My 1979

Chapter 1487 Placement

The greening rate of the community is very high, close to 70%. All he can see are green trees and turf of different heights. He is wondering whether he should be like the people across the street and plant all vegetables, pull out green onions and pick them. Chili is much more convenient than buying it outside.

Moreover, he also plans to raise another dog, but unlike at home, he cannot raise large dogs.

There are no people in the vicinity of the family's house for several miles. It is okay to keep a large dog like Dogo at home. No matter how ferocious or barking, it will not affect others.

As for this place, not only his family lives there, but also residents from other families. Even gentle large dogs like golden retrievers and Erha are not suitable.

Golden retrievers are enthusiastic, but they are too enthusiastic. Regardless of whether they are familiar with each other or not, they will pounce on her first. If they pounce on the old lady, the fun will be huge.

As for tying the leash on the dog, he was even more unhappy. He was the one walking the dog, not the dog running away from him.

So, to be on the safe side, he decided it would be better to get a small dog.

Qi Yue and Gao Siqi carefully wiped the floor of the living room, the tables, chairs and benches, and the sleeping bedrooms upstairs and downstairs. As they walked down the stairs, they said, "Mr. Li, I have to say that you have good taste and the environment here is quiet." , it’s a really nice place with good privacy.”

In order to prevent Qi Yue from thinking that she was deliberately playing devil's advocate, Gao Siqi first echoed a few words, and then said, "The environment is good, but life is not very convenient. You have to travel far to buy groceries."

Qi Yue said, “There is the Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway to the south and the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway to the north, extending in all directions.

I remember that when the villas in Sheshan were first launched, no one cared about them. Some people were dissatisfied with others, but others were rejected. In the end, Wenzhou people bought them all.

The townhouse is only about 1 million, and the detached house is only about 3 million. Now, go and find out, it doesn’t matter what it is, if it’s less than 10 million, don’t talk about it.

This is a rural area, the rent is cheap, and there must be a lot of people from outside the area. If there are people leaving, there must be people doing business. If you live here for a long time, look for small alleys. There will be people selling meat and vegetables.

Moreover, there is another advantage to living here. Many old men and women grow their own vegetables and occasionally sell them. Once you become familiar with them, they will give you some every day. It is much better to eat fresh vegetables than those from the market. "

Li Lan smiled and said, "That's right. Generally, wherever outsiders gather, there will be a business environment of its own."

Their family lived on a remote mountain road. Sometimes his mother got tired of going to the market, so she would go to the village below to buy food directly.

There are pig butchers, vegetable sellers, and fish sellers in the village. In short, except for seafood, the small village at the foot of the mountain can basically meet their family's food needs.

Qi Yue was about to speak when her cell phone rang. She only looked at the number and ran out without waiting for the call to go through. She stood in the middle of the road and waved to a van with the Jingmei Electric logo on it.

The truck stopped at the door, and two young men jumped out. After confirming the information, they started unloading things one by one from the truck.

Refrigerator, TV, washing machine, air conditioner, water dispenser, soy milk machine, water purifier

Li Lan didn't expect Qi Yue to order so many things, so he helped the two young men lift the last bulky refrigerator from the car.

Seeing that they were sweating profusely, Li Lan threw a cigarette to each of them and advised them to rest for a while, but the two young men were in a hurry and refused to stay longer. After thanking them, they got in the car and left.

Li Lan lit a cigarette and thought to himself that they were probably about the same age as him.

An indescribable emotion spread in my heart.

Ignoring the warning to leave the refrigerator for three hours, the two girls had already plugged in the refrigerator and opened the double doors to welcome the slightest hint of coolness blowing out of it.

Li Lan ignored them and opened his schoolbag to get his mobile phone charger, only to find that there was a book in the bag. He didn't remember when he put it in. He probably put it in but didn't take it out last time.

After charging my phone, I was bored, so I just picked up the book, sat on the sofa, crossed my legs and continued reading.

Qi Yue came over, poured herself a glass of water with a disposable cup, held the tea cup and asked, ""The Cause of Crying and Laughing"? I have never heard of it. Whose book is it?"

Li Lan said, "Zhang Henshui."

Qi Yue said, "He is the representative of the Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School. Do you read romance novels?"

She was very surprised. She didn't think that a science geek like Li Lan could like reading romance novels!

Li Landao said, "From my point of view, he can't even be considered a mandarin duck and butterfly sect. It would be even more unfair to say that he is a representative figure. He is the first person in popular novels and is completely underestimated in the history of modern literature. one person."

He likes Zhang Henshui because his father highly respects him.

On the surface, he is the opposite of his father, but privately, he still practices according to his father's values.

However, sometimes, it may not be completely consistent with his father.

For example, my father likes "The Golden Family", but it is difficult for him to even finish reading it. The one that suits him best is the book "The Cause of Laughter" in his hand, which he has read three times.

Qi Yue said with a smile, "That's because I am a lonely widower. I really haven't read many of his books. I will definitely read them when I have time."

Li Lan said, "Anyway, he is a very powerful person. Lu Xun's royalties were ten yuan per thousand words, which broke the record for the highest royalties in the Republic of China. However, Lu Xun only had so many words for his short and medium stories, and his total royalties were not as good as Zhang Henshui's.

Zhang Henshui's 1,000-word novel cost seven to eight yuan, and any long novel would cost eight to nine million words. "

Qi Yue said, "Then I have to read it more, but my favorite is Marquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude". I have read both the Chinese and English versions. At one stage, I almost learned Spanish to read the original work, but I didn't. That’s just perseverance.”

Li Lan said, "I think it's pretty good, but there are so many characters that I can't remember it."

While we were chatting, the masters who installed air conditioners and televisions came one after another.

After the air conditioner was turned on, the whole house could finally be occupied. Not only was it cool, but I also felt less irritated.

Turn on the TV and news channels are reporting on a nationwide blackout in India.

Qi Yue said, "India's power generation, transmission, and distribution are mostly privately owned, but the government obviously has no dispatching and coordination capabilities. Now it looks like a pot of porridge. I worked as a volunteer in India for three months in 2008, and I learned a lesson. Wires and spider webs It seems that I really can’t be an electrician if I don’t have any skills.”

Li Lan said, "I don't know much about this. If you want to talk about computers, I can say a little more."

Qi Yue said, "Actually, it's nothing complicated. It's just that India learns everything from the United States, and it's just not the same. Before the United States, the power grids in various regions were in their own way. The power grids were chaotic and they experienced many major blackouts. The last one seemed to be in 2003. A major blackout in the United States spread across the country. For two consecutive days, the entire society was basically unable to function.

Many people were trapped in elevators and subways, street lights failed, and traffic was paralyzed. Then, when they were sent to the hospital after a car accident, they found that the hospital's equipment was also shut down.

It was chaos.

After that, the U.S. government accelerated the implementation of the separation of transmission, distribution and sales, and the country's power grids had specialized agencies to coordinate distribution.

As for India, there is no such condition. The domestic situation is complicated and it is impossible to learn even if you want to. "

Li Lan smiled, probably guessing that although Qi Yue studied abroad, like himself, he was influenced by his parents.

When it was close to five o'clock, Qi Yue didn't say he was leaving, so it was naturally difficult for Li Lan to chase them away.

Gao Siqi took the initiative to cook, and Qi Yue naturally did not lag behind. The two of them were busy in the kitchen.

Li Lan had nothing to do, so he drove the car for a walk around the neighborhood, and unconsciously drove to the supermarket where he had just purchased.

There was a pet shop along the street. He parked the car at the door and heard a dog barking before he walked in.

The boss was a woman in her thirties, well-dressed. She first looked at the weird and unusual pickup truck outside. It was impossible for her not to recognize such a big logo. It was just this style. It was the first time I met her.

After reading Qiqi, he stepped aside and welcomed Li Lan in.

"What do you think it is? It has a competition level and a certificate."

There were two levels of cages set up on the left and right rows of the room. He didn't look at the large dogs, but just walked around among the small dogs.

The more ferociously the dog barks at him, the further away he hides. Anyway, he hates it.

A corgi had ears that didn't match his head. He stood upright with his feet on the cage and looked at Li Lan.

When the proprietress saw Li Lan's eyes on the Corgi, she quickly opened the cage and took the Corgi down. The Corgi circled around Li Lan, which made her even more happy. She smiled and said, "Look, this dog is so healthy. All vaccines are available.”

Li Lan asked, "How much?"

The proprietress said, "Ten thousand to one, must be the lowest price. I sold several pairs last time, and they are the same as this one. I also sold one for 15,000. This is the last one, so I sold it cheap."

Li Lan asked with a smile, "Boss, if you are not honest, I will leave."

The landlady asked calmly, "How much do you think it will cost? It comes from my own kennel, so it's easy to negotiate."

Li Lan stretched out a finger and said, "I'll give you a thousand at most. If I give you an extra cent, I'm afraid you'll be proud."

When he goes out in the family car, if someone sells mineral water for one yuan, he will be charged two yuan, and if they sell him two kilograms of meat, they will be half a kilogram short of his scale.

When riding a bicycle, you rarely encounter this situation.

He has long been used to this. He has money, but he doesn't want to be taken advantage of.

The proprietress jumped up and said, "Oh, you're kidding me. I've already spent a thousand yuan on vaccinations, but I don't even have enough money. My dog ​​has a certificate, you can check it."

Li Lan smiled and said, "I have other things to do. If you tell me a sincere price, I will take you away immediately. Otherwise, I will leave now."

The landlady murmured, "Then the one thousand yuan you gave me is too little, and I can't even pay back the price like this."

"Sorry to trouble you." Li Lan turned and left.

"Hey, 2000, you can take 2000 away. The business is closed anyway, so I won't say more." The proprietress pretended to be annoyed, and called to Li Lan, "Look, can it be done? You can't let me lose money, right?" "

Li Lan took out a stack of money from his wallet and handed it to the proprietress. Just as the proprietress was about to take it, he took it back and said with a smile, "You have to give me some dog food."

"Oh, I wouldn't have given it to you if you didn't tell me." The proprietress hurriedly took the money and ordered it again.

Li Lan picked up the little Corgi and said to the proprietress, "Beauty, hurry up."

"Wait a minute." The proprietress dug out a plastic bag of food for Li Lan and handed it to Li Lan without weighing it. She said with a smile, "It's only a hundred and ten yuan for imported dog food. I I don’t dare to give more.”

Li Lan smiled and said, "You are a beautiful woman who really knows how to do business."

With that said, he walked out of the store, started the car under the attention of the proprietress, and returned the same way.

After driving for a while, he was almost clear about the advantages and disadvantages of this car. It was said to be a pickup truck, but it actually had the performance of an off-road vehicle. It had a good front view. As for the surrounding view, he was in a mess. In an area with many people and cars, he drove Just be careful when you get up.

In an ordinary car, when turning, he could pass at 70-80 speed at will, but this car was not good. It had insufficient grip and caused a rollover. He could only go 50 even if he was holding on to death.

The most difficult thing is parking, especially when parking from the side. He is always afraid of bumping into other people's cars.

ps: The most tragic thing is losing the manuscript.

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