My 1979

Chapter 1489 The feeling of numbers

Li Lan put on his shirt, kicked the Lion King aside, put on his slippers, and said with a smile, "Why are you so early and don't get more sleep?"

Qi Yue said, "I'm used to it. No matter how late I sleep, I get up on time at 5:30 every day, then swim, run, and have breakfast.

I have to pick you up to take you to the company today. I was afraid of traffic jams on the road, so I came to you first. I just didn’t expect that the road would be so smooth and I arrived early. "

Li Lan said, "Thank you for that. You sit down while I brush my teeth and wash my face."

The Lion King was following behind him. He didn't want to be in the way, so he shoved him aside with his feet. Rolling was a passive skill of the Lion King. After rolling twice, he continued to follow him.

While he was brushing his teeth, the lion swung around at his feet and nudged his feet from time to time.

"You are a pig." He couldn't laugh or cry. After brushing his teeth, he returned to the living room and found that there was a ready-made breakfast on the table.

Qi Yue said, "There are soy milk, milk, fried dough sticks, and steamed buns. It depends on what you like to eat."

"Thank you." Li Lan picked up one of them, took a bite for himself, and pinched some for the Lion King.

The little puppy doesn't have many teeth, but it still eats happily.

Qi Yue said, "We must pay attention to the balance of business. We can't feed it like this, right?"

Li Lan stuffed another piece into the lion's mouth, then stood up and poured some milk into the rice bowl on the ground. Then he smiled and said to Qi Yue, "Look, it eats the same way. Everything in our family is scientific, except for raising dogs." Let’s talk science. Two big dogs can’t finish a bag of dog food in a year, because they eat whatever we eat.

You said that when people eat, they eat whatever they like. The same goes for dogs. They also like to eat meat in large quantities.

Therefore, if I force them to follow a diet, they will definitely not be happy. I simply feed them whatever they like to eat. If they like dog food, feed them dog food. If they like to eat meat, I will feed them meat. "

Qi Yue said, "I can't help you with your various arguments. In fact, your reasoning makes sense. For example, girls want to lose weight, but they can't control their mouths, but for the sake of their figure, they still have to endure it. With.

It's much easier to be a dog, and you don't have to think about being as beautiful as a flower. You can naturally eat whatever you want. "

While chatting, Gao Siqi came down from upstairs. When she saw Qi Yue, she felt a little embarrassed.

"Miss Qi, it's so early. I seemed too sleepy yesterday, so I fell asleep immediately after falling on the bed. I didn't expect to sleep for such a long time. When I woke up, it was already eight o'clock."

Qi Yue saw that she had even applied her makeup, so she smiled and said, "Miss Gao, hurry up and eat something."

"You can eat, I've already eaten." Li Lan made way for Gao Siqi and went to the bathroom to wash his face and hands with soap.

Gao Siqi stuttered and teased the Lion King from time to time. Seeing Li Lan putting on shoes and socks, she asked, "Are you going out? I won't go. I still want to catch up on some sleep."

Qi Yue said, "Miss Gao, let's come together. I'll treat you to a meal at noon."

Li Lan also said, "Let's go, you are so bored at home alone."

"I really won't go," Gao Siqi shook her head firmly, "There is still so much sanitation work that has not been done, and a lot of things are missing. I will go to the supermarket later to take a look."

Li Lan put the car keys in front of her and said, "Then you go ahead and drive. I'll be Miss Qi's car."

Besides, he was going to have a party with Jiang Xingyuan in the evening, and he would definitely have to drink. It would be more convenient not to drive.

When he went into the bedroom and got his cell phone, Qi Yue had already started the car. After he got in, the car drove all the way to Pudong.

Take the Outer Ring Expressway, get on the Xupu Bridge, and cross the Luoshan Road Elevated Road. It takes more than an hour's drive to reach the headquarters building of Liuliu Technology.

Qi Yue parked the car and got out of the car with Li Lan. As they walked, he introduced, "That's the Zhangjiang Science and Technology Park over there. Ours is not part of the park. It's our own land. It cost 1.9 billion and has a total of 25 floors. The year before last, It was just delivered for use.”

After thinking for a while, he added, "My father applied to Mr. Li for this, and Mr. Li agreed."

"Oh." Li Lan understood who this Mr. Li was. There was no one else except him.

But he never imagined that a company that sells domain names could be so rich!

Wen Qibai greeted Li Lan at the door, followed by six or seven people, both men and women. He directly welcomed Li Lan in without introducing them one by one.

After getting on the elevator and walking into the top floor, Wen Qibai walked sideways and stopped at the door of an office with Li Lan. He pushed the door open, raised his hand and said, "Mr. Li, please come in."

The office is very large, all decorated in a modern and simple style. The cabinets and shelves are empty, except for two computers on the desk.

Qi Yue smiled and said, "Mr. Li, this office is finally waiting for its owner."

Li Lan lit a cigarette and asked with a smile, "You guys didn't leave an office for me?"

Wen Qibai said, "Mr. Li, no one is worthy of using this office except you."

Although Li Lan knew that he was flattering, the words sounded comfortable to him, so he accepted them and said with a smile, "Thank you."

He sat down on the boss's chair, walked around unconsciously, put his arm on the table, and flicked the ash into the ashtray handed over by Qi Yue.

Wen Qibai continued, "Mr. Li, look, do you want me to take you around the company, and then when we are in the conference room, do you want to say a few words then?"

After a while, he had already changed his name to Li Lan.

"Stop making trouble." Li Lan smiled and waved his hand, "I don't care about the company's business, so I won't make such a fool of myself."

Wen Qibai said, "Mr. Li, you are too worried. There is only one headquarters administrative function here, and there is also a research and development center. The remaining business is all developed by each group and subsidiary. Even I can't fully understand it, and it's just Get a rough idea.

Just wait a moment, I'll get you some company information so you can learn a little bit more about it. "

"I'll go." Qi Yue left the office after saying that.

After a while, he walked into the office again, followed by a girl, both of them holding a large pile of information in their hands.

Li Lan looked at the high pile of information in front of him and said, "Spare me, I can't read so much. I was too big-headed to read in school. I finally got rid of it now."

Qi Yue stood on Li Lan's side, pulled out two sheets of information, placed them in front of him, and said with a smile, "You can take a look and I'll tell you about them.

Liuliu Technology was founded in 1987. After nearly 20 years of development, it has created a complete product chain from operating systems, databases, middleware, security products to application systems. It is mainly used in telecommunications, government, manufacturing, finance, and public services. Services, energy and other industries, it is the world's leading comprehensive IT service provider, with more than 30 holding companies and domestic and overseas branches, all of which have achieved remarkable results. "

Wen Qibai said, "This may be a bit abstract. For example, one of our software companies has just won the bid for the National Oceanic Administration's marine communication equipment monitoring platform project, as well as important projects of the Ministry of Finance's procurement management and fiscal revenue and expenditure statistics, and even basic projects. We are also handling the core business system requirements of domestic banks such as customer management, product management, and deposit business.

Last year, Liuliu Technology’s revenue reached 35 billion. In the domestic IT field, we should be number one. "

"Pretty good." This figure surprised Li Lan, but he was only surprised because the company's strength exceeded his expectations.

He stayed with his father for too long, and he became insensitive to numbers.

Li Lan's expression did not make Wen Qibai and Qi Yue feel uncomfortable. Instead, they felt it was normal.

Li Lan stopped browsing the information, and the two of them knew that he was not interested in these, so they stopped introducing more business matters.

Wen Qibai said, "Mr. Li, over there in the conference room, should I make arrangements first?"

Li Lan said, "Sorry, let's talk about it later."

His father hasn't asked him to take over yet, so naturally he won't intervene rashly. Even if it's a father and son, he must have a sense of proportion.

ps: Yeah. What are you talking about?

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