My 1979

Chapter 1488 Lion King

Fortunately, there was a lot of space at the door of his new house and there were no other cars parked, so he could park as he pleased.

After the car stopped, he jumped out first and clapped his hands at Corgi, who was looking around on the seat.

Corgi is timid and eager to try, but never dares to jump down.

Seeing Li Lan turning around to leave, he rolled straight down. How could Li Lan dare to let it jump? His short legs were really afraid of being broken by the fall, so he hurriedly picked him up and put him on the ground.

The entire community, only the houses and greenery are somewhat similar, and the wall near the river has not been pulled out yet. He can step out of the community with his feet. The north and south gates of the community are in vain.

The small river at the door is called Mao River, which is an important waterway from Taihu Lake to the sea. The river is much wider than Li Lan imagined, and the rippling blue waves finally made him feel that he was not losing money on the house.

There were many people sitting under the willow trees fishing. Li Lan walked along the river. To his surprise, the corgi followed closely behind, and he almost stepped on it.

He knelt down and stroked its light yellow short-haired head with a smile, "If you give me face like this, I won't treat you badly in the future. I have decided to call you Lion King from now on."

At this moment, he even decided on a name for it.

After walking a few steps, he went back the same way. As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Qi Yue standing at the door.

Qi Yue said, "I saw your car coming back, but I didn't see you. I thought you had gone somewhere."

He picked up Corgi behind Li Lan with a smile and said, "I asked you what did you do? It turns out you bought a dog. It's so fluffy and cute. Have you given it a name?"

Li Lan said, "Lion King, can you do that?"

Qi Yue said bluntly, "Although it sounds tacky, it sounds domineering."

The living room is some distance from the kitchen, but as soon as Li Lan entered, he smelled a very familiar aroma. He knew it was pork vermicelli without having to guess.

The two women had some tricks up their sleeves and actually prepared eight dishes. Li Lan was shocked when they brought them out.

Li Lan smiled and said, "If it's not a year or a festival, we can just keep it. Otherwise it will be a waste and we won't be able to eat so much."

Qi Yue said, "You think too highly of me. I'm not that capable of preparing so many dishes. Gao Siqi cooked them all. She's very capable."

Li Lan opened the beer, put a bottle in front of each person, and said with a smile, "Everyone has worked hard today, let's drink a bottle each."

Neither woman declined, holding a glass in one hand and pouring beer into it.

Li Lan took out a piece of meat from the vermicelli, tasted it, and then said with a smile, "I didn't expect it, you are also the chef."

This was naturally said to Gao Siqi.

Gao Siqi clinked their glasses with Qi Yue, took a sip, and then said with a smile, "My mother used to make it a lot, and then I started to look at it. Anyway, I can't say how good it tastes. At least it's good enough to eat."

After a good meal, Qi Yue wanted to say goodbye.

Li Lan said, "There are many empty rooms, so why not just spend one night? It's so late now, and it's so remote here that it's hard to take a taxi. Anyway, I'm going to the company tomorrow, so we can come together."

Qi Yue picked up the small bag and put it in front of her, and said with a smile, "No, I have to go back tonight. I made an appointment with a friend and just happened to get together again. At six o'clock, the nightlife here has just started. Don't worry, I have already let you Someone’s coming to pick you up.”

Before she finished speaking, the phone in her hand rang. She picked it up and said, "Wait for me at the door. I'll be there soon."

Seeing this, Li Lan stopped pressing and said with a smile, "Be careful on the road."

Seeing that he was about to send it off, Qi Yue hurriedly said, "That's it. You've been drinking too. Please take a rest. Bye."

The lion king was following behind him, and he almost stepped on it. He pressed its little head and said, "Don't follow so closely. I don't want you to come in the first day and have to offer you incense the next day."

The air conditioner in the living room was turned on a little low, and he felt uncomfortable, so he simply turned it off. Then he found a small bowl, put dog food in it, added some water, and used it as the Lion King's rice bowl.

I just took the phone in my hand and was about to play for a while, when a call happened to come in.

"Xiao Lan, I heard you came to Pujiang?" There was a loud and rough voice on the phone.

"Hey, Boss Jiang, do you have any advice? I'm here in Songjiang, how did you know I'm here?" Li Lan was happy when he heard this voice. This was Jiang Xingyuan, the eldest brother in their dormitory.

When he entered college, Jiang Xingyuan's first feeling was that he was rustic. How could anyone carry a woven bag of steamed buns and green onions to school?

He also thought that it was really difficult for children in rural areas.

Later, the impression given to him was that of Hao.

Jiang Xingyuan's father runs a company specializing in the production of xylitol in Shandong. It is said that it is doing very well and ranks among the top five in the world.

At that time, Li Lan thought of Fu Dahai and Fu Zhanzhan, and said with a smile, "You Ludong have developed well in recent years."

Jiang Xingyuan said confidently, "We in Ludong have been developing well. We are among the top two and three in the country. We have even been number one before."

"Bragging." In Li Lan's impression, Ludong should be a very poor place, although he has met many rich people from Ludong.

Jiang Xingyuan was anxious at that time. He pulled Li Lan, turned on the computer, showed Li Lan the searched data, and said angrily, "We don't just have Lan Xiang! You can search as much as you like, there is not a single poverty-stricken county in eastern Shandong! If you look at eastern Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, there are still many areas that have not been labeled as poor counties!"

"It's true." Li Lan sneered. He didn't know why he had the illusion that Lu Dong was poor. He could only helplessly pat Jiang Xingyuan on the shoulder, "Eat less pancakes and green onions in the future."

Thinking of the past, he smiled unkindly again.

Jiang Xingyuan said, "I heard from Bai Xuefeng. I heard that you made him a fortune. Why didn't you come to take care of your brother?"

Li Lan asked, "Why are you in Pujiang?"

Jiang Xingyuan said, "Don't mention it. My father insists that I start from the grassroots level. I drive a broken van every day and deal with the purchases in various supermarkets. I'm so angry."

Li Lan asked, "Are you selling chewing gum?"

Jiang Xingyuan said, "No, it's my own fault. Two years ago, I made a fool of myself and gave my father a suggestion to make chewing gum. Anyway, the person who makes xylitol at home is no different from making chewing gum. But he actually did it. .

Now we have lost tens of millions. After all, we have never been in the terminal market such as supermarkets, let alone advertising and marketing. "

Li Lan did not continue to listen to him pour the acid water, and hurriedly interrupted, "Where are you now? We have an appointment tomorrow?"

"Appointment! We must make an appointment!" Jiang Xingyuan said firmly, "You are in Songjiang, right? Come over tomorrow, I'll be here on Wuzhong Road."

Li Lan said, "I don't know where you are. Send me the address and I'll look for a map. See you there at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

After hanging up the phone, I saw Qi Yue sitting on the sofa, frowning, seemingly worried.

When Qi Yue saw him coming, she moved to the sofa and said with a smile, "You can sit here."

Li Lan asked, "Why are you unhappy?"

Gao Siqi shook her head and whispered, "It's okay."

"Really?" Li Lan didn't believe it.

Gao Siqi smiled reluctantly and said, "It's really okay."

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Li Lan simply stopped asking.

After taking a bath and lying on the bed, I was woken up by the sound of a dog barking before I could sleep well the next day.

The genius is just a little white, but not bright yet.

"Don't roar." Li Lan was so disturbed by the lion king that he got out of bed, rubbed his eyes, opened the door to the living room, pointed outside, and said to Corgi, "Go out by yourself."

As expected, Corgi ran outside quickly.

Li Lan continued to run back to bed, and just fell asleep in a daze when he was woken up by the sound of a car horn. Qi Yue was looking into his room with her head stuck out.

Qi Yue said, "You have such a big heart that you don't close the door when you sleep at night?"

Li Lan sat up, leaned his back against the bedside, and mouthed to Kejinu who was curled up on his slippers, "With this guy here, you don't have to expect to sleep. He woke me up early in the morning. Open the door and let him out." .”

Qi Yue asked, "Where is Miss Gao?"

Li Lan said, "It's upstairs, I guess I haven't gotten up yet."

Qi Yue said, "Oh, I said so."

He looked like he was suddenly enlightened.

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