is Gao Jiahao. He was originally just a forest farm worker and a market economy expert. It was a little late for the wind to hit a small border town like theirs, but fortunately he caught up. He started as a small contractor, building houses for people in the countryside, and accumulated his first pot of gold. Later, he became bigger and started to contract commercial projects. .

It was just that after standing on a high place for a few days, I suddenly fell to the ground, and the fall was very painful.

Li Lan said, "Time is also destiny, and luck is still uncertain."

Gao Jiahao said, "I like what you say. Sometimes a person's ability is one thing, and it mainly depends on luck. It's just that I have been so unlucky in the past few years that I really can't do anything. I think back then, I was still prosperous. Where is it like now, if a person has no money, he is worse than a ghost, and if a soup has no salt, it is worse than water."

Gao Siqi didn't want to criticize her father in person, so she turned to Li Lan and asked, "Do you know the way to the hospital?"

Li Lan said, "Don't worry, I know you."

The county is not very big, and you can drive around it in ten minutes, so you don’t need to memorize many road sections at all, as long as you can distinguish the southeast, northwest, and northwest.

The phone on the center console rang. He slowed down the car and glanced at the phone screen to see what was happening.

"Uncle, you guys are up."

He Anwen said, "I asked the service desk and they said that you drove out early in the morning. Do you need any help? If you need any help, just let me know."

Li Lan said, "I'm just driving around, you're not in a hurry to use the car, are you?"

He Anwen said, "I have a lot of cars, so just drive it and come back for dinner when you have time at noon."

"Okay, I'll call you later." Li Lan pressed the power off button.

Walking all the way to the entrance of the hospital and parking the car at the entrance, Gao Siqi said, "Thank you, sorry for bothering you. Just go about your business if you have anything to do."

Gao Jiahao also said politely, "Yes, you are busy people, so I can't waste your time."

Li Lan got off the car and said with a smile, "It's okay. You go in first. I'll wait for you outside. There's nothing to do anyway."

Gao Siqi was stunned. She didn't expect Li Lan to be so kind. She pondered for a moment and said, "Then why don't you wait for us for a while? Just go in and take a picture."

Seeing his father standing at the door unwilling to leave, he simply dragged him away by force.

Li Lan was left alone, standing at the door of the hospital bored.

He couldn't figure out what he was trying to do?

Gao Siqi's family came out very quickly, in about an hour.

Li Lan sent the family back the same way they came. Gao Jiahao enthusiastically stayed for dinner, but he still refused.

After going out, I called He Anwen and asked about the location.

He Anwen and others were barbecuing by the river. Two ovens were set up under the shade of the trees, and seven or eight people were surrounding them. They were grilling the mutton they had brought and the fish caught in the river.

The sun was rising high, and the sunlight was like a needle inserted straight down. The person's whole body ached when it was stabbed. He couldn't stand the heat, so he swam down the river for a lap.

After landing, I simply put on the shirt I had taken off to save myself from peeling off a layer of skin later.

After the barbecue, everyone found another boat. The barbecue and beer were moved to the boat. They ate and drank while watching the scenery on both sides of the strait. They had a lively whole day.

In the evening, He Long entertained guests at the hotel, and everyone drank a lot of meat and vegetables. Li Lan drank a lot, and did not go back to Fang's house, but went straight to the hotel to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, I was still groggy.

After taking a bath and making a cup of tea, I stood on the balcony, holding on to the railing, overlooking the small buildings in the small town and the endless pedestrians and vehicles on the road.

I received a text message from Gao Siqi, saying that I wanted to treat him to dinner.

He thought about it and finally agreed.

After making an appointment, he immediately walked out the door.

I didn’t drive this time, I just walked there, it wasn’t far.

The restaurant's front was not big, but fortunately it was relatively clean. When Gao Siqi saw him come in, she wiped the front of his table with a tissue.

Li Lan smiled and said, "Don't be so exaggerated, just make do with it. Did you get up so early again today?"

Gao Siqi said, "I went there in the middle of the night last night and went back to the dormitory in the middle of the night. I couldn't meet such a good guest as you. They all like to do something."

Li Lan said, "Then don't do it."

Gao Siqi put the corner of her mouth against the tea cup, smiled bitterly, and without saying another word, pushed the menu in front of Li Lan.

Li Lan had never been very good at ordering. Seeing that the other party insisted on letting him order, he simply wrote down two dishes at random.

Gao Siqi looked at the dishes she ordered and said, "These dishes are really tough."

Then I added two more according to the menu.

"drink wine?"

"Can you drink?" Li Lan asked.

Gao Siqi nodded, "Two bottles of beer per person?"

Li Lan only smelled a delicate fragrance from her body, which was soothing to the soul and bones. Still calmly said, "Then two bottles."

When the food and drinks came, she poured him a glass first, then filled the glass in front of her, then raised it and said, "I'll drink this glass first, as an apology to you."

Li Lan covered the rim of her cup and asked with a smile, "What are you apologizing to me for not having a clue? You should give me a reason."

Gao Siqi said, "My father was a little abrupt yesterday."

Li Lan said, "Uncle is a very enthusiastic person, let's have a drink together."

The two drank the wine together.

Gao Siqi said, "Are you going back?"

Li Lan was stunned, "How do you know?"

Gao Siqi said, "That night when you were on the phone with your family, wasn't I by your side?"

Li Lan said, "It will probably take five or six days to wait."

Gao Siqi supported her chin with one hand and held the cup with the other, and asked with a smile, "Then will we have another chance to meet in the future?"

Li Lan said, "Nowadays, communications are so developed that we can contact you at any time. If you have time to visit the capital, I can also receive you and act as a tour guide for you."

"Really?" Her eyes lit up.

Li Lan said, "I am an idle person, and I have plenty of time."

At present, his father does not have high requirements for him, so there is no restriction on time and no control on actions. He is a truly carefree person.

Gao Siqi said, "Can I believe what you rich young men say?"

Li Lan said, "If people can be simply classified and then labeled, you don't have to believe me."

He had always suspected that the Gao Siqi he saw at night was completely different from the person he saw during the day.

Gao Siqi raised the cup and said, "Then I wish you a safe journey."

"Thank you." Li Lan finished drinking, poured himself another glass, and then picked up a piece of braised pork.

After Gao Siqi finished drinking, she took a deep breath, as if she needed courage to speak.

"I'm not a fool. You're dealing with me. Maybe you pity me, maybe you can use it to kill time," she paused and said, "I can feel it. Do you think I'm not a good girl?"

Li Lan wanted to reply heartlessly. What does it have to do with him whether it's good or not?

He's not that mean.

"You're overthinking it. My friends are like this. I make friends with anyone I get along with. I never talk to anyone I don't get along with. What you said is just overthinking."

Gao Siqi gritted her teeth and whispered, "I told you that I have never had any friends, do you believe it or not?"

Li Lan said, "There's nothing unbelievable about this."

He himself had no friends.

Seeing him like this, Gao Siqi didn't expect him to understand the meaning of her words. She sighed and said, "My biggest mistake was meeting you on such an occasion. It's quite tragic, isn't it?"

Li Lan smiled, he would be a fool if he didn't understand what he meant.

He held up the cup and drank first, "I apologize to you."

Gao Siqi smiled and asked, "What are you apologizing to me for? You don't owe me anything."

Li Lan said, "You can have some food and don't just talk."

Gao Siqi filled Li Lan's cup and said seriously, "Will you look down on me?"

Li Lan said, "These words are even more meaningless."

Gao Siqi said, "Don't you think I'm deliberately approaching you?"

Li Lan didn't know whether to praise her for her intelligence or to appreciate her honesty.

There were many people who deliberately approached him, but the only one who could successfully avoid making him hate him was the one in front of him.

Li Lan smiled and said, "I'm just an ordinary person."

Gao Siqi said, "When I grow up, not many people seem to care about whether I am happy or not. Everyone only cares about whether I am successful. I hate this world and I am not cute at all."

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